The news website quoted Russia’s TASS news agency as reporting that Moscow will soon launch massive operations codenamed ‘Total Destruction’ against the terrorists using 69 Sukhoi fighter jets, Tupolev 160 bombers, submarines and warships deployed in the Mediterranean Sea.
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Mimogrede, turki masirajo ogromne količine tankov in drugega orožja na meji s Sirijo. Očitno pripravljajo z invazijo zaščititi ISIL ali pa zaščititi mejo pred ISIL-om.
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Russia to launch ‘Total Destruction’ operations against ISIL in Syria
The news website quoted Russia’s TASS news agency as reporting that Moscow will soon launch massive operations codenamed ‘Total Destruction’ against the terrorists using 69 Sukhoi fighter jets, Tupolev 160 bombers, submarines and warships deployed in the Mediterranean Sea.
I've seen this news site a lot of time. It's very pro-Government (and has a disproportionate articles about the Syrian war), yet unlike sites like Syrian Perspective, this one is cited credibly by places like Wikipedia and actually looks legitimate to some degree.
I've been trying to find out which country it's based in, but I haven't been able to find anything. Does anyone know more about this site and can lift the shroud on it.
It's based in a town southeast of Beirut.
The site is ran by Leith Abu Fadel. It's considered credible because Leith has a lot of relatives, friends, and acquaintances in the the Syrian security forces, allowing him to accurately report military developments in Syria as they happen.
Also, he operates a better website than his father imo. Its more professional and refined.
Leith Fadel is Ziad Fadel's son?
Holy shit, lol!
Well, Leith has really calmed down in comparison to his father.
The inspectors then spotted cardboard boxes inside the metallic container with the “fragile” marking on them. They opened the boxes, and found a considerable amount of munitions hidden in crates below boxes of medicine.
Cumhuriyet said the trucks were carrying around 1,000 mortar shells, hundreds of grenade launchers and more than 80,000 rounds of ammunition for light and heavy weapons.
Several security officials, who had intercepted the trucks back in January, are currently being tried for “spying” charges.
"Ruski avion je prešao oko 1,5 kilometara našeg vazdušnog prostora po povratku iz Sirije. Sve je odmah rešeno i avion je uspešno nastavio put", rekao je Jalon za izraelski radio.
"Postoji linija komunikacije i koordinacije kako bi se izbegli nesporazumi između Izraela i Rusije o bombardovanju Sirije. Ruski avion nije imao nameru da nas napadne i zbog toga ne treba automatski reagovati i oboriti avion kada se dogodi takva greška", dodao je izraelski ministar.