Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
Si ti mogoče želiš na čelu "svetovnega policaja" tele, katerega vodilo je: "guns, god, world domination, America uber alles". Ker to je hitri povzetek republikancev.
Uporabnik Denis pravi:
In kaj to neke petarde padajo? Ni čudno da traja tako dolgo, če to kar pade na tla, naredi škodo v radiju 1 meter namesto 20 metrov.
There are no 'moderate jihadists.' The term is an oxymoron: there are only jihadists who are more -- or less -- close to ISIS or al Qaeda. It is a parsing of definitions that simply does not interest Russia.
For now, the Russians seem (as evidenced by their airstrikes) to be intent firstly on eliminating any hostile threats adjacent to their forces in the area of Latakia (the Russian air base is located some 20 miles south of Latakia). This is standard military modus operandi. Their secondary and tertiary objectives seem to be to secure the M4 highway between Latakia and Aleppo (targeting pockets of insurgent forces adjacent to the highway), and in striking insurgent-held areas along the M5 highway.
There is nothing political behind such strikes -- in the sense of strengthening one insurgent group in opposition to any other. It seems, rather, very clear that the Russians are preparing for the subsequent ground sweep by the Syrian army: the Russian air force is securing lines of logistic support to the Syrian army, and concomitantly denying those same lines to the jihadists. It is, in short, all rather military -- and in line with what Russia says are its objectives.
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Katjuša je dodana videu za bolj dramatičen efekt, glej kdaj grozljivko brez zvoka, je 80% manj grozljivo.
The Iraqi airforce struck a convoy of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in western Anbar province close to the Syrian border on Sunday, a military statement said.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Oktobra 2014 sta med dostavo pomoči pešmergi v Kobane-ju 2 padali zašli k IS. Na eno so vrgli bombo, da je pogrešano še drugo, so ugotovili šele po propagandnem videu. Ali pa se jim ni zdelo vredno bombardirat, izgleda večinoma hrana.