Par dni nazaj so v švici zaganali zelo veliko črpalno hidroelektrarno Nant de Drance, ki so jo gradili 14 let.
Ima moč 900MW (naša NEK ima 700MW) in je zmožna shraniti 20MW energije.
When electricity consumption is high, the water from the Vieux-Emosson reservoir plunges down two 425 metre high vertical shafts into the underground power station. Here it drives turbines and is subsequently fed into the Emosson reservoir. In reverse, when the demand for electricity is reduced, the water from the Emosson reservoir is pumped back up to the Vieux-Emosson reservoir. Hence, the Nant de Drance power station is able to store the energy from the excess generation. The Nant de Drance power plant has a capacity of 900 MW and has a storage capacity of 20 million kWh, corresponding to the capacity of 400,000 electric car batteries.
Nant de Drance pumped storage power plant | Alpiq
Nant de Drance the superlative pumped storage power plant between the Emosson and Vieux Emosson reservoirs in the canton of Valais.www.alpiq.comInside Switzerland’s giant water battery
A new pumped-storage and turbine plant in Switzerland could give a significant boost to the development of renewable energies in
To pr nas ne bi šlo skozi zaradi ekologije.
Vetrnice tolčejo po ptičkih, hidroelektratne uničujejo naravao, fotovoltaika pa (hm...tule bo treba nekaj najti)' nas se ne gremo ničesar!
(na koncu naredimo termo elektrarno , ki jo bomo predčasno ve..zaradi ekologije).