Downgrade iz lollipopa


1. nov 2007
Po namestitvi Lollipopa na Z3 Compact mi GPS več ne deluje. Išče satelite, pa jih ne najde. Pustil sem tudi po 30 minut, pa nič. Poskušam z aplikacijami Hero, GPS Status ... Ves čas piše le Waiting for GPS.

Takoj po namestitvi Lollipopa sem zagnal tovarniške nastavitve. Včeraj sem to ponovil. Pa nič. Ja, včeraj sem pognal še aplikacijo GpsFix in tudi ni nič pomagalo.

Ima kdo še kakšno idejo?


1. nov 2007
Pravkar sem bral, da so nekateri probali s PCC, pa jim ni uspelo. Baje je napaka v Lollipopu in bo potrebno počakati na verzijo 5.1. V Xperii Z3c je trenutno 5.0.2.

Navigacija bi sedaj naj delala le v povezavi z internetom, ker bi naj Lollipop bil preveč požrešen do baterije in bi naj zato izklopili možnost samostojnega delovanja GPSa. Noro.


21. nov 2007
Ma svašta, kaj je Google sposoben spacati. Kaj vraga se jim pa tako mudi z novimi verzijami. Bral sem, da zna ta Lollipop tablico Nexus 7 tako uničiti, da je potrebna menjava matične plošče.


27. avg 2008
5.0.2. je tudi na Z2 in ni nobenega problema po nadgardnji na liziko. Verjetno je firmware za Z3c drugi


8. avg 2007
Na Nexus 7 (2012) dokončno obupal z liziko in z nekaj truda vrnil na 4.4.4. Spet dela, kot je pred prvo nadgradnjo na 5.x. Očitno je nova verzija samo za nove terminale, prilagoditev za stare modele pa zgolj ruleta.


18. sep 2007
Danes sem na klasični Z3 dobil nov update. Kljub težava, ki sem jih imel na Z3C, jih na Z3 nisem opazil ampak vseeno pa je verjetno update prišel tudi na Z3C in upam da so pomanjkljivosti oz. buge, ki sem jih navajal odpravili s tem updejtom. Sicer pa svojega še kar čakam, da mi ga vrnejo iz servisa (malce smešno mi je, da mineva že 3 tedne in samo komplet zaslon je za zamenjat, torej efektivnega dela 10 minut, tudi če nimajo rezervnih delov je tole malce smešno))


3. sep 2007
A se komu na Z1C pojavlja težava, da pri SMSih in MMSih ni glasovnega obvestila, niti lčka ne utripa, niti ekran ne kaže? Šele ko "odkleneš" zaslon in greš na ikono sporočila, vidiš novo sporočilo. Prej pa ne?


2. jul 2013
Po upgrejdu na novejši android je obvezen hard reset. Se je prijatelju isto dogajalo da mu je neki LG telefon zelo šekal ko je dobil LoloPop in po hard resetu mu sedaj deluje odlično


27. avg 2008
Kdo pravi, da je obvezen ? Če po nadgardnji vse deluje ni potrebe po hard resetu. Seveda, če so težave, pa lahko probaš razrešiti težavo s hard resetom, lahko pa tudi poiskusiš z Repair preko PCC.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Alioth pravi:
Na Nexus 7 (2012) dokončno obupal z liziko in z nekaj truda vrnil na 4.4.4. Spet dela, kot je pred prvo nadgradnjo na 5.x. Očitno je nova verzija samo za nove terminale, prilagoditev za stare modele pa zgolj ruleta.

Kako se naredi ta downgrade? Odkar sem nadgradil na Android5 je moj 2012 Nexus skoraj neuporabna zadeva.

Problem imam, ker imam na te tablici Plants vs. Zombies 2 in imam vse kompletirano in če naredim hard reset oz kakršenkoli 'format', bom izgubil ves napredek. Mislim, da napredek ni shranjen v cloud-u.
Nazadnje urejeno:


8. avg 2007
Downgrade sem naredil po teh navodilih in je šlo brez problema. Res pa je vmes tudi factory reset, tako da dobiš na koncu tablico kot iz trgovine:

How to Downgrade Android 5.0 to Android 4.4.4

These steps show you how to downgrade Android 5.0 in any version
to any version of Android 4.4 KitKat that Google still offers as
a download for your device. This assumes you are not rooted, but
that you are able to connect to a computer and to run an unlock
command and other commands to flash software to your Nexus.
Flashing is a term for installing software to your Nexus
in a special recovery mode while it is connected to a computer.

Download the Factory Image

The first thing you need to do is download the Android factory
image from Google. Scroll on the Android Factory image page until
you find your device and the right download link. Click to download
the Android 4.4.4 factory image for your device. This will take
a few minutes to complete.

Install ADB

In order to downgrade Android 5.0 to Android 4.4.4, you will need
to use ADB. This is a tool that allows the computer to talk to the
Nexus device. You cannot perform an Android 5.0 downgrade without
this free tool. You do not need to buy it and it is easy to install
on Mac or Windows thanks to helper applications that handle any
difficult parts of the installation.

Use the ADB Installer for Windows to install ADB on Windows in
about 15 seconds. The six step process will install ADB, Fastboot
and the drivers you need to use the tool.

1. Run it (Require administrator privileges)
2. Press Y/Yes to install ADB and Fastboot or N/No to skip
3. Press Y/Yes to install ADB system-wide or N/No for current user only
4. Press Y/Yes to install Drivers or N/No to skip
5. Continue Driver installation
6. 15 seconds passed - finished!

Unlock the Nexus

In order for this to work, you need to unlock the Nexus if it is not
already done. This will erase everything on your Nexus, so make sure
you are backed up before you use these commands.

You will need to turn on USB Debugging mode in Developer Settings.
If you have not already enabled developer settings you need to go
to Settings -> About phone -> tap on the Build number at the bottom
of the screen seven times. Then go back one page and tap on
Developer Settings -> USB Debugging -> On. When you plug it in to
a computer it will ask you to trust the computer -> Choose yes.

On Windows you will need to go to the adb folder which should be at
C:\adb and then type cmd in the address bar to open a command window
and then type adb devices to see if your device is listed.

With the terminal window or command window still open type or paste
the following command: adb reboot bootloader
This will boot the Nexus into a bootloader menu and you can now type:
fastboot oem unlock

You will need to press the volume up button on the Nexus to accept and
then power to confirm. This will unlock the bootloader and wipe your data.
And now we can get to the actual Android 5.0 downgrade.

Wipe Cache and Factory Reset

On your Nexus we now need to wipe the cache and perform a factory reset.
This prepares the Nexus for the downgrade process. You do not need to be
plugged into the computer to do this.

1. You need to power down the Nexus device.
2. Hold the Volume Down and Power button to reboot into the bootloader.
3. On this screen you need to use the volume button to switch to Recovery Mode
and the power button to select.
4. After this boots you will see a small Android logo with No command below it.
5. You need to press and hold the power button and then press volume up once.
6. On this screen you will see several options and you need to choose to wipe
cache partition. Scroll with volume buttons and choose with power.
7. Then choose to wipe data/factory reset then scroll to Yes and select.

Install Android 4.4 KitKat to Downgrade Android 5.0

Now you can finally downgrade Android 5.0 to Android 4.4 KitKat. You will need
to connect your Nexus to the computer with a USB cable and go to the folder
where you downloaded the KitKat factory image.

!!! Image datoteko "nakasi-ktu84p-factory-2c6e4d6f.tar" razpakiraj v
"nakasi-ktu84p-factory-2c6e4d6f" in to še enkrat, da dobiš datoteke:
- bootloader-grouper-4.23.img,
- flash-all.bat,
- in

The Nexus needs to be in the bootloader mode for this to work. To get back
there turn the Nexus off and then hold the volume and power buttons until
you see bootloader mode screen again.

You need to open a Command window on Windows. On Windows just type cmd
in the address bar of the Explorer window and hit enter to start one there.

Type: flash-all.bat

Commands will show on-screen and eventually you will eventually see rebooting
and then finished on Command window. This lets you know it is complete.

After a few minutes the Nexus will reboot and you will now be on Android 4.4.4
KitKat instead of Android 5.0.1. You will still get notifications for updates,
just don’t choose to install them.


5. maj 2010
Raje dajte gor zadnji cyanogenmod za nexus 7 2012, ki bazira na lollipopu. Dela zelo tekoče plus nudi veliko več možnosti nastavitev.