[nogomet] Angleška Premier League

Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.
Ampak Trezegol se je žoge dotaknil preden je prišla do Camoranesija


19. jul 2007
77:68 za Šibenik

Red_Devil: Ne vem, tolk slabe igre Liverpoola ze dolg nisem vidu.. mal jih je sokiral rdec karton, pol je pa itak laufal samo se bunker. Gerrard ni bil viden sploh, nobene kreativnosti, borbenosti, nic od nic.. Torres sam ne more nic narest..

Mascheranu bi mogoce sudac res lahko razlozil, pa bi se pol umiril.. ne vem, vem pa da nonstop jebanje matere in posiljanja sodnika v qurac nikoli ni bilo v domeni igralcev Liverpoola. Mascher si zasluzi kazen, en nivo pa moras imet.

Kuyt bo pocas postal dober DM, parkrat je lepo zogo vzel..

Babel dober.. sam kaj naj nardi, ce nima komu podat..

Aurelio kar lepo branil levi bok..

Arbeloa malo skripal..

Z mal srece bi nas lahko nafilal 5-0 ..

Prvi gol je bil Ambrosini, ostali pa cist legalni in lepi.. Ne razumem pa igralcev.. Proti ostalimi ekipami se borijo ko levi, proti ManU pa imajo kar en strah.. Taktika za moje pojme je bila kul, igralci vec al manj enaki, kot na prejsnih tekmah, edin Gerrard bi ze ob polcasu ven vrgu, pa dal Benayouna notri.

All in all dizaster. Nikakvi odnos igracev, g33ki bi rekli temu: totally pwned.
Najboljša tiskovka ever


Avram Grant has not been in the most cheerful of moods these days, but few would have expected what happened after Chelsea's 1-0 win over Everton at Goodison Park.

The Chelsea manager saw his team close to within two points of Manchester United, but followed that up with the most amazing of press conferences.

A deserved win Avram?


What in particular pleased you about this performance?

I am pleased.

What in particular pleased you?

[A long pause] I don't know.

Is it a relief to win here?


You seem lost for words by the performance. Are you more satisfied with the performance or the victory?


You seem distracted. Do you have a problem?

No problem.

Is there an issue?

No. I am ok. I have nothing to say.

Do you have a message for the Chelsea fans?

Do you represent the Chelsea fans?

They [the fans] must believe you are still in the title race, do you have a message for them?

No message.

Does this result mean you are back in it now?

I don't know.

How many steps have you climbed to undertake this press conference?

I don't know.

You seem less voluble than usual. Is it because of Sky TV moving the game to a Thursday?

Maybe it's because of you. I don't know. I am ok.

You are saying that you don't know if you are still in the title race?


Is it easier to say nothing Avram?

I don't know what to answer. It is a good question. I don't know what to answer.

Is this because of Sky?

No. Sky is ok. I enjoy watching them.

Is it a protest against newspapers?

No. Why?

Why else would you come in and refuse to answer our questions?

I answer every question.

You are two points behind Manchester United and you don't know if you are still in the title race?


Have you told the players that you don't know if you are back in the title race?

What I tell the players is something else. You want me to tell you what I say to the players?

We just want you to answer the question really. Are you in the title race?

I don't know.

Would you not like to gain some positive publicity for the result rather than this bizarre silence?

I'm sorry. You can write whatever you want and I can answer what I want.

Do you feel under pressure to deliver a trophy. Is that the reason for the monosyllabic answers?


Are you upset? Do you feel you have been misrepresented?

Maybe I am upset because it is a bad season.

Did Michael Essien faint?

He had some problems, but he is ok.

Michael Ballack?


What's his problem?

Ask the doctor.

He's not here Avram.

We'll call him then.

Have you ever played the yes/no game Avram?

[Grant gets up and leaves.]

What the reasons behind this bizarre sequence of questions and answers may be, we leave for you to speculate.

vir: GOAL


22. avg 2007
a se da dons gledat kakšno tekmo ( Man utd ali Chelsea) on line na PC?

4 free seveda ....


22. avg 2007

Na omenjenih straneh mi ni ratalo vpostaviti stream-a.

Če mogoče še koga zanima

lepo deluje na livesport.haru.tv
Tema ni odprta za nadaljno razpravo.