je musk tudi povedal kake izguble Tesli, Starlinku je pridelal v zadnjih tednih s svojii kretenizmi? Mimogrede če Poljska ne bi plačevala starlinku bi le-ta mel izgubo, dobiček? Pa starlink je vključen v tistih 300 milijard trgovinskega prometa - izvoza?Musk na Twitterju:
“The entire Ukrfront line would collapse if I turned starlink off. What I am sickened by is years of slaughter in a stalemate that Ukraine will inevitably lose".
Sikorski odgovori:
“Starlinks for Ukraine are paid for by the Polish Digitization Ministry at the cost of about $50 million per year. The ethics of threatening the victim of aggression apart, if SpaceX proves to be an unreliable provider we will be forced to look for other suppliers".
Musk replicira:
"Be quiet, small man. You pay a tiny fraction of the cost. And there is no substitute for Starlink".
Rubio se pridruži pogovoru:
"Sikorski was just making things up. No one has made any threats about cutting Ukraine off from Starlink. And say thank you because without Starlink Ukraine would have lost this war long ago, and Russians would be on the border with Poland right now.”
Poljska plačuje cca 1/2 za ukr starlink, drugo polovico US DOD.
Pa še nagradno pitanje....njihov 800 milijard vreden vojaški proračun? EU bo počasi šla na že našli nadomestilo za izpad prihodka iz naslova prodaje orožja EUju in NATU?