Izrael - Palestina


11. sep 2007
Prav sem pa ateistični skrajnež. Ja in? Kaj zdaj?
Tukaj sem neštetokrat prebral različne izjave sovrštva do krščanske vere in vernikov. Nemalokrat preberem izjave, da je za vse zlo na svetu kriva katoliška cerkev. Pa kako bi bil svet boljši brez religij.... in podobno. Pa kvazi pravičniki vse to tolerirate. Zakaj sem zdaj jaz hujši, ki ne odobravam nobene religijo od tistih tukaj, ki sovražijo zgolj krščansko vero? Res, vsi ste tako tako zelo razvsvetljeni in edini, ki ste čisti in brez grehov in najbolj pošteni in pravični. Samo vaša resnica in prepričanje je edino pravilno. Ma koga vi to farbate? :valjamse: Same hinavske riti

ja nic, ane... pac tak si. cudno je edin, da podpiras genocid katerekoli vere.

ja religija je kriva za marsikaj, vse religije. nikjer pa nisem/o podpiral genocida zaradi vere ali cesarkoli. cetudi bi tam krscanarje pobijal, bi to obsojal. svet bi seveda bil lepsi brez religij, ampak ne gre brez tega. clovek je pac bitje, ki ocitno potrebuje nekaj nad sabo. ampak zdej nekoga iztrebit zarad tega je pa idiotsko.

sej pravim, zanimivi ste, kako ste/so podporniki izraela dvolicni. ko v ukrajini stolcejo nakupovalni center/bolnico, so rusi najvecji morilci, ko pa izrael stolce bolnico, pol pa jebat ga, zihr so hamasovci bli notr. in ko rus rece, da je imela ua vojska orozje skladisceno je vse laz in fake news, ko pa izrael rece, da imajo hamasovci orozje v bolnici pol je pa "aha, ok then", pac kolateralne zrtve. pac hinavscina na 120% in to so pac povecini, na forumu, DP, ker dejansko podpirajo izrael le zaradi tega, ker tolcejo njim neljube muslimane in cisto nic drugega. ampak tega ne zmorejo na glas povedat.

in ocitno bojo zidi naslednji narod, takoj za nacisticno nemcijo, ki odkrito izvaja genocid. in to s podporo USA, ki se je borila proti htlerju. pravi paradoks.

gledam rezultate glasovanja resolucije ZN... pisejo samo kdo je proti. kaj pa vzdrzani? 3/4 super duper razvitih drzav. sama hinavscina. pa ukrajina. k se vlada noce zamerit podpornikom, a stalno opozarja na ruski genocid.


10. feb 2008
'' pac hinavscina na 120% ''
Hamasovec, ki ugrabi 80+ letnico za talca, je pa OK!

p.s. ne morem laykat, ker ne vidim twita!


29. sep 2010
In to tako razumejo kar vsi palestinci in živeči ostali v Gazi?
Zanimiva logika. Ampak res Dolfe je bil potemtakem amater, Tito in Stalin pa še večja.


21. nov 2007
Tole je super relativizacija. Že o osnovnem delu, Bibliji, Tori, Koranu, je težko razpravljati o vsebini brez postavitve napisanega v kontekst okolja in kulture, v katerem je nastalo. Tako so bili Jezusovi nauki za čas nastanka revolucionarni, ker so žensko povzdignili na nivo moškega, ni bila več manjvredna.

Ampak potem pride pa interpretacija zapisanega v igro. Malokdo jemlje nauke pri viru, bolj ali manj vsi verniki dobijo interpretacijo po proxyju, verski avtoriteti, torej duhovniku. Tu pa je hakljc. Če katoliška Cerkev danes razlaga vsebino izrazito miroljubno (kar je posledica tudi 2000-letnega razvoja), Koran muslimanske ločine razlagajo bistveno bolj bojevito. Če voditelji Hezbolaha, Hamasa in muslimanskega Džihada hkrati pozovejo k džihadu, na kar se odzovejo muslimani po vsej Evropi, ne moreš govoriti ravno o miroljubni religiji. Še sam Hitler je bil občudovalec islama. Krščanstvo se mu je upiralo, ker je bilo premehko in preveč spravljivo, islam mu je bil bistveno bolj všeč, ker je “moška” religija z izrazitim redom in “pravilnim” odnosom do manjšin.

Ironija je, da (skrajna) levica danes na Zahodu strašno zagovarja islam, pri čemer se niti malo ne zavedajo, kaj jih bo doletelo, če (ko) bo to postala prevladujoča svetovna religija, ki bo začela prevladovati tudi na Zahodu.
Tudi v Tori menda piše, da je Palestina od boga dana dežela za Jude in da imajo ti vso pravico morebitne prebivalce pobiti ali izgnati. In tudi v Izraelu se najdejo rabini, ki to dobesedno zagovarjajo in ljudje, ki jih poslušajo.


2. mar 2010
Nazaj v realnost:

The problem for Israel now is that there is no outcome in which they are not the losers in some way.

Their preferred method has always been to drive out rather than massacre the entire population of Palestinians, though they were not averse to a few massacres to get the people moving when driving them out. The trouble is, that doesn't work anymore, for various reasons, especially because of the hardening of the Palestinians intent to stay.

Now with Gaza, with their theoretically vastly superior military force, in theory they can either 1). conquer the Gazans and put them under renewed occupation, which was already long tried and failed, especially because it cost too much, 2). drive them into Egypt's Sinai, where they then lose control over them, or 3) exterminate them completely. Not one of these will be easy to achieve. It still remains to be seen if they can even physically retake Gaza, despite Gaza's tininess.

Al-Sisi said that driving the Gazans into Egypt would constitute an act of war against Egypt by Israel, so that is a big loss to Israel right there. The Arab states cannot tolerate Israel invading Sinai for a fourth time. All the Egyptian people are completely opposed to receiving the Gazans into Sinai, let alone the rest of Egypt. It is not just al-Sisi, but also the entire military establishment, the religious establishments, the economic establishment, and all the rest of the people right down to the commoners. The only thing that al-Sadat got out of Israel in making peace was the return of Sinai. Egypt fought tooth and nail to restore the border of 1906, even taking Israel to the International Court to get back one square kilometer at Taba where Israelis had a hotel, even that went back to Egypt. Egyptians were filled with wrath at al-Sisi for conceding the two disputed, uninhabited islands of Tiran and Sanafir to Saudi Arabia. By nationalist logic, the very same logic the Zionists are using, no inch of national territory can ever be given up, and Egyptians certainly subscribe to that, especially over Sinai.

Israel has suffered a massive, cataclysmic moral defeat over Gaza, and it will get worse and worse the deeper they dig themselves in. By their own logic, they have to reestablish unquestioned, unassailable military superiority, but if they can even do that in this case, the cost is going to be way higher than any previous costs they have endured. The puny little territory of Gaza would be an entirely insufficient gain for them, in no way compensating for their real loss here, which is not of course merely the Israeli dead and wounded. The Israeli establishment, the right wing, and maybe the Israelis mostly in general are so filled with rage over the Gaza affair that they can't even think straight, so they just default back to tit-for-tat, knee-jerk reaction, which won't get them anywhere. Meanwhile, one of the greatest massacres since the Second World War (by no means the only one, nor even necessarily the biggest), may be about to unfold.

The mostly costly aspects of all are likely to be changed and hardened attitudes worldwide not just against Israel but also against the United States and its relentless, murderous imperialism. The threat of this change is already causing the US government and its various clients to backpedal on their initial bloodthirsty responses, but that precipitates them into a huge dilemma of contradiction that is going probably to damage them further, and maybe if they double down even presage the unfolding of the big one, the meltdown of empire and capitalism that we all always talk about. So they are surely very afraid here.

O Sinaju:

Have a look at a satellite map of the Sinai. It's desert. Two million refugees in that area would have to be supplied with food and water, forever. Picture hundreds of trucks delivering food and water, day after day after day. I'm sure Sisi knows that once the Gazans were shipped to the Sinai, they would be a huge economic burden. Egypt might receive Western aid to help but that could end once the world's gaze turned elsewhere, or be used as leverage against Egypt ad infinitum.

And that's assuming the refugees wouldn't get sick of living in tents in baking heat, and headed for Cairo. What would Egypt do then? Accepting the Gazans would be political suicide for Sisi, and he knows it.

The whole idea of "Gaza on the Sinai" is just some Zionist pipe-dream whereby the Gazans die off in the desert instead of being wiped out by IDF bombs. It's just attempted genocide at arm's length.


2. mar 2010
It's easy to miss the fact that what Israel is doing in Gaza is only part of the story of what is going on.

In the West Bank the raids and the beatings, the detention and the killings are at a frenetic pace- while the world's eyes are on Gaza Jenin and Ramallah are being hammered. The settlers do what they want- a mixture of sadism and greed as they terrorise the people living on the land they can't wait to get their hands on, buy and sell. They feel that like homesteaders in Nebraska they are in on the ground floor of the business opportunity of all time.
And the Police and the military just watch, letting the settlers do as they want but ready to kill any Palestinians labourinbg under the illusion that they too have the 'right to defend" themselves, their wives and their children.
And then there is the part of Palestine occupied since 1948 where both decent settlers and brave Palestinians continue to attempt to bear witness as the Nazi scourge settles over the land.

This piece from Scheer Post explains what is happening in places like Haifa
Israel Is Now a Full-Scale Dictatorship


13. dec 2015
In to tako razumejo kar vsi palestinci in živeči ostali v Gazi?
Zanimiva logika. Ampak res Dolfe je bil potemtakem amater, Tito in Stalin pa še večja.
Če gledamo majmune po EU jih ni malo...

Ti si sveto prepričan, da prepričanje hamasa ni večina Palestincev v Gazi.. No tukaj se pa motiš.
Kmalu bo EU imela Izraelski problem, še malo počaki...

Še Putin je to napovedal, ter Arabski voditelji. Glej da ne boš pol se po luknjah skrival in z rožicam okol skakal.
Še najbolj bojo lepo sprejeti mavrični, te imajo najraje.

Vsak neki dobrega v tem....


29. sep 2010
Če gledamo majmune po EU jih ni malo...

Ti si sveto prepričan, da prepričanje hamasa ni večina Palestincev v Gazi.. No tukaj se pa motiš.
Kmalu bo EU imela Izraelski problem, še malo počaki...

Še Putin je to napovedal, ter Arabski voditelji. Glej da ne boš pol se po luknjah skrival in z rožicam okol skakal.
Še najbolj bojo lepo sprejeti mavrični, te imajo najraje.

Vsak neki dobrega v tem....
V kaj sem jaz prepričan pojma nimaš. Vem pa da ne moreš zarad par idiotov cel narod pobiti.
Kaj bi bilo če bi tvojo logiko Dolfe uporabljal, pa zavezniki med in po 2 svetovni vojni.


2. mar 2010
Roughly 700 IDF KIA plus another roughly 300 Israeli civilians killed - apparently nearly all of these Israeli civilians were Hannibaled by the IDF.

Long and detailed article on the topic of IDF wholesale slaughter of Israeli civilians by Jewish- American businessman Ron Unz



2. mar 2010
EU brezpogojno podpora Izr

Israeli army personnel have been filmed pouring cement into a water source which supplies Palestinians near the city of Hebron