When you are going to make a payment in a currency that you have in you PayPal balance you will charge directly from the balance. If the balance isn't enough to complete the payment PayPal will charge your credit card for the rest of the amount.
Otherwise if you are going to make a payment in a currency that isn't in your PayPal balance you will be charged directly from your credit card.
If you would like to open a new currency in your account please follow the steps below:
Go to and log in to your account.
Click 'Profile' near the top of the page.
Click 'My money.'
Click 'Currencies' beside 'PayPal balance.'
Select the currency you want to add.
Click 'Add Currency.'
When you accept money in multiple currencies, you have multiple account balances.
When a buyer sends money in a currency you accept, the money automatically appears in that currency’s balance.
When a buyer sends money in a currency you don’t accept, you’ll be asked to ‘Accept’ or ‘Deny’ the payment.
Your primary currency is the currency that you use to send and receive payments.