No pa dajva nekaj dodatnih čivkov dati, ne samo udarnih, recimo:
"Not a coincidence Usher, Pink, and Megan Fox have deleted all of their tweets following P Diddy's most recent arrest."
"Readers added context they thought people might want to know
Pink deleted her tweets back in February 2024 in response to hate she was receiving online. Megan Fox quit Twitter in 2013, less than a week after making her account. "
"Tho we shouldn’t forget he is a celebrity and has lots of contacts and friends The fact he’s seen taking pictures with any of the people mentioned in this thread doesn’t necessarily mean they were a part of what he was doing They might just have innocently linked up with him"
Ampak HHHH je seveda z veseljem nalepil udaern čivk, ker paše v njegovo agendo.
Na tole si HHHH nikoli ne odgovori (oziroma si, samo na tista, na katera je odgovor "pravilen")
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Kdaj je bilo objavljeno?
Zakaj je bilo ustvarjeno?
O čem govori novica?
PA tvoji posti povedo marsikaj.