Očitno skoraj nihče ni gledal druge roke lutkarja ampak samo lutko in eno roko
I believe that you are one of the very few to see through this Kabuki Theater, what made it work was the visceral hatred of Russia/Putin blinding people to reason and logic…..
What made it an unreasonable coup attempt –
1. The Arms and Ammunition come from the Russia DOD.
2. Pregozhin would have been put down long ago if he was that hostile.
3. No attempt made to sieze the communications networks.
4. Reports of more downed Russian Aviation than the Ukrainians accomplish in a month, BUT the only pictures are of a burned out plane where the Soviet Star has faded with time? All those mobile phones and no pictures?
5. A column that has just hit Surovikin’s Air Force is allowed to continue, like ducks in a row, on a main highway, unmolested? Think Iraqis leaving Kuwait, brutal…..
6. It all ends when Prigozhin strolls off to Belarus and the Wagner boys shuffle back to camp? A group of “traitors” are now accepted in and behind your ranks?
What was accomplished –
1. Wagner troops (and others assigned to contain the Wagners) were moved to striking distance of Karkov/Kiev surreptitiously.
2. The Chechens who were sent to confront the Wagner group (also street fighters) are now in position in the South to maybe move on Odessa.
3. The main Ukrainian “Counter Offensive” seems to have been triggered.
4. Many 5th and 6th Columnists have broken cover in Russia….
link klikni
eh pa nea boi nor, vpiši sene bom se vpisal.
eh pa nea boi nor, vpiši se
Prigožinov drugi zrakoplov upravo se vratio u Moskvu nakon što je prvi eksplodirao u zraku Tver - Karta rata u Ukrajini - Ukrajina vijesti na karti - liveuamap.com/hr
Prigožinov drugi zrakoplov upravo se vratio u Moskvu nakon što je prvi eksplodirao u zraku. Istraživanje i učenje o najnovijim vijestima i događajima u Ukrajini, u sukobu u istočnoj Ukrajini i Krim uz pomoć interaktivnoj kartiliveuamap.com
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včeraj je bil tak praznični dan za čistke. Verjetno je še marsikateri odšel, sam še novica do medijev ni prišla.Dolgo je zdržal