Uporabnik aton pravi:
Tupli, ti lahko prenašaš poti iz Mapsource v Nuvi?. Planiram pot v Mapsourcu, jo prenesem v nuvija ( napiše: Prenos uspešen) , ampak v Nuviju te poti ne najdem nikjer. Če tebi to deluje, bi bil vesel, če bi mi povedal, kaj moram narediti. Lp
"Here is a post from the ceo at Garmin in Denmark that confirms this. The post is a response to a question from one of the mod's at (Translated with Google Translate):
"Let me start by finding a couple things for comprehension's sake:
Is nüvi 37xx series the latest series we have launched? Yes.
Do this (per automatics) make it as the new top model? No.
Our current top model pt. 1690, launched last autumn. 37xx series is a mid-range (this is called the manifest) series, ie. it is not our less expensive but also not the most expensive, and thus before it provides functions - not all, conversely it is not completely stripped.
It is true that there can not be transferred routes to 37xx series at this time, since this feature is not supported. It was debated during the development of the model there was a need for this and it was opted out - but it was impressed by was that the users desire this feature would be added via a future firmware update.
So if you can get members of GU - have a 37xx series, and want this feature - to make a list of users on my.garmin, so we are facing our development department can demonstrate that users have purchased the device, we can put pressure on them to get this feature added.
Link (danish):[/IMG]
Change History
Changes made from version 3.60 to 3.90:
* Improved map drawing.
* Enhanced Bluetooth audio quality.
* Corrected issues with Language Guide.
* Added building footprints for supported maps.
* Corrected Language Translations.