o migrantih je pa problem meje in njenega nadzora, ne tolk migranti.Lahko si ogledaš uno temo o migrantih.
Direktna posledica od zunaj podprtih revolucij.
o migrantih je pa problem meje in njenega nadzora, ne tolk migranti.Lahko si ogledaš uno temo o migrantih.
Direktna posledica od zunaj podprtih revolucij.
Prvi problem je njihov štart.o migrantih je pa problem meje in njenega nadzora, ne tolk migranti.
Si že spucal raufungeMigrante so agenda levičarske židovske agende in to vidva podpirata. Saj v Evropi se desnica vzpenja in bo slej ko prej počistila z....
naše meje...migranti (vzhodni) bi lahko šli tudi v rusijo, dejansko je bližje tam prek čez iran ali???? ups, ne ne gre.Prvi problem je njihov štart.
Problem meje je šele naslednji korak.
Ampak saj vidim, da ti ne potegne širša slika.
Surveillance footage showed one of the suspects jump over the counter and try to grab some products off the shelf. “When they came in, one of them had a bag in front of him like he had a firearm or something. I didn’t have much time to think.” Fearing for his life, Nguyen said he grabbed his knife with a three-inch blade and stabbed the assailant seven times. Nguyen, who turns 23 on Saturday, said he is thankful that he survived the ordeal. He said the incident left him “shook” and he plans to look into arming himself with other weapons for protection. “Small business owners like us, this is our livelihood,” Nguyen told The Post. “Not only are they threatening our lives, but our livelihood, so we have to stay vigilant.”
Trump je hotel Grenlandijo kupiti, ko to ni ratalo, bi jo pa Biden kar zasedel.Any international newspaper should bring this story. USA threatens Greenland and Denmark.
"Greenland should sit at the table and hear the Americans say it. That if you intend to ally with Russia ( or China), well then we will take over the country from Monday. So, that's what will happen. The threats from USA should come directly from USA; not thru Denmark ,' says foreign affairs spokesperson Karsten Hønge (SF)
The hypocrisy could not be bigger, this is the mirror image of Ukraine..
»Grønland kan selv få lov at høre amerikanerne sige det. At hvis I har tænkt jer at alliere jer med Rusland, jamen så overtager vi landet fra på mandag«
Samarbejdet i Rigsfællesskabet er kørt af sporet og »er uværdigt for alle parter«, mener udenrigsordfører Karsten Hønge (SF).politiken.dk
»Grønland kan selv få lov at høre amerikanerne sige det. At hvis I har tænkt jer at alliere jer med Rusland, jamen så overtager vi landet fra på mandag«
Samarbejdet i Rigsfællesskabet er kørt af sporet og »er uværdigt for alle parter«, mener udenrigsordfører Karsten Hønge (SF).politiken-dk.translate.goog