Rusi v Siriji


20. okt 2007
Russia Claims That US A-10s, Not Russian Jets Bombed Aleppo Yesterday
11:26 (GMT)

The Russian Ministry of Defence has accused the US Air Force of carrying out air strikes on the rebel-held city of Aleppo and attempting to pass the blame onto Russia.

The state-owned RT channel reports that Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the MOD, said today that two US A-10 attack jets had flown to Aleppo from Turkey and bombed nine targets in the city.

“Yesterday, at 13:55 Moscow time (10:55 GMT), two American A-10 assault aircraft entered Syrian airspace from Turkey, flew right to the city of Aleppo and bombed targets there.”

Konashenkov said that a Pentagon spokesman, Colonel Steven Warren, had yesterday claimed that Russian jets had bombed hospitals in Aleppo so as to pre-emptively deflect blame away from the US.

According to Konashenkov, there were no Russian air strikes on the city of Aleppo yesterday.

“I’m going to be honest with you: we did not have enough time to clarify what exactly those nine objects bombed out by US planes in Aleppo yesterday were. We will look more carefully.

What they do first is make unfounded accusations against us – to deflect blame away from themselves. If it goes on like this, we’re going to make two media briefings: one for ourselves, another for those coalition guys.”

First of all, it's important to point out that Colonel Warren did not say that Russian jets had bombed two hospitals on Wednesday, instead he refers to "the destruction of two hospitals in Aleppo by Russian and regime attacks." No specific date for the destruction of those hospitals was given. Furthermore there is extensive evidence of the bombing of Syrian hospitals by Russian or regime forces, with multiple claims from medical groups and activists.

The blame shifting claimed by Konashenkov is therefore a total fabrication.

Moving on the claim that US A-10s flew from Turkish airspace into the Aleppo province and bombed the city in the midst of a massive Russian air campaign in the area, we extremely sceptical.

Unless the Russian MOD could provide hard evidence of such a claim, it should be treated as false. Considering the extensive Russian air defence coverage of the area, with S-400 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) deployed and within range, and the high tensions between Russia and Turkey, it seems extremely unlikely that two non-stealthy attack jets would make it all the way to Aleppo and back without coming under fire. Furthermore, we would expect Russian jet fighters, which have been flying combat air patrol and escort missions in this area since Turkish F-16s downed a Russian Su-24 bomber in November last year, to have intercepted any flight crossing the frontier.

Russian jets were yesterday reported widely to have conducted multiple air strikes to the north and west of Aleppo, if not on the city itself, so the A-10s would have had to fly right through airspace in which numerous Russian jets were conducting combat operations.


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Zakaj pa jih Rusi ne sklatijo?

Zato ker nimajo jajc. Si ti meša? Enostavno tako ZDA kot Rusija skrbijo za svoje interese in se posredno ne bosta spopadle saj nista neumni.


21. nov 2007
Le kaj jih lahko naučijo pi.čkice, ki so videle vojno samo v filmih?
Ravnanja s kakim hi tech orožjem jih tako ne bodo učili, ker jim ga ne bo nihče dal. Morda pa potrebujejo posebne tečaje za ravnanje s 30 let starimi flintami, ki smo jih šenkali.


10. nov 2014
Objavljen datum invazije Saudijske Arabije na Siriju

Kraljevina Saudijska Arabija planira u ožujku izvršiti invaziju na Siriju, objavio je američki propagandni televizijski kanal CNN, pozivajuæi se na svoje izvore.

Saudijska Arabija kreæe ratovati u najgoroj ekonomskoj situaciji ikada. Zbog toga što je nafta na 26 dolara po barelu, gubici Saudijske Arabije su primorali vladu da po prvi put u povijesti digne kredit.

O spremnosti da pošalje vojsku u Siriju govorio je prošlog tjedna brigadni general Saudijske Arabije Ahmat Asiri. Zvanični Rijad je 5. veljače priopæio da je došlo do formiranja antiterorističke islamske koalicije i objavio spremnost da otpočne kopnenu operaciju u Siriji.

Pretpostavlja se da æe tamo biti poslan kontingent od 150.000 vojnika iz Egipta, Sudana, Jordana, Maroka, Kuvajta, Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata, Katara i Turske, sve zemlje koje su proamerički orijentirane. Pridružit æe im se i vojnici iz Malezije, Indonezije i Bruneja. Postoje podaci da æe vojnici islamske koalicije uæi u Siriju sa strane Turske.

Ranije je ministar obrane SAD Ashton Carter izjavio da pozdravlja sudjelovanje Saudijske Arabije u kopnenoj operaciji u Siriji. O detaljima operacije trebalo bi biti riječi ovog tjedna u Bruxellesu, gdje æe doputovati Carter i predstavnici saudijske strane.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik harigast pravi:
Russia Claims That US A-10s, Not Russian Jets Bombed Aleppo Yesterday
11:26 (GMT)

The Russian Ministry of Defence has accused the US Air Force of carrying out air strikes on the rebel-held city of Aleppo and attempting to pass the blame onto Russia.

The state-owned RT channel reports that Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the MOD, said today that two US A-10 attack jets had flown to Aleppo from Turkey and bombed nine targets in the city.

“Yesterday, at 13:55 Moscow time (10:55 GMT), two American A-10 assault aircraft entered Syrian airspace from Turkey, flew right to the city of Aleppo and bombed targets there.”

Konashenkov said that a Pentagon spokesman, Colonel Steven Warren, had yesterday claimed that Russian jets had bombed hospitals in Aleppo so as to pre-emptively deflect blame away from the US.

According to Konashenkov, there were no Russian air strikes on the city of Aleppo yesterday.

“I’m going to be honest with you: we did not have enough time to clarify what exactly those nine objects bombed out by US planes in Aleppo yesterday were. We will look more carefully.

What they do first is make unfounded accusations against us – to deflect blame away from themselves. If it goes on like this, we’re going to make two media briefings: one for ourselves, another for those coalition guys.”

First of all, it's important to point out that Colonel Warren did not say that Russian jets had bombed two hospitals on Wednesday, instead he refers to "the destruction of two hospitals in Aleppo by Russian and regime attacks." No specific date for the destruction of those hospitals was given. Furthermore there is extensive evidence of the bombing of Syrian hospitals by Russian or regime forces, with multiple claims from medical groups and activists.

The blame shifting claimed by Konashenkov is therefore a total fabrication.

Moving on the claim that US A-10s flew from Turkish airspace into the Aleppo province and bombed the city in the midst of a massive Russian air campaign in the area, we extremely sceptical.

Unless the Russian MOD could provide hard evidence of such a claim, it should be treated as false. Considering the extensive Russian air defence coverage of the area, with S-400 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) deployed and within range, and the high tensions between Russia and Turkey, it seems extremely unlikely that two non-stealthy attack jets would make it all the way to Aleppo and back without coming under fire. Furthermore, we would expect Russian jet fighters, which have been flying combat air patrol and escort missions in this area since Turkish F-16s downed a Russian Su-24 bomber in November last year, to have intercepted any flight crossing the frontier.

Russian jets were yesterday reported widely to have conducted multiple air strikes to the north and west of Aleppo, if not on the city itself, so the A-10s would have had to fly right through airspace in which numerous Russian jets were conducting combat operations.

Lahko pogledaš celotno novinarsko konferenco, za ta specifični del pa preskoči na 5:20.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik bizi pravi:
Le kaj jih lahko naučijo pi.čkice, ki so videle vojno samo v filmih?
Ravnanja s kakim hi tech orožjem jih tako ne bodo učili, ker jim ga ne bo nihče dal. Morda pa potrebujejo posebne tečaje za ravnanje s 30 let starimi flintami, ki smo jih šenkali.




13. avg 2007
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik harigast pravi:
Aha,novica je iz najbolj zanesljivega vira Novi sv. poredak,ki se že na naslovnici bori proti chemtrailsom.

BREAKING: Spokesman: #Saudi decision to send troops in #Syria is final. Islamic coalition against terror to be ready in 2 months - Al Arabia

Malo dvomim da je to res. Kot prvo nimajo jajc, v jemnu jih konkretno tolčejo po buči in ekonomija jim krepko šepa. Če je sploh res, je blef. In pri tem tempu ko rusi radirajo nesnago, od njih v 2 mesecih ne bo ostalo kaj dosti.
Ker igra gre takole: do ne dolgo nazaj so vso umazano delo za njih opravljali usa. Ti več nočejo. Potem so začeli z podporo raznih upornikov, IS in podobno. Ti zdaj odpovedujejo en za drugim. In zdaj jim ne preostane drugega, kot da gredo sami v akcijo. Kako to izgleda, lahko vidimo v jemnu.
Mala turæina pa se tudi samo repenči, kaj več od nagajat pa tudi ne upa.
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. nov 2014
Uporabnik Steve pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik harigast pravi:
Aha,novica je iz najbolj zanesljivega vira Novi sv. poredak,ki se že na naslovnici bori proti chemtrailsom.

BREAKING: Spokesman: #Saudi decision to send troops in #Syria is final. Islamic coalition against terror to be ready in 2 months - Al Arabia

Malo dvomim da je to res. Kot prvo nimajo jajc, v jemnu jih konkretno tolčejo po buči in ekonomija jim krepko šepa. Če je sploh res, je blef. In pri tem tempu ko rusi radirajo nesnago, od njih v 2 mesecih ne bo ostalo kaj dosti.
Ker igra gre takole: do ne dolgo nazaj so vso umazano delo za njih opravljali usa. Ti več nočejo. Potem so začeli z podporo raznih upornikov, IS in podobno. Ti zdaj odpovedujejo en za drugim. In zdaj jim ne preostane drugega, kot da gredo sami v akcijo. Kako to izgleda, lahko vidimo v jemnu.
Mala turæina pa se tudi samo repenči, kaj več od nagajat pa tudi ne upa.
Pa saj to je povsem nepomembno.. Tako v primeru groženj Turčije z napadom, kot v primeru grožen islamske koalicije pod vodstvom SA, gre za močno povečanje političnih pritiskov na Ruse in tudi Asada... To lahko pomeni zgolj in samo eno stvar... Turčija, SA in v zakulisju tudi USA izgubljajo vojno v Siriji in to je vse...


20. okt 2007
Sam tudi ne verjamem v kakšen konkreten vojaški angažma zgoraj omenjenih,prav tako pa ne verjamem v skorajšnji konec vojne. Najbrž bi se morali vprašati komu ustreza slabljenje in izčrpavanje držav ki so vpletene v to vojno. Izrael potihem umira od smeha.


10. nov 2014
Uporabnik harigast pravi:
Sam tudi ne verjamem v kakšen konkreten vojaški angažma zgoraj omenjenih,prav tako pa ne verjamem v skorajšnji konec vojne. Najbrž bi se morali vprašati komu ustreza slabljenje in izčrpavanje držav ki so vpletene v to vojno. Izrael potihem umira od smeha.
Na prvi pogled to seveda izgleda tako in tudi drži... Problem nastane, če bo šiitski polmesec moči ( Iran - Iraq - Sirija- Libanon )ob podpori Rusije in zadaj še Kitajske defakto vzpostavljen .. Potem se percepcija, strategija in kompletna zgodba povsem spremeni..


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
In zakaj bi zavladal? V Siriji so v večini suniti, v Libanonu tudi niso šiiti v večini, so pa močni. Kurdi se prav tako ne bodo dali podjarmiti s strani šiitov, saj imajo že v Iranu velike težave.. Povsod kjer so, jih oziroma sojih zaničevali in tolkli!