"jailed for two years suspended for two years with 180 hours unpaid work"
Ne bom rekel, da je 2 leti primerna kazen za posilstvo 12 letnice, ne glede, če je posiljevalec start 15, vendar dobil je zapor IN 180 ur prostovoljnjega dela.
Pa morda, če boš slučajno iskal kje, posilstvo se je dogajalo (ja večkrat jo je in ne samo on, tako da so verjetno našli kako olajševalno okoliščino) 2018 in 2019.
Sam Melia pa ni samo prodajal:
"Melia was the head of the Telegram Messenger group Hundred Handers, a social media channel that generated racist and anti-immigration stickers that were printed off and displayed in public places"
No tudi pri Shaunu Tucku je treba povedati, da zapor ni bila edina kazen:
Tuck posted racist abuse about a fellow Everton supporter in the comments section of the club’s official Facebook page in August 2023. As well as a prison sentence, Tuck has also been told he must pay a £155 victim surcharge and handed a six-year Football Banning Order.