Putinova Rusija


10. maj 2014
Ruska policija spet trenira strogoæu, tokrat na mamah Beslana. Po 14ih urah so jih izpustili - obtožene, sojene in obsojene.


On the twelfth anniversary of the terrorist siege which ended with the deaths of their children, five of the mothers took off their cardigans as the remembrance service began. They were all wearing T-Shirts with the words: “Putin is the Executioner of Beslan’ [Путин – палач Беслана].



The only two journalists who did not turn their cameras away from the women’s silent protest were taken away and held for two hours before being released.


The women were immediately surrounded by FSB officers who then tried to stop Novaya Gazeta’s Yelena Kostyuchenko and Diana Khatcharian from videoing the scene. The women were pushed into the corner so that the message on their T-Shirt would not be seen by the official delegation.

An attempt was made to detain the women then, but they began shouting and the FSB backed off.

They were roughly seized when they left the school grounds. They told Novaya Gazeta that they had been surrounded by a large number of officers, many in plain clothes, and pushed into a car. Svetlana Margiyeva was hit on the back so hard that she vomited, and at least two of the women have serious bruising.


They were held at the police station for 5 hours, and charged under Articles 19.3 and 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offences, for supposedly ‘not obeying a police officer’ and ‘violating the procedure for holding meetings’.

The police report read out in court says: “A police swift response special forces unit was called in to stop unlawful actions. Physical force was applied in accordance with the Law on the Police”.


Novaya Gazeta reports that the hearing finally ended at around 3 a.m. on Friday morning. Three women: Svetlana Margiyeva, Ella Kesayeva and Emilia Bzarova asked for an alternative sentence since they could not pay fines, and were sentenced to 20 hours community work Emma Betrozova and Zhanna Tsirikhova did not realize they needed to apply for an alternative sentence, and were fined 20 thousand roubles. Zemfira Tsirikhova was not wearing one of the T-shirts, but was sentenced to 20 hours’ labour for being next to one of the other women and for “making comments”.

The women were against their will for 14.5 hours. They plan to appeal against the rulings.



10. maj 2014
Tale je na nivoju Merklove & psa. Otročje nadjebavanje.


In March 2010, when Clinton visited Russia, Putin summoned her to his luxurious residence outside Moscow. Knowing her fondness for wildlife elephants, in particular — Putin invited Clinton to a basement trophy room filled with mounted animal heads. (A Clinton aide later described the gesture, though well meaning, as having a Bond villain feel.)

Dobro mišljeno, moja ritka.


10. maj 2014
Februar 2012, intervju z Mašo Gessen


(...)Putin, she says, was 'a grey, ordinary man’ with no articulated political vision and no identifiable political ambition, on to whom everybody could project whatever they wished to see in him. Berezovsky, who had thrown his Channel One television station behind Putin, believed that 'being devoid of personality and personal interest’, he would be both malleable and disciplined.

The Foundation for Effective Politics, the organisation set up to promote Putin, was made up primarily of young, idealistic liberals who were prepared to overlook his KGB past. 'The reason the ground was primed for him was that people needed to feel a sort of limited nostalgia for the Soviet Union, and someone who was very sure of what he was doing and saying,’ Gessen says. 'Everyone was tired of Yeltsin, his erratic behaviour, his total unpredictability, the fact that he was a total embarrassment on the international stage.’


Within weeks of his appointment as prime minister Putin had demonstrated just how decisive he could be. In September 1999 Russia was shocked by a series of bombings of apartment blocks that killed more than 300 people and left more than 1,900 injured. The bombings were immediately blamed on Chechen terrorists – and provided an opportunity for Putin to demonstrate his credentials as a strong leader.

On September 23 a group of 24 governors – more than a quarter of the federation – had written to Yeltsin asking him to yield power to Putin. The same day, Yeltsin issued a secret decree authorising the army to resume combat in Chechnya, and Russian planes began bombing the capital, Grozny. The following day Putin issued his own order authorising Russian troops to engage in combat – even though the prime minister has no legal authority over the military – and made one of his first television appearances, promising to hunt down the terrorists: 'Even if we find them in the toilet. We will rub them out in the outhouse.’

'His popularity,’ Gessen writes, 'began to soar.’


Putin has never commented on the speculation that the FSB was implicated in the bombings. Nor has the suggestion ever gained any traction among the Russian populace. One television channel that did investigate the bombings was NTV, part of a media conglomerate, Media-Most, owned by Vladimir Gusinsky.

Within days of Putin’s inauguration as president in May 2000, armed militia raided the offices of Media-Most, intimidating staff and seizing papers. The raid, Gessen writes, was a threat: its alleged initiator, Putin. Within a matter of weeks, Gusinsky was arrested on trumped-up charges stemming from the privatisation some years earlier of a company called Russkoye Video.

Gusinsky spent three days in jail and then fled the country, having apparently agreed to cede his majority share in his media empire to the state gas company, Gazprom. 'In other words,’ Gessen writes, 'this was a classic organised-crime contract, formalising the exchange of one’s business for one’s personal safety: and the state was party to it.’

When Gessen began investigating the Russkoye Video story, uncovering documents that implicated Putin, she was threatened over the telephone by the prosecutor involved in the case. 'He told me I’d be sorry. Just like that.’ A 'workman’ suddenly appeared at her apartment door – 24 hours a day. Her telephone was mysteriously cut off.


In a sense, Gessen says, Putin’s methods are in a long and ignoble tradition of Russian politics: the exercise of fear. 'That’s true of his private way of conducting politics, and it’s true of his public rhetoric. He is the heir to the great Russian tradition of “we are a country under siege” poli­tical rhetoric, which has been used throughout Russian history.

'And I think Putin believes that. It’s an assumption he was born and bred with, and he’s never thought to challenge it. I don’t think he is a very smart man, nor a very educated man. He’s an average Soviet functionary with stronger than average emotions, and higher than average vindictiveness.


Corruption has been virtually institutionalised under his regime. Last year the Transparency International 'Corruptions Perception Index’ ranked Russia joint 143rd out of the 182 countries listed, along with Nigeria and Mauritania.


'There is a theory that is popular among journalists that to Putin there are enemies and there are traitors. And enemies have a right to exist; he might not like them, but they have a right to exist. Traitors don’t have a right to exist. It’s a nice theory. I like it because I’m such a clear-cut enemy that I should be safe.’


10. maj 2014
Strošek za F-35 se je podvojil (200 na 400 mrd) in vsi vedo&se strinjajo, da gre za zabluzen program. Ampak ta program hkrati povsem resno premika meje mogočega.

Soči so bile samo še ene olimpijske igre, Putki pa je treba ploskat, ker je znesek ohranil pod petkratnikom originalno predvidenega? Pa še svetovni rekord za najdražje OI si lastijo.


13. dec 2015
Tole z Erdoganom mi ni nč jasen.

Putinu je jasno ko beli dan, če hoče južni tok rab Turke. Kitajci so ga pa itak nategnl.
Kakorkoli pluvate tukaj čez zahod, je Putin isto sranje. Nacionalni interes in zato bo nategnu vsakega, ki ga bo lahko.

Lahko rečem, da je njihova zunanja politika pravzaprav nespametna, da nekaj kontrirajo, samo da je kontra. Zaradi tega kup sankcij in beg kapitala.

Za razliko od Kitajske, ti pa dejansko delajo tko kot je treba, seveda kontro, samo potiho. Širijo ozemlja, širijo vpliv itd...
Tole show off Putina je bedarija, ter predvsem boleče za njegovne javne finance.

Rusi tudi precej populistično govorijo, seveda dostikrat upravičeno, vendar je fact tudi ta, da so sami podobni patroni. Če gledamo Gruzijo, Čečenijo, Afganistan......

Al pa te severnokorejske show offe.... pa parade. To je pase, vsi vejo da imajo jedrski arsenal konkreten, ne rabiš show offa zganjat in se še bolj izolirat..

Za te zadeve je Putin kr precej kriv in dosti nespreten, lahko bi to delal precej bolj taktično, diplomatsko itd... Predvsem bi to koristil njegovim javnim financam in tudi vojski, kateri kljub vsemo namenja zanemarjivo malo denarja.

Recimo ZDA pomoč Izraeulu je skoraj ves proračun letni Ruske vojske...
Skratka njihova politika ni ravno blesteča.


10. maj 2014
Madame Tussauds ali Putka med sprehodom po rdečem trgu?



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Strošek za F-35 se je podvojil (200 na 400 mrd) in vsi vedo&se strinjajo, da gre za zabluzen program. Ampak ta program hkrati povsem resno premika meje mogočega.

Soči so bile samo še ene olimpijske igre, Putki pa je treba ploskat, ker je znesek ohranil pod petkratnikom originalno predvidenega? Pa še svetovni rekord za najdražje OI si lastijo.

400mrd > 55mrd, pa F35 še vedno ni operativen, zraven pa so skenslali izdelavo novih F22, ki je zelo spodoben avion.


10. maj 2014
Bravo, projekt s planirano vrednostjo 10 mrd $ so spravili pod streho ceneje, kot projekt s planirano vrednostjo 200 mrd $.

F-22 je samo odličen lovec, F-35 pa bo spremenil cel koncept vojskovanja. Ravno ta teden so izvedi test, kjer je lociral letečo tarčo in podatke posredoval z "ladje" izstreljeni raketi, ki je poskrbela za eliminacijo.

Pentagon Demonstrates F-35 Ability To Skirt Key Chinese, Russian Air Defense


13. dec 2015
To velja za obe strani.
Samo poglej kako so Rusi čez noč obrnili politiko do Turčije. Na klik...

Seveda kavbojci počnejo enako, kako so sfukal kurde... Tudi Putin.
Bašar je samo lutka v tej vojni...

Skratka noben ne daje namenov na glas tudi Rusi ne. Iz tega bloga pa je razvidno, da pač simpatizerji vidite Putina kot nek pošten uredu lik, ki dela pravično...

to je smešno...


13. dec 2015
To je spet show off...
Fact je ta, da je narejno blo vseno na pol, 5 krat preplačano in na škodo lokalnega prebivalstva in predvsem narave.
Seveda so sledila komunajzerska razlastninjenja. Je en zlo dober nemški dokumentarc na to temo. Kako so to delali.

In ja Putin ne hendla korupcije like a boss ampak kot mafijec.

V Rusiji so nekateri lahko davčni utajevalci, lahko pa čez noč državni sovražniki in utajevalci.

Probaj pa ti v Ameriki ne plačat davka, takrat boš vidu razliko med državama. V ZDA te davčni birokrat lahko spravi za zapahe in no time, če ugotovi davčno utajo. Plačaš in greš še sedet.

pa ni važno si predsednik, filmski igralec, sloviti športnik, ali pa klošar.

to je sistem ne like a boss.........