Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


2. mar 2010
Se strinjam, 10x A10 skupaj z ah-64/mi-24 in gredo teroristične dnr/lnr tankovske enote "prostovoljcev" papa.


10. maj 2014
Na Twitterju so ga opazili ob skoraj vsaki bitki, sedaj imamo potrditev. Yeti obstaja.

On 26 September the SMM observed at least 36 tanks (type unknown) at the training area in “LPR”-controlled Kruhlyk (31km south-west of Luhansk). A day earlier the SMM spotted at the same training area one heavy multiple launch thermobaric rocket system (TOS-1 Buratino, 220mm).

TOS-1 je tole:

Ukrajina jih nima. Uporablja jih Azerbajdžan (18 kosov), Irak (4je kosi), Kazahstan (3je kosi) in Rusija (15 kosov). Redkejši kot jeti, isto velja za strelivo.


11. okt 2007
The social unrest mysteriously broke out after the refusal of Yanukovych. President Yanukovych, who had been legally elected in 2010 for a period of five years was ousted by an apparently spontaneous uprising. The Ukrainians wanted so much to join the West ! Would that kind of behaviour have ever been accepted in the United States?

The EU-Ukraine 'Association Agreement' and the Upcoming War

Imagine a bunch of people, unhappy with the signing of the TPP and hence going to “Washington-Maidan” and forcing president Obama (and the whole Wall Street-CFR mafia surrounding him) out. If people had reacted the same way in France when the Lisbon Treaty was voted by its deputies in February 2008, three years after the referendum had buried the European Constitution, do you seriously think the mainstream journalists would have applauded such a « Revolution »?


10. maj 2014
Spet Zussejev Erik.

Kar se tiče strateške kulturne fundacije se mi pa teh govoric ne da preverjat

Since 2005 our journal has published thousands of analytical briefs and commentaries with the unique perspective of independent contributors from the US, Canada, India, Russia and Europe.
Welcome to Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal.
Sincerely Yours, Editor-in-Chief Vladimir MAXIMENKO.

Anyhow back to Boris, it turns out that article came from the Strategic Culture Foundation whose editor is Vladimir Maximenko.Valdimir is a senior Research Associate at the Russian Academy of sciences Institute of Oriental studies and funny enough so is Boris.

On January 1, the "Lietuvos Rytas" website,, reprinted an article from a Canadian website,, which itself credited the Strategic Culture Foundation. That foundation, based in Moscow, has ties to Russian state media, academic institutions and businesses.


11. okt 2007
US Congress and President Obama 'Officially' Recognize Donbass’:public Law 86-90 (1959)

In October 1959 the Ukrainian nazi leader Stepan Bandera was assassinated by a fellow Galician.

The summer of 1959′s Captive Nation Proclamation was the last act of Stepan Bandera. Can Yarosh or Poroshenko claim his mantle and ignore his last act? Does the war and persecutions in Ukraine which are now spreading west make them traitors to Bandera? They are both overseeing the destruction of Ukraine because they are ignoring the compact Stepan Bandera made with the entire emigre world.

What will their supporters say when they realize the US government will drop them like a hot potato rather than for individual Senators and Congressmen being investigated for breaking a law they affirm every year?


11. okt 2007

The fact of widespread Ukrainian fascism is something that the western media has gone from reporting (as recently as 2012) to outright ignoring when it became an inconvenient truth in the quest to destabilise Russia and seize control of Ukrainian resources. When Ukraine’s increasingly powerful fascist paramilitary group Praviy Sektor took the spectre of Ukrainian law into its own hands and became involved in a deadly shoot-out with Ukrainian police, western media described it as ‘Russian propaganda coming true’. This aversion to acknowledging the reality of the chaos in Ukraine and its western roots becomes understandable if one remembers that the NATO supreme commander has called for the ‘western group of nations as an alliance to engage in this informational warfare’ against Russia.

The Crisis of Distraction

The use of the mainstream press to completely ignore the truth and instead attack Russia at every opportunity has led to total misinformation with regard to just how dire the situation is in Ukraine. How commonplace is the knowledge of the brazen removal of Ukrainian gold reserves to the US? What about the quickly hushed up fact that both the Maidan protestors and Berkut police were shot by the same snipers? Perhaps this is nothing new to the readers of increasingly marginalised independent viewpoints, but to the majority, even in the face of facts, there is one popular and easy-to-remember phrase that counteracts all of these so-called conspiracy theories—“Blame Putin. Blame Russia.”


10. maj 2014
Tole se lepi po Donetsku, ne ve se čigavo maslo je.


V Siriji je več denarja, uraden status, možnost medalj in lahko kolješ muslimane. Win-win-win-win.

Strelkov je jezen (isti račun, ki je objavil sestrelitev An-26, kjer je padel dol MH17):

"Suspicious leaflets in Donetsk or confuse the Russian militia. Online whirlwind swept the news that in several districts of Donetsk, in the place of the militia, on the pillars and walls were leaflets describing the advantage of the war in Syria on the war in the Donbass. The anonymous ads stated that war in Syria, the soldiers salary is much higher and that they can count on the official status of the combatants. Who is putting up ads do not know. I do not dolzhdalsya official confirmation from my sources in Donetsk. However, to write about it anyway you need!

I have two versions of interpretation of this event. One of them mediocre, the other very bad.


Flyers could paste up Ukrainian DRG or svidomye few local "patriots of Ukraine." Then it's just a PR campaign and the picture to the media. Punishers decided to play with the help of advocates and cheap agit-wordstrips decomposed perfectly soldered and ideological divisions of the army of New Russia! Perhaps everything is much more prosaic and Ukrainian "journalists" missed the fake and just invent this news (as they have often done), backed by their lies made on the front lawn, or edited in Photoshop pictures. In any case, we do not worry about anything, this week "news" will hang in the TOP of Google, svidomye rastaschat it on their forums and blozhiki, then it will expose Shary all safely forget about it, as thousands feykovye news before.


The second option is much more frightening and dangerous for the militias. Some who know me know of people threw me to the idea that distribute these leaflets started to spin doctors. Political consultant exasperated by the fact that not all conscious Russian volunteers left their posts and went to Russia. The New Russia still fighting a lot of ideological volunteers, who do not accept, nor Ming shame, no fraternizing with punitive or even more trade with the junta! Therefore, the politicians might be tempted to promote among militia bespekspektivnost military service DNI and LC, and the possible benefits of a trip to Syria. Then everything is much more serious ... And this is not an isolated event stuffing Ukrainian propaganda and systematic work on the decomposition of the series militia! Curators want to seduce militias prospects of participation in military operations in Syria, and to make the remaining leave Donbas, spin doctors were free to push the Donbass in Ukraine!

In summary, I am more inclined to the first option, but do not rule out the second as Curators have long attracted to the idea of ​​using hardened in the year and a half of civil war, women in the Syrian adventure, which in any case should not be allowed! "
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11. okt 2007
US and British special forces are actively preparing Kiev’s military for escalated combat. UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said Britain will double the number of Ukrainian troops it’s training by yearend

Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass,Escalated Combat with the Support of US and British Special Forces

These concerns are strengthened by military equipment drawn to the contact line by Ukrainian forces, as well as by shellings of residential areas.” Kiev ignores Minsk terms. Its actions show it wants continued war heading toward full-blown like earlier


11. okt 2007
Unknown to most Americans, the US government is channeling financial support, weapons and training to a Neo-Nazi entity –which is part of The Ukraine National Guard– The Azov Battalion (Батальйон Азов). Canada and Britain have confirmed that they also are providing support to the National Guard.

Military Training for Young Children at Ukraine’s “Neo-Nazi Summer Camp”. Recruitment of Ukraine’s “Child Soldiers” Financed by US “Nonlethal” Military Aid?

The Azov Battalion -which “officially” displays the Nazi SS emblem– (below left) is described by the Kiev regime as “a volunteer battalion of territorial defense”. It’s a National Guard battalion under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the equivalent of America’s Homeland Security.

Officially based in Berdyank on the Sea of Azov, the Azov battalion was formed by the regime to fight the opposition insurgency in the Donbass region.


11. okt 2007
$1.8 Billion IMF Ukraine Bailout Money Deposited in Ukraine Oligarch Kolomoyskyi’s Cyprus Offshore Bank Account

A huge chunk of the $17 billion in bailout money the IMF granted to Ukraine in April 2014 has been discovered in a bank account in Cyprus controlled by exiled Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the German newspaper Deutsche Wirtshafts Nachrichten [DWN] reported.In April last year $3.2 billion was immediately disbursed to Ukraine, and over the following five months, another $4.5 billion was disbursed to the Ukrainian Central Bank in order to stabilize the country’s financial system.


11. okt 2007
Clinton's Charity Ties With Oligarchs Behind Ukrainian Coup Revealed

It has recently turned out that Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, a vocal proponent of Ukraine's European integration, made huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation, while Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State. Although the foundation swore off donations from foreign governments while Mrs. Clinton was serving as a state official, it continued accepting money from private donors. Many of them had certain ties to their national governments like Viktor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian businessman and ex-parliamentarian.

Remarkably, among individual donors contributing to the Clinton Foundation in the period between 1999 and 2014, Ukrainian sponsors took first place in the list, providing the charity with almost $10 million and pushing England and Saudi Arabia to second and third places respectively.