Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


10. maj 2014
Hetman Sahaydachniy se je ravno danes vrnil iz skupne črnomorske vaje s turško mornarico.

Marinci pa so imeli vaje 2 tedna nazaj



10. nov 2014
Uporabnik Rosenthal pravi:
With country at risk of becoming a failed state, Kiev must recognise that economic survival depends on Moscow not the west

Why Ukraine needs Russia more than ever
Jp... Tudi meni je bilo zanimivo, da je nek tak članek objavil Guardian....Lahko si samo mislim, da se počasi začne prelaganje plačevanja ukrajinske zakuske na Ruse... Ali če malo poenostavim... Za Nulandin Majdan, naj plačajo Rusi...


10. maj 2014
Ena "human interest" zgodba. Punca je ta vikend pobrala 2 zlati in srebro na svetovnem pokalu v Lizboni.

Ganna Sergiivna Rizatdinova (Ukrainian: Ганна Сергіївна Різатдінова; Russian: Анна Сергеевна Ризатдинова, born 16 July 1993 in Simferopol, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian rhythmic gymnast.
Rizatdinova was born in Simferopol, Crimea. Since 2011 Rizatdinova lives in Kiev. Her mother heads a Simferopol rhythmic gymnastics school. Both her parents grew up in Russia before they moved to Crimea. Her father is of Kazan Tatar descent.[16] After Rizatdinova moved to Kiev she "had to put efforts and learn the language to be able to understand" Ukrainian.
Roughly three month after the March 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia[nb 1] Rizatdinova stated (on 24 June 2014) she was "outraged" and found the annexation to be "unpleasant and terrifying" because she did believed "How can the Crimea be Russia?". She also vowed never to compete for Russia.[16] Rizatdinova's mother stayed in Crimea, and now trains gymnasts who compete for Russia.[18]


10. maj 2014

timestampi na videoposnetkih dokazujejo, da je bila zajeta pred napadom

isto velja za podatke mobilnih telefonov

Eden od prisotnih priznava, da se je prijetje zgodilo pred napadom

Rusko sodišče mu ni dovolilo pričat.

Sojenje je povsem slučajno potekalo v Donetsku, Rusija. Verjetno, da ni preveč očitno, da gre za ugrabitev čez državno mejo.,_Russia

in še češnjica na torti:

According to the prosecutors, Savchenko was a gunner on an Aidar battalion helicopter and reported the location of the two Russian journalists, Igor Kornelyuk and Anton Voloshin, to Kiev troops, who then shelled the area outside Lugansk.

Prostovoljni bataljon, ki ima komaj za BTR-e, je imel junija 2014 privatni helikopter? Po opazovanju je helikopter pristal sredi bojišča, da so jo lahko zajeli?

Primer je še bolj nor, kot sem mislil.


10. maj 2014
Karkoli si že mislim o Strelkovu, človek ne zna lagat. Ali je tiho, ali pove kar misli.

The former Minister of Defense of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Igor Strelkov (aka Igor Girkin), stated that the separatists have brought ruin to the Donbas, built "simulacrums of republics", and created "a pigsty and a mess". Before the separatists came to power, the quality of life in Donetsk was higher, Strelkov stated, as reported by Chetvertaya Vlast.

Strelkov made these comments during an interview with representatives of the NOD (National Liberation Movement), a Russian nationalist organization. His comments were published by State Duma Deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov.


He explained that the pro-Russian separatists have built a copy of the Russian oligarchic system, and consequently there is no power for the people, which is what the masses rallied for in the spring of 2014. According to Strelkov, the war in the Donbas has significantly lowered the living conditions of the local population.


Strelkov explained that the people in Donetsk are becoming disillusioned with the politics of the self-proclaimed republic due to the cronyism of the leaders. For example, the post of the Minster of Foreign Affairs of the so-called DPR was given to the mistress of Denis Pushilin, who is the Vice Chairman of the People’s Council of the self-proclaimed republic.


In addition, Strelkov noted that the separatist leaders continue to pour money into Russian cultural events and concerts at a time when the local population is impoverished.


According to him, the responsibility for the events taking place in the Donbas lies with Vladislav Surkov, an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin. "The simulacrums of republics with a name of Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov on them were built, that's all that happened," Strelkov emphasized.

Se mi skoraj smili. Želel je ustvarit pravoslavno-stalinistični raj na Zemlji, ampak si je na lokaciji lahko pomagal samo z lokalno kriminaliteto, lumpenproletariatom in ruskimi nacionalisti na dopustu.

Vprašanje je tudi, zakaj je šel Fjodorov tole objavljat in ali bodo kake posledice.