The SVP-24 then computes an “envelope” (speed, altitude, course) inside which the dumb bombs are automatically released exactly at the precise moment when their unguided flight will bring them right over the target (with a 3-5m accuracy).
Not only that, but the pilot does not even have to worry about targeting anything. He just enters the target’s exact coordinates into his system, flies within a defined envelope and the bombs are automatically released for him. ... And the best part of this all is that this system can be used in high altitude bombing runs, well over the 5000m altitude which MANPADs cannot reach.
Rebel44CZ na redditu bo imel kar prav, sicer na drugo temo.
They are saying that, because most of their audience are gullible fools.
Tukaj gre za povsem navadno CCIP/CCRP (Constantly Computed Impact Point/Constantly Computed Release Point). Zadevo je imel že A-7D v 60ih.
Only in 1965 USAF rejoined to the program, developing its all weather version of the Corsair II, the A-7D. This version included advanced flight and navigation displays, one of the first digital computer and also an inertial navigation system. Indeed the A-7D had a truly advanced avionics: it embedded some sophisticated systems, including the CCIP, the Continuosly Computed Impact Point that gave a real time computation of the weapon release point.
Along with the CCIP there was also the CCRP, the Continuosly Computed Release Point which would automatically deliver the weapon on the target point.
The A-7D also introduced the BFL, acronym of Bomb Fall Line which showed a “X” on the HUD indicating where the weapon would have hit if the pilot delivered the weapon at that moment.
Spada med "serijsko opremo" vsakega zahodnega letala, ki ima v opisu nalog tudi bombardiranje, verjamem, da je enako v Rusiji. Če nič drugega, so bile navadne bombe do nedavnega standard, v 1. zalivski je bilo pametnega streliva pod 10%, v Srbiji okrog 35%. JDAM je bil razvit konec 90ih.
Pri bombardiranju je enostavno preveč spremenljivk in neznank, da bi lahko računal na omembe vredno natančnost z nevodenimi projektili. turbulenca ti lahko cukne letalo v trenutku odmeta, projektil pa namesto zgradbo telebanov leti na poln vrtec ali prijateljske sile. Jebiga, korekcije ni več, samo kako lahko zmoliš za uboge duše.
Na dnu te strani je hit/miss kriterij USAF za navadno mk serijo bomb.
Cel kup kratic npr. LALD/LAHD je Low Altitude Low/High Drag, vse tudi meni niso jasne. Kaj posebej pod 30m se ne spuščajo. Verjetno so ruski kolegi pozabili kako nulo, 30-50 m z nizke višine bi znalo bit realno. Približno to so pokazali tudi v povsem prvem videu iz Sirije.
Cilj so vhodi na dnu hriba, mali oblački so šrapnel, bomba pade na dnu, izven kadra.
Poleg tega - če so jim res uspele čarovnije z navadnimi cegli - zakaj so šli v razvoj lastnega lasersko in satelitsko vodenega streliva, ki ga Siriji celo uporabljajo?