Če je kdo tak brez lajfa, lahko spremlja let aviona na katerem je janukoč s še nekaj osebja:
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Vodja nacionalističnega Desnega sektorja Dmitro Jaroš je množici na trgu sporočil, da njegovi ljudje ne bodo odložili orožja in se ne bodo umaknili z barikad, dokler Janukovič ne odide. V Desnem sektorju so že popoldne napovedali nadaljevanje "nacionalne revolucije".
America's obsession with Putin, however, does not explain the complex realities fueling the uprising in Ukraine, or the uneasy relationship between Putin and Yanukovich. Long before the uprising began, if Yanukovich had carried out real economic and political reform, he would not have been caught between a long-term promise of a closer relationship with Europe and an immediate hand-out from Moscow, and with it the Kremlin's demand that he toughen up and put down the opposition's demonstrations.
Yanukovich, however, "has never been Russia's man," says Dmitri Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Center. "I think it's a myth. He's been a very difficult partner for Russia, a very unreliable partner, someone who let the Russians down on many occasions. Someone absolutely not to be trusted."
Putin is not rubbing his hands in glee at the prospect of an epic battle with the West over Ukraine. In fact, says Carnegie's Andrew Weiss, who worked on policy toward the region in the Clinton and George H.W. Bush administrations, "I think if you're sitting in the Kremlin the prospect of a Yugoslav scenario in Ukraine is quite scary."
V glavnem, kot pravijo v članku, je Ukrajina [cenzura] up že brez vmešavanja Putina in zahoda, bojda pa si nihče ne želi razdelitve države.Citat:
Clan struggles among Ukraine's oligarchs, social and political crisis, regional differences between western and eastern parts of the country -- Ukraine's home-grown problems are deepening, even without meddling by Vladimir Putin.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Vseeno je tu govora o rusih, ki jih boli k za takšne zadeve. Še posebej putina.