Uporabnik Cawo pravi:
Pojma nimam, dejansko skupne kombinacije še nisem nikjer zasledil ...
Lithium-ion polymer batteries, or more commonly lithium polymer batteries (abbreviated Li-poly or LiPo) are rechargeable batteries which have technologically evolved from lithium-ion batteries.
Unlike lithium-ion cylindrical, or prismatic cells, which have a rigid metal case, polymer cells have a flexible, foil-type (polymer laminate) case, but they still contain organic solvent.
Uporabnik futuristic pravi:
Polniti jih je treba čim pogosteje in nikoli se ne smejo povsem izprazniti.
Tako je.Citat:
to dejansko pomeni, da je dobro če baterijo polniš vsak dan in ne čakaš, da se izprazni do konca ?
Uporabnik futuristic pravi:
1. Dobro je da baterijo napolnimo še preden se popolnoma izprazni.
2. Li-ion baterijo naj bi popolnoma izpraznili samo na vsakih 30 ciklov polnjenja (kalibracija baterije)
3. Če imamo baterijo nekje hranjeno, naj bo napolnjena nekje 40% in čimbolj na hladnem
4. Za Li-ion baterijo je najslabše, da je ves čas 100% napolnjena in na toplem. To je običajno pri notebookih, ki so ves čas priklopljeni na omrežno napetost. V tem primeru je boljše baterijo odstraniti.
5. Li-ion baterije zdržijo nekje do 3 leta uporabe ozr 300-500 ciklov polnjenja. Dve polnjenji po 50% se štejeta za 1 cikel.
Running a laptop computer on the mains has a similar temperature problem. While the battery is kept fully charged, the inside temperature during operation rises to 45°C
The speed by which lithium-ion ages is governed by temperature and state-of-charge. Figure 1 illustrates the capacity loss as a function of these two parameters.
Jaz nekako njemu bolj verjamem kot tebi. Res ne vem zakaj?Citat:
About the Author
Isidor Buchmann is the founder and CEO of Cadex Electronics Inc., in Vancouver BC. Mr. Buchmann has a background in radio communications and has studied the behavior of rechargeable batteries in practical, everyday applications for two decades. Award winning author of many articles and books on batteries, Mr. Buchmann has delivered technical papers around the world.
Cadex Electronics is a manufacturer of advanced battery chargers, battery analyzers and PC software.