Do ponedelja sem veselo poslušal radio prek WMP, potem pa naenkrat opozorilo:
Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:" or "rtsp:").
Kaj mi je postoriti?
link do Int. radia: mms://
Hvala za odgovor in lep pozdrav, Zakajaltersuxu
Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:" or "rtsp:").
Kaj mi je postoriti?
link do Int. radia: mms://
Hvala za odgovor in lep pozdrav, Zakajaltersuxu