Uporabnik Denis pravi:
Gledam, 1.5 to oni oznacujejo milijarde, also 1.5 mrd $ ker 1500 milijard menda ne more stat tole...
Uporabnik patriot pravi:
Še ena demokratična novica: Facebook blocks RT from posting until after Trump inauguration
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik Denis pravi:
Gledam, 1.5 to oni oznacujejo milijarde, also 1.5 mrd $ ker 1500 milijard menda ne more stat tole...
Jp, 1.5 triliona je 1500 milijard.
Uporabnik patriot pravi:
Bodo tudi v Litvi, Latviji in Estoniji.
Tudi naši bodo poslali vojake.
Če ne bo zamudil avtobus.
Ukradena enklava-LOL, Poljska kot taka je nastala pred 100 leti.
This article is a warning - in November 2016, a vast system of agitation and propaganda was set up in order to destroy the reputation and the authority of President Donald Trump as soon as he arrived in the White House. It is the first time that such a campaign has been scientifically organised against a President of the United States, and with such resources. Yes, we are indeed entering a post-Truth age, but the distribution of rôles is not what you may think it is.