VW Sharan 1.8


29. sep 2007
menjaj olje, pa pazi da ga boš imel skoz na zgornji črtici. Pri mojem passatu se mi je isto lučka za nizek nivo olja prižgala, ko je bilo olje blizu minimuma, na avtocesti pri malo višji hitrosti. Ne se igrat s tem.

LP Pero (lastnik 1.8t)

PS: američani se na veliko bunijo, ker so jim takšni motorji ribali kot po tekočem traku. Uporabljali so mineralno olje, v katerem so se zaradi temperature naredile grudice, ki so zamašile sito, skozi katerega oljna črpalka v karterju vleče olje. ko je bil enkrat pretok premajhen, jim je pa ribnil motor.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008

VW / Audi sludge problems

While the the 1.8T engines in Audi A4's, Audi TT, VW Passat, Jetta, Golf, New Bettle, are all very prone to sludge build-up, Audi/VW does not have an extended warranty for them from the factory. The factory warranty is 4 year/50,000 miles but it can be extended if purchased.
Although Audi/VW now has 10,000 mile service intervals, oil changes can be done between "services", and should be done if the vehicle is driven in heavy traffic, offroad, and non-highway use. Also, Audi/ VW will only warrant an engine if the customer has proof of all their oil changes. As of 2004 I belive all 1.8T engines must use synthetic oil.
So if you own one of these sludge-prone engines, what can you do? Obviously, Volkswagen Audi Group (VAG) recommends that you use only VW/AUDI recommended oil which at the time of writing is Castrol Syntec 5W-40. You should also keep up on your oil changes, making them more frequent if you drive hard or haul a lot of cargo. The most important thing for the VW or Audi owner is this: if the oil light comes on and beeps the high pitch beep that most everyone ignores, pull over and shut the engine down immediately. Many VAG engines can be saved by this procedure. Have the vehicled towed to a VAG dealer. Their standard procedure is to inspect the cam bearings; if they're not scored, the oil pan will be removed and cleaned out and all the crankcase breather hoses and the oil pickup tube will be replaced. They'll do an oil pressure test with a mechanical gauge, and hopefully will also replace the turbo lines. Finally, the turbo will be checked for bearing free-play. The VAG turbos run really hot even with proper oil and coolant supply - that's why you need a good quality synthetic in them.

Točno to kar smo ti rekl...če so redno menjal olje bo dobr motor če ne-ČE NI ŽE PREPOZNO!!! boš pa še mal vložu vanj da ti ga prepucajo!

Zgleda pa to nekak takole!