ni druge kot furat dalje
itak si v tem času s štromom elektru plačal par novih kišt in je bv zdaj odnehat
Kam notri? Saj ni prostora, ko je tako majhna škatlati sam uzem... je vredno...
potem pa kupi še en hdd al pa ssd 2.5" pa vrž not in boš preskrbljen...
kolikor sem pogledal po specifikacijah ima sigurno plac za še en hdd ali ssd... mogoče celo za 2...Kam notri? Saj ni prostora, ko je tako majhna škatla
jaz ne bi tega... ker intel 6th gen ima ddr3... tisti na slotech pa ddr4... pa verjemi, da je vredno 40€ ddr4...Kaj pa Lenovo All in One. Recimo tole:
Noter je i3 6gen, 32 GB RAMA in 256 NVME, možnost še nadgradenj. Ultra hiter, neslišen in zavzame skoraj NIČ prostora.
Licenčni Winsi + keyboard + glodalec.
Idealen za pisarniško delo, hišni računalnik,...
Imam še enega, in sicer s 16 GB RAM in 500 GB SSD, prav tako brezhibno in v 22" monitorju. Če vzameš oba, dam 20% popusta.
Cena: 160 EUR/kom
Gre v pozabo še nič ne pomeni.osnovni problem 6 gen je, da ne podpira windows 11
windows 10 gre letos v pozabo
za nekoga, ki mu ni mar za varnost in podatke, definitivno ne pomeni ničGre v pozabo še nič ne pomeni.
Jaz bi nekaj od tega, ne glede na vso debato prej...Zadeva je sledeča. Na poljskem Allegru sem našel zanimiv Mini PC (jih je sicer več) in sem se kar zagrel da kupim tole:
Mini Computer Dell Optiplex 3060 Tiny I3 8GEN 16GB 256SSD Windows 11
The most important parameters
- Processor: Intel Core i3 - Ideal for basic work at home, office or school.
- RAM - capacity: 16GB - for advanced users to work efficiently.
- Drive: 256GB SSD NEW – you can fit there, for example. 1,1mln. documents, 70 thousand. Medium quality photos, 700 episodes of your favorite series or up to 300 videos.
- Graphics card - model: Intel UHD Graphics 630 - the basic, integrated model is enough for basic graphics work or watching a movie in high definition.
- Operating system: Windows 11 PRO - always up-to-date and installed system.
⚙ Additional information
Več si lahko ogledate tukaj:
- Processor - model: Intel Core i3-8100T CPU @ 3,10GHz (6MB cache)
- Graphics Card - Type: Integrated
- RAM - Type: DDR4
- Housing Type: Tiny
- Communication: LAN 10/100/1000 Mbps, WiFi (802.11ac), Bluetooth 5.1
- Front panel - types of inputs/outputs: USB 3.1 Type-C, USB 3.0, AUDIO connectors
- Rear panel - types of inputs/outputs: 4x USB 3.0, RJ45, 2x DisplayPort
- Power Supply: Included
- Condition: Very good, class A. Post-lease computers, exceptionally well-maintained copies with only minor traces of standard use. The computers have been professionally tested and are fully functional. Each device has an original operating system installed along with the necessary drivers. The photos below are real photos of one of the offered copies.
Monitor pa bi vzel tega:
Sedaj potrebujem samo še ''žegen'' vas računalničarjev, da je zadeva Okin da je za vzet.
Lep večer
Torej ta, ki sem ga prilepil je za vzet?Jaz bi nekaj od tega, ne glede na vso debato prej...
Obnovljeni namizni, gaming in prenosni računalniki | Brown Bear Team d.o.o.
Potrebujete nov namizni računalnik? Naši poceni rabljeni računalniki so pravi za vas: najvišja kakovost, dolga življenjska doba, ugodna cena. Že od 175 €
Windows 11 podpirajo mislim da vsi i5-9500. Potem pa izbereš, koliko rama in diska želiš. Pa mislim da je 16GB povsem dovolj, disk pa po želji.
Če pretvorba v evre drži, ja.Torej ta, ki sem ga prilepil je za vzet?
Cena je 168€Če pretvorba v evre drži, ja.
Tisti is slo-techa nima windowse naloženih, oziroma jih ima samo na enem, ki pa ga še uporablja.Jaz osebno bi unga iz slotecha... Je le novejsi...
Za tvoje potrebe je popolnoma v redu. Ne oziraj se na mnenje tistih, ki jih zanimajo samo igrice.Zadeva je sledeča. Na poljskem Allegru sem našel zanimiv Mini PC (jih je sicer več) in sem se kar zagrel da kupim tole:
Mini Computer Dell Optiplex 3060 Tiny I3 8GEN 16GB 256SSD Windows 11
The most important parameters
- Processor: Intel Core i3 - Ideal for basic work at home, office or school.
- RAM - capacity: 16GB - for advanced users to work efficiently.
- Drive: 256GB SSD NEW – you can fit there, for example. 1,1mln. documents, 70 thousand. Medium quality photos, 700 episodes of your favorite series or up to 300 videos.
- Graphics card - model: Intel UHD Graphics 630 - the basic, integrated model is enough for basic graphics work or watching a movie in high definition.
- Operating system: Windows 11 PRO - always up-to-date and installed system.
⚙ Additional information
Več si lahko ogledate tukaj:
- Processor - model: Intel Core i3-8100T CPU @ 3,10GHz (6MB cache)
- Graphics Card - Type: Integrated
- RAM - Type: DDR4
- Housing Type: Tiny
- Communication: LAN 10/100/1000 Mbps, WiFi (802.11ac), Bluetooth 5.1
- Front panel - types of inputs/outputs: USB 3.1 Type-C, USB 3.0, AUDIO connectors
- Rear panel - types of inputs/outputs: 4x USB 3.0, RJ45, 2x DisplayPort
- Power Supply: Included
- Condition: Very good, class A. Post-lease computers, exceptionally well-maintained copies with only minor traces of standard use. The computers have been professionally tested and are fully functional. Each device has an original operating system installed along with the necessary drivers. The photos below are real photos of one of the offered copies.
Monitor pa bi vzel tega:
Sedaj potrebujem samo še ''žegen'' vas računalničarjev, da je zadeva Okin da je za vzet.
Lep večer