Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
Zelo resno jih jemljejo, škoda da niso šli do Kijeva pol pa za mizo, ker ukrajinci bodo vedno grožnja v regiji
In 2014, the agricultural trade between #Ukraine and #China accounted for $931.9 million which is 36.6% more than in 2013 #agriculture #news
Gazprom’s 30-year contract for gas supplies to China was based on an optimistic view of the oil market and offered no protection in the event of a prolonged period of low prices, the Russian company said on Monday.
Analysts estimate that the gas price implied by the contract was around $350/thousand cubic metres when it was signed; given the 50 per cent decline in oil prices since then “it could be as low as $175/thousand cubic metres — clearly a lossmaking level”, Mr Davletshin said.
"For the first time, China has begun using the yuan in its gas trade agreement with Russia. Iran and Turkmenistan may also follow Russia in this respect," Özdemir added.
"Moreover, the Chinese firm CNPC [China National Petroleum Corporation] is providing credit and advance payments to countries that are under financial burden in energy projects. By using its strong financial power, China guarantees its energy security," he explained.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Malo bonbončkov:
Danes se je pojavil tudi video neuspešnega napada na ukrajinske položaje
The DNR declared alarm. All units are prepared for full-scale offensive APU. According to our source from the Defense Ministry leadership of the DNI DNI received a telephone message on civilian and military targets on possible air strikes. The information indicates a possible failure of the Minsk Agreement and intensified fighting with heavy weapons
15-35 Today, the organization Khartsyzsk, Zugres and Ilovaysk telephone message came: "Urgent prepared bomb shelters."
15-15 Comment analyst Alexei Zot'ev: " The collapse of the Minsk Agreement "
14-14 Gorlovka full combat, all units are in position.
13-50 According to our source from the military structure of the LC: "We are all ears. The most complete military. Curfew 21 00 and said, grabbing all the generals even if without special passes. Iron rushing around the city ...."
Separately, discussed the situation in connection with the cases of attacks on settlements of Donbass and the representatives of the OSCE mission from the Ukrainian security services.
Naši izvidniki, v ukrajinskih uniformah
Oko 2,000 prosvjednika okupilo se jučer u centru Kijeva, glavnog grada Ukrajine, kako bi demonstrirali protiv sve veæih režija. Naime, cijene su od prošle godine narasle za čak 88%
"We will use our entire arsenal and all the means at our disposal to beat back the enemy's assault," Ukrainian military spokesman Vladyslav Seleznyov told.
There has been an exponential effort on behalf of the United States and NATO to beef up Kiev forces.
Russian Special Forces have installed communications equipment @ 4 locations they garrison & staff in #Donetsk as of May 3rd 2015
Daily communications between Russian military installations on Russian soil and units in #Ukraine are tracked by western agencies
A complete 'map' of Russian-Ukraine communications built on intercepts is going to be presented to relevant U.N bodies soon
Sections of these intercepts are being used in the Dutch #MH17 investigation. This has delayed the U.N presentation
Russians staff a comms center on the top floor of this apartment building w/ new arrays on roof #Donetsk![]()
Mustafa Abdülcemil Cemiloğlu, the historic leader of the anti-Russian Tatars and CIA collaborator during the Reagan presidency, announced, on behalf of the Uukrainian government, the creation of an International Muslim Brigade to oppose « Crimean Russian separatism » (sic). The Brigade will be based at Herson, near the Crimean frontier, and will include volunteers from Tatarstan and Chechnya (Russia), Ouzbekistan, Azerbaidjan, and Meskhetia (Géorgia)