ja sej...Citat:
Uporabnik jonny77 pravi:
Veljaki so že zmenjeni, kako bo po koncu te vojne, ki se je komaj začela. Služijo pa vsi, samo narod je najebal. Sem bral da je cca 100 hrvatov v Siriji na strani opozicije in služijo 2000$/dan . Eni so inštruktorji eni pa klavci.
To bo Vietnam, nam zelo blizu.
Iteresov mali miljon in vsak hoče nekaj za sebe. Zahod je zajebal, ker je odstranil diktatorje, ki so upešno zatirala razne ideje nevarnih muslimanov.
Syrian helicopters are dropping leaflets over areas of incoming offensive operation. Civilians are advised to leave and take refuge behind SAA lines. Rebels are advised to lay down their weapons and turn down to government for fair treatment.
Uporabnik Fadil pravi:
Na hrvaškem forumu se delajo norca, da na 0:40 ruski vojaki v Siriji jedo ocvirke.![]()
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Head for the Hills: 3,000 Islamist Militants Flee Advancing Syrian Army
More than three thousand militants from the Islamic State, Jabhat Al-Nusra and Jaish al-Yarmouk jihadist groups have left Syria for Jordan, fearing the forthcoming Syrian Army offensive, Russia's news agency Ria Novosti quoted a military source as saying.
"At least three thousand militants from the Islamic State, the Al-Nusra and the Jaish Al-Yarmouk fled to Jordan. They are afraid of the army's advance on all fronts and the Russian aircraft airstrikes," the source said.
pravzaprav ko zečne malo bolj pokat bodo vsi evropejci prišli nazaj ostali prostovoljci pa v svoje zakotne luknje iz katerih so prileznili. večina se bo enostavno razkorpila.Citat:
Uporabnik harigast pravi:
Operacija se mora razširiti,ne samo na Irak ,temveč na celo regijo. Vse skupaj ne bi imelo smisla brez tega,saj se ISIS samo preseli iz ene države v drugo. Po moje bo v Iraku Rusija kmalu posredovala,kaj pa potem?
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
saj v zda bo isto, ko bodo čokoladni začeli
Russia’s deputy chief of the general staff, Colonel-General Nikolay Bogdanovsky, accompanied by a large military delegation, will arrive in Israel for a two-day visit on Tuesday, Oct. 6, to discuss increased coordination between the two militaries.
Friday, Oct. 2, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the surprise deployment of Navy cruiser, the Moskva, armed with 64 advanced anti-aircraft missiles S-300 ship-to-air missiles opposite the Syrian coastal town of Latakia.
Without saying so publicly, Russia has thus created an effective no-fly zone over most of Syria, most of northern Israel, including the Golan, as well as southern Turkey, for US aircraft based there for air strikes in Syria; Cyprus, the site of British air force bases; and Jordan.
Since 2012, The Obama administration has been discussing the possibility of establishing no-fly zones in northern and southern Syria on a number of occasions, but has shelved the plan whenever a decision was imminent. Now, with one move, Moscow has imposed a no-fly zone over Syria.
The presence of the wide-ranging S-300s means that the Turkish, British, Israeli and Jordanian air forces will need to coordinate their aerial operations in Syrian or Lebanese airspace with Russia, or face the risk of their planes being shot down.
The S-300 has a range of 150 kilometers and can shoot down any type of missile, including cruise missiles, as well as planes.
The presence of Moskva off the shores of Syria and close to northern Israel creates a new situation that will very likely be discussed in the talks that start Tuesday in Tel Aviv between Russia’s deputy chief of staff and his Israeli counterpart, IDF General Yair Golan.