Rusi v Siriji


6. sep 2007
A to si temo falil? Naslov je namreč "Rusi v Siriji", cel članek govori pa o bombandiranjih s strani Američanov


6. sep 2007
Lepi take članke potem ko bo imel opravljenih 100 bombardiranj ne pa tole. To je isto kot s Francozi po napadu so bili tako pametni, poslali letalonosilko dol potem pa nič od njih. Samo lapanje in mešanje dreka.


10. maj 2014
Naj odprem novo temo, "Koalicija v Siriji"?


Bodo imeli, podobno kot B-1, ki so se v ZDA vrnili konec januarja.

For almost five months, B-1 crews from the 9th Bomb Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, focused on one town — Kobani in Syria — in the battle against the Islamic State group.

Kurdish forces were entrenched in their own city as waves of Islamic State fighters advanced.

The enemy was “sending troops there constantly,” said a weapons systems officer from the 9th Bomb Squadron identified for security reasons only as Scram. “They were very willing to impale themselves on that city.”

That made the battle site target-rich: There were fighters out in the open and on top of buildings and bridges.

The B-1 was right for the fight. It can carry up to 84 500-pound general-purpose bombs, or a combination of dozens of other weaponry of similar weight. It can loiter on station for up to 10 hours with a single air refueling.


The squadron dropped about 660 bombs on Kobani, about one-third of all the bombs it dropped during the first five months of Operation Inherent Resolve. The squadron says those bombs killed more than 1,000 Islamic State fighters.


Islamic State fighters, in speaking to IS-aligned news network Amak in Syria, said the constant airstrikes forced them to withdraw from Kobani.

“I swear by God, their planes did not leave the air, day and night; they did airstrikes all day and night,” an Islamic State fighter told the news agency, according to CNN. “They targeted everything. They even attacked motorcycles; they have not left a building standing. But by God willing we will return and we will have our revenge multiplied.”


On Aug. 8, 2014, U.S. crews did something, with fighters and bombers tasked to begin Operation Inherent Resolve. Orders came to a 9th Bomb Squadron B-1 as it was taxiing toward a runway.

“The crew was planning to fly to Afghanistan,” Maj. Johnson said in an Air Force Times interview. “They were given essentially a last-minute change right before the runway and then headed in the other direction.”


In the military operations world, it’s called going “Winchester.”

The term refers to a military asset expending all of its weapons. When a B-1 returns to base without a single bomb on board, the crew on the ground slaps a “W” sticker inside the bomb bay doors to note the mission.

For the 9th Bomb Squadron’s deployment in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, weapons airmen slapped 31 “W” stickers on the insides of their B-1.


In all, the squadron dropped more than 2,000 joint direct attack munitions during its six-month rotation, a number that was “way, way more” than the squadron had dropped on any six-month rotation since at least 2010.

Letenje in metanje bombic je od 7:50 naprej



7. sep 2007
pred racunalnikom
Najbolj zalostno od vsega je da nemoreta rusija in zda udariti po mizi in ustaviti vojne. Za svoje interese raje gledajo kako se otroke pobija. Fuj. Tako kot jih boli [cenzura] za sirijce tako jih boli [cenzura] za vse ostale. Samo svoje interese gledajo. Upam da se vsi zavedate da smo jutri lahko na vrsti tudi mi. K sreci delamo zaenkrat tako kot nam gospodarji ukazejo in smo izven nevarnosti


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Še en idiotizem (poleg tistega, da je na ameriškem sodišču bil obsojen Iran za napade 9/11):

Family of journalist Steven Sotloff sues Syria in US court over Isis beheading

The family of journalist Steven Sotloff is suing Syria in US court, claiming the government of President Bashar al-Assad provided support to Islamic State militants who carried out the beheading.

The lawsuit filed on Monday in federal court in Washington seeks $90m in compensatory damages plus up to three times that in punitive damages from Syria for Sotloff’s 2014 killing. It is far from certain, however, that Sotloff’s south Florida-based family would be able to collect money from a foreign government if they win the case.

Sotloff was kidnapped in August 2013 after crossing into Syria from Turkey, according to the lawsuit. He was killed on 2 September 2014, and a video was distributed around the world documenting his death. Another American journalist, James Foley, had been killed a month earlier by the Islamic State.

Nazadnje urejeno:


24. jul 2009
tile so si že večkrat skočili v lase ( čeprav bi naj bili menda zavezniki ), se nekak ne morejo zmeniti kateri del peskovnika je od koga

On Thursday evening, the Arab tribes from the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Assyrian “Gozarto Protection Forces” (GPF) captured several sites in Qamishli after a flurry of violent clashes with the Asayish (Kurdish police) units near the military airport. According to a military source in Qamishli, the NDF and GPF captured the Abu Raghab and Kurayrish checkpoints from the Asayish after launching a counter-assault on Thursday evening. Following the capture of the aforementioned checkpoints, the NDF and GPF regained control over the Al-Salaam Hospital and the Municipal Stadium, which reversed the Asayish’s gains inside the city. With the recent escalation in violence, a number of civic leaders have called for both parties to cease the violence that has cost the lives of several civilians. Representatives from the Syrian government and the PYD regime are meeting this morning in order to negotiate a final ceasefire inside of Qamishli – no further details were given.


2. mar 2010
Kurdi se v okolici Qamishli (SV) Sirije 4 dni zapored tepejo z SDF/NDF in Asirci.

Daesh glavorezci pri tem verjetno pokajo od smeha.


10. maj 2014
Včeraj si je arabska izpostava RT izposodila posnetke zračnega napada SAA ali Rusije, ki jih je posnel neodvisni novinar, izrezala njegov komentar in jih predvajala kot napad džihadistov. Ampak so bili ujeti in so vmes popravili članek.


Video: warplanes perpetrated a massacre neighborhoods orchard palace and Kallaseh and burning of civilian homes 28-4-

RT arabic:

original članek:

Dead and wounded pounding "victory" residential neighborhoods of Aleppo

Posted: 28.04.2016 | 10:50 GMT |

Last updated: 29.04.2016 | 12:28 GMT | Arab World News
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18 people were killed, including a woman and two children, Thursday, April 28 / April in the bombing of the residential neighborhoods of Aleppo by the "Front victory" and factions loyal to it.

Moscow denies the fighter jets patrolling Aleppo recently

A source in Aleppo Police Command that the terrorists holed up in the neighborhood of Bustan Palace fired rocket-propelled grenades at the Meridian residential neighborhood of Aleppo, killing a man and wounding his wife and four people were injured.

The source added that a sniper of the organization "Front victory groups" fired from the palace orchard neighborhood residents Easterners neighborhood, killing two people.

According to "SANA" the fall of dozens of shells on the field and shy of Ashrafieh and the area around Saadallah al-Jabri Square and the municipal palace what caused the deaths of 14 people, including two children, and injuring more than 50 people were wounded, some in critical condition.

The 10 people were killed Wednesday and wounded 37 wounded similar terrorist attacks on the neighborhoods of the city of Aleppo.

On the other hand, the Syrian army foiled a terrorist attack on a military points in the vicinity of the village of gloss northern city of Hama, according to a military source was army units carried out at dawn on Thursday operations on terrorists from the "Front victory" and ways of providing them in the villages of Mansoura and desolate bell sites and Tel Wasit and Ankawi and Qastun and Alkerkor Zayzoun and in the far north-western countryside of Hama.

He fought an army unit during the last hours of violent clashes with the terrorist groups of the organization "Front victory" crept into the vicinity of some military posts in the village of meanings.

The clashes led to the destruction of two vehicles armored and killed 12 terrorists, according to the military source, as the army foiled an attack from terrorist groups "Daash" a number of military posts, and spent a number of its members in Tel Dilf and the village of Abu-lane Brive endosperm.

popravljen članek:

Aerial bombardment on opposition districts in Aleppo

Posted: 28.04.2016 | 10:50 GMT |

Last updated: 29.04.2016 | 15:40 GMT | Arab World News
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A group of observers and paramedics confirmed that the new air strikes on the part that is controlled by the militants in the disputed city of Aleppo, killing 20 people and destroyed one residential building, at least.

Moscow denies the fighter jets patrolling Aleppo recently

And it resulted in fresh violence erupted Thursday, April 28 / April for the high number of deaths in the past 24 hours in the divided city to at least 61 people dead.

The news agency "Associated Press" for what it called "the Syrian civil defense" forces as saying that the new air strikes hit the neighborhood of Bustan Palace.

The footage showed on Thursday portrayed the situation after the raids, including the damage to buildings and the ongoing rescue.

For its part, according to the agency "SANA" Syrian deaths of 18 people, including a woman and two children Thursday in a bombing of the residential neighborhoods of Aleppo by the "Front victory" and factions loyal to it.

A source in Aleppo police headquarters said the terrorists holed up in the neighborhood of Bustan Palace fired rocket-propelled grenades at the Meridian residential neighborhood of Aleppo, killing a man and wounding his wife and four people were injured.

The source added that a sniper of the organization "Front victory groups" fired from the palace orchard neighborhood residents Easterners neighborhood, killing two people.

According to "SANA" the fall of dozens of shells on the field and shy of Ashrafieh and the area around Saadallah al-Jabri Square and the municipal palace what caused the deaths of 14 people, including two children, and injuring more than 50 people were wounded, some in critical condition.

Source: AP + SANA

Hadijev twitter je zanimiv. In grozen. Alep je aktivno bombardiran že 8 dan zapovrstjo. To snema in objavlja.

Photos & videos posted on my account/YouTube channel are for circulation. I give my permission for them to be used by journalists/media.

Verjeten razlog, da so šli v akcijo. Ampak na njihovo žalost ni dal pravice za manipulacijo.

Video I filmed and wrongly used by @RTarabic to falsify fact that #Russia bombarded #Aleppo (1) #Syria

The original video that I filmed of the massacre committed by #Russian warplanes in #Aleppo … #Syria (2)

I call upon laywers/specialists to press charges in my name against @RTarabic & follow up with their falsification of facts in #Syria.

Syrian media activist Hadi al-Abdallah recorded a video yesterday, showing the devastation unleashed on Bustan al-Qaser and Kallaseh, rebel-held parts of Aleppo city, by what he quite clearly referred to as an aerial assault. Given that the only aircraft bombing Aleppo belong to either the Assad regime or the Russian Air Force, the possible culprits behind the killing of at least a dozen civilians, including a small child whose scalp was torn off, exposing the grey matter of his brain, were obvious. Until, that is, Russian propaganda channel RT got a hold of al-Abdallah’s reel and edited out the references to “warplanes” and “Assad,” then pinned the devastation on al-Qaeda.

RT’s Arabic-language website not only stole the media activist’s footage without his permission, it then cut his original commentary to suit its own purpose of trying to blame the violation of a US-Russian brokered “cessation of hostilities” on jihadists not party to the agreement.


10. maj 2014
Ena ofca z MMCja, v globino se mi zdajle ne da.


# 30.04.2016 ob 10:43
Prijavi neprimerno vsebino
Po porocanju PR nin za obrambo RF, je letalski napad na bolnico v Aleppu izvedla "koalicia"!!!

Znano je, da koakicija cilja bolnice zelo pogosto. Vedno, menda, zaradi napak..

Tu se postavita dve vprasanji:

Je tehnuka, ki jo uporablja koalicija, it kamene dobe?
Ce je tehnika OK, potem je vojska popolnoma nesolana!!!

Vkolikor ne velja nic od teh dveh tock, potem je jasno, DA SO DEJANJA NACRTNA!!!

Premirje v Alepu pa ne velja, ker uporniski del, obvladuje v celoti Al Nusra! To priznale tudi ZDA

MMC, clanek spet ne vsebuje dejstev in ponovno napissan kot ideoloska hrana!!

Ocena 1, negativno!!!

Ni bilo potrebe, je šla druga ofca z MMCja. via RT, ofkors.


# 30.04.2016 ob 11:22
Prijavi neprimerno vsebino
Teroristične skupine okrog Allepa že pred meseci niso hotele podpisati premirja medtem ko je na precejšnjem delu Sirije le to bilo doseženo.Tako da za območje Allepa premirje ni bilo nikdar dogovorjeno in čiščenje terorističnih skupin se uspešno nadaljuje kljub raznim provokacijam zahoda ki teroristom pomagaja delati kaos in uničevati vitalne objekte kot so bolnice.

in še tretja ofca z MMCja


Follow Me
# 30.04.2016 ob 11:48
Prijavi neprimerno vsebino
Aja to je uradno sporočilo...


US Air Force Bombed Aleppo and then Blamed Russia

Kadar zahod naredi spin novico ...

Nazadnje urejeno:


24. jul 2009

Russian artillery devastates rebels in Aleppo as Syrian Army retakes vital fortification

Around midnight, a special SAA operation – led by 106th Brigade of the Republican Guard, Hezbollah and Air Force Intelligence units – wrestled the Family House park from rebels.

Furthermore, a military source in Aleppo told al-Masdar that Russian artillery units had participated in the battle; this is the first time Russian ground troops assist the SAA outside Latakia province and the Palmyra frontline.



2. mar 2010
US Navy SEAL Killed in ISIS Attack
The SEAL was wounded during a firefight between ISIS and Peshmerga forces in Iraq where American ground troops are on "non-combat" missions, according to the White House.



10. nov 2014
Jaz sem pa iz zanesljivih, sicer še tudi nepotrjenih virov izvedel, da so za napad odgovorna Ameriška letala...