Prvo soočenje predsedniških kandidatov. Res ne veš, kaj bi si mislil o prihodnosti ZDA.
Prvo soočenje predsedniških kandidatov. Res ne veš, kaj bi si mislil o prihodnosti ZDA.
In tri na civilni, ki pa so bila namenjena vsem letalom, ki so bila v tistem trenutku na tem območju in jih je bilo zato zelo lahko preslišati med ostalo zračno komunikacijo.
Ja, tnx. Mam motorolo za v hribe, pa turno, ne šarim po kanalih...WTF kjer bullshit.... že če si kdaj jadral al pa se po smučiščih igral z PMR walkitalkiji....ti je jasno da če nastaviš poslušanje na SOS kanal ali pri PMR odpreš cel spekter da ti bo jasno da boš slišal če bo kdo klical "pan-pan" ali pa rabil pomoč....
Pri pomorskih zadevah ki so bolj profi od PMR imaš rdeč knof....ko tisto stisneš te sliši vsak z prižganim CBjem.....od lokalne kapetanije.....pomorske policije do Hansa na Baylinerju....
Pri PMR pač poslušaš pa od Mađarov....Čehov....Švabov....pač vse kar se pogovarja na smučišču....
Pri letalskem prometu so pa te zadeve še kvečjemu na višjem nivoju kot pri nekih napol amaterskih CBjkah in PMRjih....
VanZ ....?
Čitaj sine. Poćas pa po mećken. Čet(nik) ĐiPiTiThe incident involving the USS Vincennes, Iran Air Flight 655, and Captain William C. Rogers III is a tragic episode in modern military and aviation history. Here are the key facts:
USS Vincennes
Type: Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser of the United States Navy.
Commissioned: July 6, 1985.
Commanding Officer: Captain William C. Rogers III during the incident.
Iran Air Flight 655
Type: Civilian passenger Airbus A300B2.
Operator: Iran Air.
Route: Tehran to Dubai, with a stopover in Bandar Abbas.
Date of Incident: July 3, 1988.
Flight Details: The aircraft was on a scheduled passenger flight and was climbing from Bandar Abbas to Dubai.
Incident Overview
Location: Persian Gulf, near the Strait of Hormuz.
Event: Iran Air Flight 655 was shot down by surface-to-air missiles launched from the USS Vincennes.
Casualties: All 290 passengers and crew aboard the aircraft were killed, including 66 children.
The USS Vincennes was engaged in a skirmish with Iranian gunboats in the Persian Gulf.
The ship's crew mistakenly identified the Airbus A300 as an attacking F-14 Tomcat fighter jet.
Despite the plane transmitting civilian transponder signals, the crew interpreted it as hostile based on the plane's flight profile and other factors.
There was a reported miscommunication and erroneous interpretation of radar data.
Captain William C. Rogers III
Role: Commanding Officer of the USS Vincennes during the incident.
Actions: Made the decision to fire two SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles at Iran Air Flight 655.
Controversy: Rogers' decision and the actions of his crew were widely criticized. Some reports suggested that the Vincennes was in Iranian territorial waters at the time of the incident.
Aftermath and Reactions
U.S. Response: The U.S. initially defended the action as a self-defense measure, later expressing regret for the loss of life but maintaining that the Vincennes acted appropriately given the information available.
International Reaction: The incident provoked international outrage and condemnation, particularly from Iran.
Legal and Financial Repercussions:
The U.S. government agreed to pay $61.8 million in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.
No legal actions were taken against Captain Rogers or his crew, but the incident remains a subject of intense scrutiny and debate.
The downing of Iran Air Flight 655 remains a highly contentious and tragic event, illustrating the dangers of military engagement in densely populated areas and the potential for human error and miscommunication to result in catastrophic consequences.
ChatGPT can make mistakes. But it can't shoot down civilian aircrafts.
Čitaj sine. Poćas pa po mećken. Čet(nik) ĐiPiTi .
Pravjo, da USS nejvi ni bil trejnd za identifikacijo signalov civilnih letal...zamenjali potniško letalo za svoj F14 (mejd in zemlja obećana) pa dal peneze...pol, kasnej...
Ne se delat francoza. Kdo pa je naredil F14?Niso zamenjali za svoj F14 ampak za Iranski F14....glede na to da so svoje upokojili z 2006.....vrjami da bi dobro vedli kake signale oddajajo njihovi...
In ja Iranci s takšnimi in drugačnimi pristopi (vprašljivo sicer) vzdržujejo svojo floto F14 še dandanes....
Najmanjši problem je nek vojaški avijon opremit z civilnim transponderjem in ga poslat hvatat krivine v "no go" obratno seveda....
Tko da glumljenje glive z radio silence v sivi coni in z vojaško ladjo pod sabo je pa tud advanced level for Darwin award....kar so na žalost spoznali nedolžni potniki.....
Vhf/hf je popolnoma enak kot povsod drugje. Šum, atmosferske motnje (sploh HF), odmevi zaradi časovno neusklajenih postaj na isti frekvenci, nedisciplina uporabnikov in slaba kakovost nekaterih oddajnikov in sprejemnikov.Pri letalskem prometu so pa te zadeve še kvečjemu na višjem nivoju kot pri nekih napol amaterskih CBjkah in PMRjih....
VanZ ....?
Najmanjši problem je nek vojaški avijon opremit z civilnim transponderjem in ga poslat hvatat krivine v "no go" obratno seveda....
USS Vincennes je bil v Iranskih teritorialnih vodah, kakšna no go cona ??Tko da glumljenje glive z radio silence v sivi coni in z vojaško ladjo pod sabo je pa tud advanced level for Darwin award....kar so na žalost spoznali nedolžni potniki.....