Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Sploh v piratskih državah![]()
Uporabnik marko1 pravi:
V nepravem času so se odločili za zaščito. Verjetno je bil pritisk izdelovalcev kart premočan. Škoda...
Mislim, da bo Garminu prodaja naprav sunkovito padla.
Uporabnik Matko pravi:
Vas zanima zakaj imate probleme z CN EU 2010.30NT? in Mapsource v6.15.10?
Garmin has a new copy protection:
The update of City Navigator 2010.30 introduces a new copy protection. This could also explain why a more recent version of Mapsource is included as available online.
First you don't notice very much. The problems will start when you try to install the map on a second PC. The usual approach is to manually edit the exe file to extract with WinRAR, copy everything to the 2nd PC, and using the *. msi file to install.
This also works with 2010.30, but if you start MapSource you will get the message that the map is locked. If you enter the unlock code in the usual way, the card still stays locked. The cause of this problem is a missing certificate file that is created during the initial setup, and checked online. This file is called CNEUNT2010.30.gma and can be found in% USERPROFILE% \ Application Data \ Garmin \ Maps
Only if this file is copied to the 2nd PC on the same location, the map will work.
The gma file is generated online with a GPS connected through a myGarmin account.
At the moment this gma file has no effect on the GPS but it is clear what happens after a firmware update; there will almost certainly be something built in that will make use of the GMA-file ...
Problem je tudi z zaklenjenimi zemljevidi neuradnih izdelovalcev.
Mapsource is nesseary if you want to plan routes on a routable map.
It seems that locked cgpsmapper maps are blocked by the new mapsource.
Maps without lock still work well in mapsource.
Garmin has announced that they will bring a extra signature to the new maps and
their new gps-r.
This to prevent piracy with a keygen.
PS: Povozite inštalacijo z Mapsource v6.15.7![]()
Uporabnik gr69 pravi:
100 € košta nasvet tiste, ki so preleni prebrati temo od začetka![]()
Uporabnik marc pravi:
Uporabnik gr69 pravi:
100 € košta nasvet tiste, ki so preleni prebrati temo od začetka![]()
Z poskusom brisanja 6.15.10 in nalaganjem starejših verzij se mi je zje**** še tisto, kar sem imel. Temo sem prebral petkrat od začetka in ne samo trikrat , pa še vedno ne vidim rešitve. Pri poskusu, da bi zagnal mapsource mi javi težavo
ki ostaja enaka, tudi če poskusim naložiti verzijo 6.15.7. Da bi popolnoma odstranil Mapsource pa ne najdem nobene uninstal datoteke.