Pfizer doing SARS-COV2 Gain of Function


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Tudi o skodljivosti nosenja mask (CO2) so lagali in so imeli 'teoretiki zarote' prav.

Nemska studija:

Possible toxicity of chronic carbon dioxide exposure associated
with face mask use, particularly in pregnant women, children and
adolescents – A scoping review

3.3.1. Low level CO2 inhalation: teratogenicity and stillbirth
From decades of studies on the toxicity of carbon dioxide it is known that just 0.5% carbon dioxide for a few minutes to an hour per day is capable of inducing stillbirth and teratogenic birth defects in guinea pigs [106] (Page 14 of the referred FDA document). People in positions of responsibility in the US Navy have been aware that this level of 0.5% carbon dioxide in submarines is often exceeded.
They therefore set up a study in pregnant rats, the details of which have been published [58,107]. In rats the first signs of toxicity to pups were observed at a level of 3% carbon dioxide exposure for the pregnant dam with no signs of toxicity at 2.5% exposure. In the 3% CO2 exposure group the findings were a statistically significant mean litter proportion of post implantation loss (resorptions occurring in the early phase of pregnancy) and a corresponding statistically significant lower mean litter proportion of viable foetuses. Moreover, they found one foetus had gastroschisis (stomach, several loops of the intestine and liver protruding through an opening in the ventral midline) and localised foetal oedema was noted in 2 other foetuses: one of the hind limbs and the other of the neck and thorax. With a safety factor between animals and humans of about three, the US Navy toxicity experts then set the exposure limits for submarines carrying a female crew to 0.8% carbon dioxide as well as emergency exposure with a limit of 24 h [58,107].

3.3.2. Low level CO2 inhalation: neurotoxicity
To figure out the negative impact of poor indoor air quality on early brain development a research study exposed pregnant rats [108] to carbon dioxide levels of 0.1–0.3%, which is unfortunately commonplace in poorly ventilated closed buildings [55]. At an exposure of 0.3% carbon dioxide for the pregnant rats the pups demonstrated reduced spatial learning and memory at the age of approx. 6 weeks [108]. This reduced spatial learning and memory was attributed to histologically proven damaged neurons in a part of the brain called the hippocampus [108]. This damage is irreversible and it affects mental health in the long term. When the pregnant rats were exposed to just 0.1% CO2 the pups demonstrated increased anxiety [108], which is even more pronounced when the pregnant mother animals were exposed to 0.3% CO2. Carbon dioxide exposure, depending on its duration and intensity can cause oxidative stress [109]. Oxidative stress mediates apoptosis by forming lipid hydroperoxides that are highly toxic and cause DNA fragmentation [110]. This condition causes mito-chondrial damage, which can lead to a release of Cytochrome C, Caspase activation and finally cell death [111].
Low indoor air quality in classrooms is well known to be associated with a negative impact on the learning capacity of school
children [55,56,112]. To establish whether this only indicates a short-term effect or possible substantial damage to brain function, a study in mice was performed and published [113]. Adolescent mice were exposed 24 h a day for 7 weeks to a level of 0.3% carbon dioxide, but with normal atmospheric levels of oxygen [113]. At the end of the study a so-called water maze exercise was performed.
Here the mice have to find a life-saving platform in a water basin. This test distinguishes between impact on physical function and on mental function. Mice were tested on four consecutive days. On the first test day mice in all groups (carbon dioxide exposed and normal air exposed) typically needed around 40 s to find the platform. Healthy mice exposed to normal air learned to find the platform more quickly and after four days the healthy mice finally only needed 20 s to find the platform, whereas the carbon dioxide exposed mice were unable to learn the shortest way to the platform. Although the carbon dioxide exposed mice were able to swim as quickly as their healthy controls, they were not able to learn the shortest route. They swam around in a very disoriented manner day after day of the four test days. Histology tests demonstrated apoptosis of brainstem neurons in those 0.3% carbon dioxide exposed mice [113]. This CO2-induced loss of neurons is irreversible.

3.3.3. Low level CO2 inhalation: male reproductive toxicity
As a rise in carbon dioxide when wearing a mask is scientifically proven (Tables 1 and 2), further information about the phenomenon of the toxicological influence of elevated carbon dioxide of inhaled air on male fertility needs to be given. The toxic effects of low-level carbon dioxide exposure on male fertility have been studied extensively in animal experiments. The exposure of adolescent rats to a carbon dioxide level of 2.5% once for 4 h induced pathological signs of diminished fertility in rat testes [114]. A correct estimation of an exposure limit from animal toxicity studies to humans requires implementation of a safety factor [58,107,115]. One has to consider that small laboratory animals, evolutionarily adapted to living in burrows and caves, are limited as indicators for carbon dioxide, since they are much less sensitive to it than humans [105]. As aforementioned, the US Navy was using a safety factor of 3 from a level with no adverse effects on rat pregnancies [58,107]. In the study referred to on rat testicular function of carbon dioxide no so-called NOAEL (No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level) was observed [114]. Using the 2.5% level with marked damage to testes function and a minimum safety factor of 5, an exposure limit for adolescent males needs to be set at 0.5% for a maximum of 4 h a day [58,107,114,115].

In otroci v solah so morali nositi to sranje cez cel pouk in se vec in inspektorji so hodili po solah in razredih in preverjali nosenje mask otrok. Pri nas vem, da je prisel ponovno, ker je par ucencev nosilo masko pod nosom.

Zagovorniki mask, ne samo da ste zagovarjali nosenje mask, ki ni NIC pomagalo, prispevali ste se k skodi, ki jo prinese tako dolgo nosenje mask.
MImogrede, ta studija temelji na preteklih studijah, torej so ze prej vedeli o skodljivosti dolgotrajnega nosenja mask, na podlagi katerih so 'teoretiki zarote' opozarjali na to, pa so bili in ste jih, sramotili.
  • Haha
Reactions: bertoncl
2. jul 2020
Ti ovržem to študijo brez prebiranja tvojih solat, kjer se omenja v večini zrak v podmornicah.

- CO2 molekule so prevelike, da bi prehajale skozi maske
- Virusi so premajhni in prehajajo skozi masko

Zaključek je tak, da je virus covida manjši od molekule CO2.

Ker si glih našel eno tako študijo, najdi še kakšno, kjer se pozna na vplivih na zdravje bolniščničnega osebja zaradi nošenja mask. Moral bi takoj najti dokaze, kako je osebje na intenzivnih negah slabšega zdravja kot osebje v ambulantah. To bi že pred covidom odkrili in bi ukinili maske v zdravstvu že desetletja nazaj.
  • Haha
Reactions: mosseero


12. jul 2016
Ti ovržem to študijo brez prebiranja tvojih solat, kjer se omenja v večini zrak v podmornicah.

- CO2 molekule so prevelike, da bi prehajale skozi maske
- Virusi so premajhni in prehajajo skozi masko

Zaključek je tak, da je virus covida manjši od molekule CO2.

Ker si glih našel eno tako študijo, najdi še kakšno, kjer se pozna na vplivih na zdravje bolniščničnega osebja zaradi nošenja mask. Moral bi takoj najti dokaze, kako je osebje na intenzivnih negah slabšega zdravja kot osebje v ambulantah. To bi že pred covidom odkrili in bi ukinili maske v zdravstvu že desetletja nazaj.
Ne razumeš teh tem dr. Youtuba. On se samo poserje in pusti, da drugim smrdi. Kot ščene, ki teka neprivezan naokoli.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: mr_ in bertoncl


3. sep 2007
kod Džej-Zija
Lahko dodam še, da je ta študija review obstoječe literature in da med omejitvami omeni, da nobena študija, ki jo citira, ni preverjala dolgoročnega učinka nošnje mask, da pa bi LAHKO nošnja imela negativen vpliv. Že v naslovu piše POSSIBLE. Po njihovem obstaja možnost, ki pa jo je treba preveriti. Zato je prodajati škodljivost nošnje mask kot dejstvo, dokazano v študiji, popolnoma zgrešeno in kaže na nerazumevanje članka.

Kar je pri našem dr. yt. itak standard.


4. jun 2015
Tudi o skodljivosti nosenja mask (CO2) so lagali in so imeli 'teoretiki zarote' prav.

Nemska studija:

Possible toxicity of chronic carbon dioxide exposure associated
with face mask use, particularly in pregnant women, children and
adolescents – A scoping review

3.3.1. Low level CO2 inhalation: teratogenicity and stillbirth
From decades of studies on the toxicity of carbon dioxide it is known that just 0.5% carbon dioxide for a few minutes to an hour per day is capable of inducing stillbirth and teratogenic birth defects in guinea pigs [106] (Page 14 of the referred FDA document). People in positions of responsibility in the US Navy have been aware that this level of 0.5% carbon dioxide in submarines is often exceeded.
They therefore set up a study in pregnant rats, the details of which have been published [58,107]. In rats the first signs of toxicity to pups were observed at a level of 3% carbon dioxide exposure for the pregnant dam with no signs of toxicity at 2.5% exposure. In the 3% CO2 exposure group the findings were a statistically significant mean litter proportion of post implantation loss (resorptions occurring in the early phase of pregnancy) and a corresponding statistically significant lower mean litter proportion of viable foetuses. Moreover, they found one foetus had gastroschisis (stomach, several loops of the intestine and liver protruding through an opening in the ventral midline) and localised foetal oedema was noted in 2 other foetuses: one of the hind limbs and the other of the neck and thorax. With a safety factor between animals and humans of about three, the US Navy toxicity experts then set the exposure limits for submarines carrying a female crew to 0.8% carbon dioxide as well as emergency exposure with a limit of 24 h [58,107].

3.3.2. Low level CO2 inhalation: neurotoxicity
To figure out the negative impact of poor indoor air quality on early brain development a research study exposed pregnant rats [108] to carbon dioxide levels of 0.1–0.3%, which is unfortunately commonplace in poorly ventilated closed buildings [55]. At an exposure of 0.3% carbon dioxide for the pregnant rats the pups demonstrated reduced spatial learning and memory at the age of approx. 6 weeks [108]. This reduced spatial learning and memory was attributed to histologically proven damaged neurons in a part of the brain called the hippocampus [108]. This damage is irreversible and it affects mental health in the long term. When the pregnant rats were exposed to just 0.1% CO2 the pups demonstrated increased anxiety [108], which is even more pronounced when the pregnant mother animals were exposed to 0.3% CO2. Carbon dioxide exposure, depending on its duration and intensity can cause oxidative stress [109]. Oxidative stress mediates apoptosis by forming lipid hydroperoxides that are highly toxic and cause DNA fragmentation [110]. This condition causes mito-chondrial damage, which can lead to a release of Cytochrome C, Caspase activation and finally cell death [111].
Low indoor air quality in classrooms is well known to be associated with a negative impact on the learning capacity of school
children [55,56,112]. To establish whether this only indicates a short-term effect or possible substantial damage to brain function, a study in mice was performed and published [113]. Adolescent mice were exposed 24 h a day for 7 weeks to a level of 0.3% carbon dioxide, but with normal atmospheric levels of oxygen [113]. At the end of the study a so-called water maze exercise was performed.
Here the mice have to find a life-saving platform in a water basin. This test distinguishes between impact on physical function and on mental function. Mice were tested on four consecutive days. On the first test day mice in all groups (carbon dioxide exposed and normal air exposed) typically needed around 40 s to find the platform. Healthy mice exposed to normal air learned to find the platform more quickly and after four days the healthy mice finally only needed 20 s to find the platform, whereas the carbon dioxide exposed mice were unable to learn the shortest way to the platform. Although the carbon dioxide exposed mice were able to swim as quickly as their healthy controls, they were not able to learn the shortest route. They swam around in a very disoriented manner day after day of the four test days. Histology tests demonstrated apoptosis of brainstem neurons in those 0.3% carbon dioxide exposed mice [113]. This CO2-induced loss of neurons is irreversible.

3.3.3. Low level CO2 inhalation: male reproductive toxicity
As a rise in carbon dioxide when wearing a mask is scientifically proven (Tables 1 and 2), further information about the phenomenon of the toxicological influence of elevated carbon dioxide of inhaled air on male fertility needs to be given. The toxic effects of low-level carbon dioxide exposure on male fertility have been studied extensively in animal experiments. The exposure of adolescent rats to a carbon dioxide level of 2.5% once for 4 h induced pathological signs of diminished fertility in rat testes [114]. A correct estimation of an exposure limit from animal toxicity studies to humans requires implementation of a safety factor [58,107,115]. One has to consider that small laboratory animals, evolutionarily adapted to living in burrows and caves, are limited as indicators for carbon dioxide, since they are much less sensitive to it than humans [105]. As aforementioned, the US Navy was using a safety factor of 3 from a level with no adverse effects on rat pregnancies [58,107]. In the study referred to on rat testicular function of carbon dioxide no so-called NOAEL (No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level) was observed [114]. Using the 2.5% level with marked damage to testes function and a minimum safety factor of 5, an exposure limit for adolescent males needs to be set at 0.5% for a maximum of 4 h a day [58,107,114,115].

In otroci v solah so morali nositi to sranje cez cel pouk in se vec in inspektorji so hodili po solah in razredih in preverjali nosenje mask otrok. Pri nas vem, da je prisel ponovno, ker je par ucencev nosilo masko pod nosom.

Zagovorniki mask, ne samo da ste zagovarjali nosenje mask, ki ni NIC pomagalo, prispevali ste se k skodi, ki jo prinese tako dolgo nosenje mask.
MImogrede, ta studija temelji na preteklih studijah, torej so ze prej vedeli o skodljivosti dolgotrajnega nosenja mask, na podlagi katerih so 'teoretiki zarote' opozarjali na to, pa so bili in ste jih, sramotili.

modeeeel :valjamse::valjamse::valjamse::valjamse::valjamse:


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Lahko dodam še, da je ta študija review obstoječe literature in da med omejitvami omeni, da nobena študija, ki jo citira, ni preverjala dolgoročnega učinka nošnje mask, da pa bi LAHKO nošnja imela negativen vpliv. Že v naslovu piše POSSIBLE. Po njihovem obstaja možnost, ki pa jo je treba preveriti. Zato je prodajati škodljivost nošnje mask kot dejstvo, dokazano v študiji, popolnoma zgrešeno in kaže na nerazumevanje članka.

Kar je pri našem dr. yt. itak standard.

Ocitno tega dela v studiji nisi videl in sicer koncentracije CO2 podolocenem casu nosenja maske:


Ugotovitve, kaj se zgodi ob takih koncentracijah pa sem ze nalepil.


12. jul 2016
Predlagam, ko bo virtualni dr. na mizi za kakšen rizični poseg, da pravi dr. odvrže masko (ker zaradi CO2 res ne more razmišljat).
2. jul 2020
Majster, pod masko imaš par kubičnih centimov prostora. To inačiš z študijo, kjer so primerjali podmorničarje, kateri konstantno vdihujejo slab zrak?