Brexit propaganda

13. jul 2011
Taki ljudje, kot ja Farage, se bojijo samo ene stvari - namreč, da bodo prišli v situacijo, ko bodo morali z dejanji podkrepiti svoje besede.
13. jul 2011
Migrantska kriza je v prvi vrsti razgalila ranljivost Schengena. VB s tem nima nič in sploh se ni kaj aktivno udejstvovala pri (ne)nadziranju migrantskih tokov.
Sicer pa, ko se pojavi težava jo skušaš rešiti, ne pa v jok pa na drevo (ven iz EU).
Mogoče se izkaže, da so Britanci ravnali pravilno, ko so se odločili za izstop iz EU, ampak za sedaj ne kaže tako.


10. sep 2007
Uporabnik pinkobalinko pravi:
Taki ljudje, kot ja Farage, se bojijo samo ene stvari - namreč, da bodo prišli v situacijo, ko bodo morali z dejanji podkrepiti svoje besede.


Zato je pa že stisnil prpo in na druge prevalil "krivdo" za sporne trditve o prihodkih v zdravstveno blagajno.

EU skeptiki so en kup luzerjev, ki med furanjem chemtrailov in UFO ugrabitev zdaj gnev svojega obupnega lajfa zlivajo še nad bruseljskimi kravatarji. Roko na srce... so lahka tarča, težko so nekomu všečni, samo EU je pa dobra stvar, sploh pa za skorumpirano državo kot je Slo. Ko poslušaš jamranje kako te bruseljske riti zahtevajo razna potrdila in dokaze ob dodeljevanju EU denarja...priceless.


27. jul 2007
pri taščici
Papirologije je res ogromna pri sredstvih iz Bruslja. Pa bi jo lahko bilo vsaj pol manj. Tako pa ze v startu odletijo pošteni potencialni kandidati, goljufi pa zmutijo razpis, pa tudi kasneje precej redko kontrolo nekako spravijo skozi. Zakaj bomo ze vrnili 9mio iz ormoza (tso)?


16. mar 2008
Sam ta junker je neki klovn, vi bistvu jih kar večina tam, in potem se čudiš da pri nas ni nič bolje. V glavnem sami pajaci. Bratuškova je prav pasala v tisti cirkus. Nareta za to.
Nazadnje urejeno:


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik franZanton pravi:

Pijanček ga je nekaj vprašal:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tisti del po 4:20 je še najbolj dobro povedan kar se tiče teh EU birokratov


20. okt 2013
Tole sicer ni prav nič smešno ali zabavno in ni dobro prav za nikogar. Zdi se mi, da bo v GB tudi še pokalo kot v času IRA. Trenutno stanje je dvignilo na površje najslabšo sorto ljudi in prav tako angažiralo množice, ki so bile zavedene na referendumu. Zna biti zelo neugodno za pobudnike referenduma, za tujce v GB in še za koga.


10. maj 2014

Have been running around the City of London last few days. Here's an update.

Merkel and Brussels have outright already refused an EEA+ agreement that gives UK migration control, passporting and single market access. What is passporting? All banks registered in UK have a "passport" that allows them to do business with whole EU. The City depends on it. Base case is Berlin and Brussels plan to insist on an EEA- (i.e. a worse deal than Norway) that excludes passporting, migration controls. This would however allow services to continue to have access to the singoe market. But not financial services. Mass migration continues. This is formal offer. But Paris is planning a turn of cynical brilliance - that could at a stroke smite London and restore Paris to glory. France cynicallly intends to offer Britain an EEA- that excludes passporting, but givs them a migration cap, and single market access. This is a brilliant move: "you get less Poles, but we want your banks." It would be in France's interests to encourage UK out to get banks. This would leave some stuff shirt like Crabb in a disastrous position: Paris and Berlin would have handed him a deal only "bad for bankers." But the cynical French deal would be exactly the kind of cap migration, free movement for us and single market deal that the public want. The next Tory muchkin leader would then be a hideous position: have his tax base slasshed at by loss of banks as his voters rejoice. Paris and Frankfurt would emerge as enormous winners by ending passporting. Hugely boosting popularity of French and German leadership. British public will be left moronically clapping the huge triumph of a few less Poles and the punishment for "bankers" and tax base slashed. City analysts I met look with unbrindled distain on a Tory leadership class they think are simply muppets. No clue what's about to hit them.


5. jul 2015
Britaniji ne bo hudega. Američani jih imajo za svoje bratrance in jih 110% podpirajo, Kanada, Avstralija in Nova Zelandija so ustavne monarhije, z vsemi ostalimi bivšimi kolonijami po svetu gospodarsko sodelujejo... ...kaj še hočeš več ? Da bi Škotska šla sama v EU ? Zakaj ? Imajo nafto, imajo ribe, isto kot Norvežani, ki jim na kraj pameti ne pade da bi se pridružili EU. Bolj nas morajo skrbeti evroposlanci, ki se obnašajo kot muhasti otroci ko jim vzameš igračo. Takšni ljudje odločajo o naši prihodnosti. Ti bedaki bodo izglasovali še gospodarske sankcije proti Veliki Britaniji, tako kot so jih (ali so jih nameravali, ne vem) proti Avstriji, ko so Avstrijci v svoj parlament izvolili Jorga Haiderja.
Še eno razmišljanje: Po objavi rezultatov britanskega referenduma o članstvu v Evropski uniji je ameriški zunanji minister na hitro pripotoval v Bruselj, od tam pa pohitel še v London. Zakaj taka naglica? Najverjetneje zato, ker po napotkih predsednika Obame, šefa Nata in bančnih veljakov angleškim volilcem, kako naj glasujejo, takega rezultata niso pričakovali.


10. maj 2014
Enkrat se bom moral vsest dol in kaj bolj konkretnega spisat, ampak mi manjka časa, tako da spet tuje perje. Original je sicer s FT.

The Brexit camp claims breezily that a Britain “unshackled” from Brussels will have no trouble maintaining access to the intricate network of trade agreements to which, as an EU member state, it is now party.


Because the European Commission has taken the lead in trade negotiations since the 1970s, the UK simply does not have people with the right technical knowledge. When I was a negotiator at the commission in the late 1990s, handling everything from telecoms to transport, officials from the UK and other member states would sit behind commission negotiators as deals were thrashed out. They were known back then as the “mother-in-law committee”, able to comment but not themselves negotiating — allowing negotiators to speak with the clout of the world’s largest trading bloc and member states to know exactly what is going on. The outcome is that the UK benefits from 80 or so EU trade bilateral and regional agreements, either already in force or being formalised. Negotiations are under way, too, with more than 15 countries, from the US to Brazil and Japan. The agreements provide EU companies with access to these countries’ markets on more favourable terms than those secured by World Trade Organisation membership. They cover myriad provisions, from origin denominations to phytosanitary rule — all carefully crafted to ensure UK companies face as few obstacles as possible.

It is a long process: given that trade agreements have grown increasingly sophisticated, concluding negotiations in five years is a real achievement. Typically about 20 commission negotiators backed by 25-40 technical experts are involved. That may sound a lot but EU negotiators are known for their quality and manage with fewer people than most nations or trading blocs.

If the UK leaves the EU, the government will need to renegotiate these agreements for itself. Non-EU countries have given UK companies access to their markets in exchange for their companies having access to the 500m customers in the EU. Since the UK market on offer after a Brexit will be only 67m consumers, it is only natural that those nations will want to renegotiate; Brexit would represent a breach of contract. In addition, the government will need to play catch-up on the negotiations under way between the EU and countries such as the US, India or Brazil.


The fact that Michael Gove, the justice secretary, widely considered one of the brightest of the Brexit camp, thinks the relationship between the EU and the UK can mirror the one between the EU and Albania demonstrates the enormity of the challenge.

Business people are often shocked to hear all this would be needed, not to im­prove market access conditions for UK companies, but simply to keep things as they are. No wonder they find it hard to understand why the government is exposing the country to such risk.


5. mar 2015
Uporabnik franZanton pravi:
Da bi Škotska šla sama v EU ? Zakaj ? Imajo nafto, imajo ribe, isto kot Norvežani, ki jim na kraj pameti ne pade da bi se pridružili EU

Komu so norvežani podložniki? Komu pa so škoti?

Naj te malo spomnim na jugoslavijo.


20. okt 2013
Če sem prav slišal, so Škotske oblasti že seznanile EU z željo, da se pridružijo kot samostojna država... Torej sledi referendum o samostojnosti in pogajanja za vključitev. Dobili pa so odgovor, da se EU veseli, da bi bila Škotska 28. članica.


22. jul 2007
Španci bodo blokirali vstop Škotske v EU. Ker potem imajo sami problem s Katalonijo.


20. okt 2013
Uporabnik hgard pravi:
Španci bodo blokirali vstop Škotske v EU. Ker potem imajo sami problem s Katalonijo.
Ne se hecat... Blokirali bodo samostojno državo, ki se želi vključiti?? Mislim, da jim ne bi niti na misel prišlo.
Katalonija je zgolj pokrajina znotraj Španije, Škotska pa je država v kraljevini in je do samostojnosti loči samo pozitiven izid referenduma. Pa, če ga razpišejo za jutri, bo izid pozitiven za razhod s kraljevino.. Ne potrebujejo nobene kampanije več za to, da ljudi prepričajo.


4. nov 2007
Če bo vstop Škotske v interesu Nemčije in Francije, potem bodo Španci kar lepo ponižno tiho.