Following this weeks earlier attacks on medical facilities in Syria run by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) the Russian Defence Ministry has published a statement explaining why it’s not responsible for the attacks. Much of the statement is a mess of barely coherent claims, and reads closer to a conspiracy theory than a statement from a serious organisation.
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It’s unclear whether or not the Russian Defence Ministry actually believes this absolute nonsense, or have reached the point of being so desperate to deflect criticism that they make up any rubbish to defend themselves, even if it’s laughable conspiracy theories about MSF and Turkey plotting against them.
--- Hm.... A si ti res honorarec s Prešernove, kot te kličejo po drugih forumih ???Citat:
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Iz Turčije jim je nekaj priletelo na dvorišče, oni pa nič? Ni možnosti, bolečina po Su-24 je še sveža.
Following this weeks earlier attacks on medical facilities in Syria run by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) the Russian Defence Ministry has published a statement explaining why it’s not responsible for the attacks. Much of the statement is a mess of barely coherent claims, and reads closer to a conspiracy theory than a statement from a serious organisation.
izjava s komentarjem, klikni na povezavo
It’s unclear whether or not the Russian Defence Ministry actually believes this absolute nonsense, or have reached the point of being so desperate to deflect criticism that they make up any rubbish to defend themselves, even if it’s laughable conspiracy theories about MSF and Turkey plotting against them.
Po moje so njemu bolj Saudijci všeč... mimogrede ... -- Saudi Army suffers heavy casualties in failed offensiveCitat:
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Tebe so Rusi zlorabili?
al si član ISIS?
"What we want is to create a secure strip, including Azaz, 10km deep inside Syria and this zone should be free from clashes," Akdogan said in an interview on Turkey's AHaber television station, Reuters reports.
Mah... Glede na to, da je v NATOu, , predvidevam, da bomo turbane, če bo treba šli branit tudi mi...Citat:
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Turčija ni dobila resne lekcije, mi pa to nadlogo vabimo spet v Evropo
S Cipra se naj spokajo itd...
Verjetno res, samo kaj ko tudi Kurdov, tako kot Turke niti blizu niti daleč nihče ne prebavlja...Citat:
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Najlažje bi bilo oborožiti Kurde pa naj potem oni uredijo turške musliæe.