

22. jul 2007
Torej so krivi okoljski organi, da bo zdaj tole na dnu oceana. A tile so "nedotakljivi" ali kako? Ni avtoritete, ki bi jih vprašala, zakaj so proti razstavljanju ladje?


24. jul 2009
V bistvu bi bilo treba boje na morju (še bolje povsod) prepovedati.
Med vojno se te ladje potapljajo.
  • Haha
Reactions: Kamele0N


21. nov 2007
A ti ne bi šel, če bi ta povabili in to dobro plačali? In verjamem, da Jane potrebuje denar, ker so se milijoni od njene igralske kariere že zdavnaj stopili.


24. jul 2009
A je Greta že kakšno rekla na temo onesaženja v Ohio East Palestine?

Few people are speaking out more loudly than environmentalists and associated groups. They will be stifled with every last ounce of media energy the government has control of. One article here, another there, both buried at the bottom, to satisfy the constant droning accusations of impropriety that come from any person who has a clue how government and media work.

Where’re all the dirty fuckin’ hippies NOW, huh?
This is precisely what these scumbag fucking suits want you all to do. Look at the international tragedy, which was blatantly endorsed by both parties of the US government, and blame the event on the literally least responsible party. Move along, rinse lather repeat.
Več na

Koalicija okoljevarstvenih organizacij je od ministrstva tudi zahtevala, naj ponovno opravi analizo. Potem ko je Trumpova administracija preklicala pravilo o zaviranju, so se skupine, vključno s Sierra Clubom in Earthjustice, pritožile na odločitev, pri čemer so se sklicevale na napačno analizo in prosile Ministrstvo za promet, naj pripravi novo. Pritožba je še v teku.

V skladu z obstoječo omejeno definicijo je bil vlak iz Ohia – ki je prevažal pet vagonov cistern z vinilkloridom, vnetljivim plinom razreda 2 in znanim rakotvornim – izvzet iz strožjih varnostnih predpisov klasifikacije.
celoten članek:
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Ytbnd


24. jul 2009
Nič tako kot je vsi mediji oziroma msm mediji. Ker to je velika katastrofa. Tukaj si lahko dajo roke vsi globalisti, desni levi, eko fašisti ni da ni
povzetek z
Not sure what you're talking about.
A quick Google search led me to the following:
Earthjustice, an environmental law nonprofit with a proven track record, released a statement calling on officials to institute emergency options.

"When important source waters like this are contaminated by spills caused by corporate greed and lack of protective regulations, the impacts reverberate downstream and harm communities for years — we have seen it time and time again,” said Earthjustice Legislative Counsel Julian Gonzalez. “Governor DeWine, Environmental Protection Agency, and FEMA need to listen to the people impacted most by this, like Fresh Water Future, Project BREATHE, Save Our County, and River Valley Organizing, and immediately explore emergency options to mitigate the damage caused by this preventable disaster."

Also included in that Earthjustice statement were two statements from regional groups Fresh Water Future and The Junction Coalition:
“As train cars full of toxic chemicals were intentionally burned due to the train derailment in Ohio, health risks are still unclear for residents of East Palestine as well as downstream communities. The U.S. EPA is sending conflicting messages about the pollution and health risks from the Ohio train derailment. In one statement, EPA says it has not detected ‘any levels of concern’ of hazardous substances. Yet in other statements, they are confirming that substances released during the incident have been detected in six streams as well as storm drains, and they are investigating the soil.” “This accident points to the urgency for changing how we regulate the transport of toxic materials and petroleum products on, over, and around our precious water resources. Our valuable waters, such as the Ohio River and the Great Lakes, must be better protected from the threats to the safety of our drinking water from transporting hazardous chemicals.” - Jill Ryan, executive director of Freshwater Future

“We call on Governor DeWine, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Director Anne M. Vogel, Ohio Department of Health, East Palestine Water and Sewer Department, and other water and sewer departments to provide ongoing services to community members affected or impacted by the train derailment, at a minimum and including ongoing, easily and readily accessible crisis communication from relevant government agencies to the community; payment suspension for utilities affected or impacted; long term health monitoring for adverse health developments for issues which may develop from the toxic chemicals released; and crisis trauma services for those impacted,” Junction Coalition Board President Robert Rivers.

Greenpeace has released a statement calling on the Biden Administration to assist impacted communities. Quotes in this article come from John Hocevar, Greenpeace Oceans Campaign Director and Charlie Cray, Greenpeace USA Senior Strategist.

The Ohio Environmental Council has an entire section of their website dedicated to the situation in East Palestine, including info on community resources and statements from OEC that call on state and local officials to, "rethink whether the risks associated with transporting highly toxic materials like vinyl chloride by rail are acceptable for our communities," and declare a federal emergency.
River Valley Organizing has an entire platform dedicated to environmental justice issues. They have been cited by most of the organizations above and are most likely on the ground helping out in some capacity.

If you don't feel that these organizations are doing enough, reach out to them and let them know what they should be doing - whether it's boots on the ground, lobbying officials, filing lawsuits, holding press conferences, fundraising for relocation/healthcare, whatever.
Contact Earthjustice: Zahra Ahmad,, (517) 898-0924
Contact Greenpeace: Tanya Brooks, Senior Communications Specialist at Greenpeace USA, (+1) 703-342-9226,
Contact Fresh Water Future: Jill Ryan, Executive Director,
Contact The Junction Coalition: Alicia M. Smith, Director,
Contact the Ohio Environmental Council: Melanie Houston, Managing Director of Water Policy, OEC,, (614) 487-7506
Marisa Twigg, media liason,, 614-487-5837
Contact River Valley Organizing: Amanda Kiger, Director, 330-303-7197,
Groups like this are most effective when they hear from people who are directly affected. Contact them and tell them what you and your neighbors need.


9. sep 2007
Ne vem zakaj sploh bi... Itak je na alterju en možganček to primerjal z našim trafotom, k je iz vagona padel... Sej niso neumni, da bi to oglaševali...


18. jul 2007
Greta nima časa…



21. nov 2007
A je Greta reagirala na eksplozijo v Kočevju ali na Vrhniki? :fredi: Če ni, naj takoj odjaha v sončni zahod.