Verjetno je nevarno, če bi vsak dan pojedel pol kile tega mesa, ampak v teh lazanjah in mesnih kroglicah je že po defaultu mesa vse skupaj nekje 20 - 30 %, konjskega pa od tega recimo spet 10-20 %, torej če požreš porcijo pakirane lazanje (400 g), poješ ravno 20g mesa.
Z Wikipedije:
Torej je največja panika samo zaradi tega, ker nikjer ne piše, da je konjsko meso, zdravstveno gledano problema očitno ni.
Z Wikipedije:
A subsequent review of 206 horse carcasses slaughtered in the UK between 30 January and 7 February 2013 found eight were contaminated with phenylbutazone, six of which had been shipped to France. Chief medical officer Sally Davies said the level of contamination, 1.9mg/kg, posed "very little risk to human health". She added that around 500-600 burgers containing 100% horse meat would need to be eaten to receive the daily human therapeutic dose. Additional tests indicated than none of the products from Findus contained phenylbutazone. The biggest concern with the recent UK animals were that all of them possessed a "horse passport" that allowed the carcasses to be sold for human consumption
Torej je največja panika samo zaradi tega, ker nikjer ne piše, da je konjsko meso, zdravstveno gledano problema očitno ni.