Dejansko. 4 leta nazaj:
Young mother, 24, is shot dead in front of her fiancé after saying "all lives matter" during an argument with Black Lives Matter supporters
During the argument, the offended individuals reportedly shouted 'Black Lives Matter', to which either Whitaker or someone else responded 'All Lives Matter.'
Robert Doty, the victim's father, confirmed with the
Daily Wire that his daughter said 'all lives matter' during the exchange.
Ramirez said both groups brandished guns at each other, but eventually talked through the issues, fist bumped and walked away from each other.
'It was squashed and they went up the hill and left we thought, but they were sitting on St. Clair waiting for us to come under the bridge and that's when she got shot,' said Ramirez.
2 leti kasneje primer ni bil rešen (in dvomim, da je danes kaj drugače):
Jessica Doty-Whitaker was killed in a shooting along Indianapolis’ canal. Two years later, police have not announced any arrests in connection to her death.