no, namesto da bi uporabljal neke čudne enote 1 GT C, bi lahko enostavno napisal, da je v svetu slaba milijarda glav živine ter 700 milijard svinj, kar pa se ne sliši tkao dramatično.original vir (ki je naveden tudi v zgoraj omenjenem članku):
Today, the biomass of humans (≈0.06 Gt C; SI Appendix, Table S9) and the biomass of livestock (≈0.1 Gt C, dominated by cattle and pigs; SI Appendix, Table S10) far surpass that of wild mammals, which has a mass of ≈0.007 Gt C (SI Appendix, Table S11). This is also true for wild and domesticated birds, for which the biomass of domesticated poultry (≈0.005 Gt C, dominated by chickens) is about threefold higher than that of wild birds (≈0.002 Gt C; SI Appendix, Table S12).
Razlaga za 1 Gt (karkoli že je)
For ease of discussion, we report biomass in gigatons of carbon, with 1 Gt C = 1015 g of carbon.

Cattle/cow population worldwide | Statista
How many cows are in the world? Global cattle population has decreased in the last few years. However, it is projected to increase by two thousands this year.

Number of pigs worldwide 20234 | Statista
Pigs are one of the most commonly raised animals in the world.