Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
OK za Doctorza je to da Rusijo podpira normalno, pa čeprav so jih Srbi že ničkolikokrat dobili prav od Rusov po buči, ampak OK je Pravolavec in uni so tudi, da pa Andy in Matey točeta čez zahod konzumirata pa vse Zahodno pa ni OK.![]()
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik gloglo pravi:
Recimo mamo Andija, rusofila....
S temle si si zaslužil teden banovcev.
wau... Tako mlad , pa tako moder..Citat:
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Saj to je to, EU se nekaj gre, potem pa itak pridejo američani rešit naše riti...
Pozabil si sliko dodati:Citat:
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Seems legit...
"Menim, da je to ena zadnjih priložnosti. Če nam ne uspe doseči trajnega mirovnega sporazuma, se bo zgodil znani scenarij. Nosi ime vojna," je dejal Hollande.
Ja, skupaj s posadkoCitat:
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Mogoče pa so seperatisti tako opasni, da prek meje od rusije kradejo opremo?
Uporabnik doctorz pravi:
Twiti nekih pajacev tvojega kova so pa res pomembni![]()
A scandal occurred when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was delivering his speech at the International Security Conference in Munich. Several Western officials interrupted Lavrov's speech with shouts and derisive laughter. Sergei Lavrov showed a restraint reaction to their boyish behavior.
Sergei Lavrov said that in the Crimea, all happened in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. "The UN Charter has several principles, and the right of nations to self-determination takes a kew place, whereas territorial integrity and sovereignty must be respected," said the minister. At this point, Elmar Brok and many other delegates from Western countries started laughing out loud, adding scathing comments to their derisive laughter.
Europeans Laugh as Lavrov Talks Ukraine
In the span of 45 minutes today, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov rewrote the history of the Cold War, accused the West of fomenting a coup in Ukraine and declared himself a champion of the United Nations Charter. The crowd here in Germany laughed at and then booed him, but he didn’t seem to care.
The crowd took that in stride, but then burst out laughing when Lavrov said that the annexation of Crimea, which was invaded by unmarked Russian troops, was an example of international legal norms working well.
“What happened in Crimea was the people invoking the right of self-determination.” he said. “You’ve got to read the UN Charter. Territorial integrity and sovereignty must be respected. “
As chuckles filled the ballroom of the elegant Hotel Bayerischer Hof, Lavrov shrugged it off: “You may find it funny. I also found many things you said funny.”
But the laughter turned to scorn when Lavrov made a muddled comparison of the Ukraine crisis with the division of Germany in the Cold War. “Germany got reunited without a referendum and we were an active supporter of that process after the Second World War," he said. "You will remember that it was the Soviet Union that was against splitting Germany."
But that was the moment at which any remaining respect for Lavrov among the largely German audience vanished. Apparently, they didn't remember the Soviet Union’s actions as particularly helpful in bringing about reunification. There was, for example, the Berlin Wall.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sparked derisive laughter and indignation among the audience at a security conference in Munich by defending Moscow's actions in the Ukraine conflict and accusing the West of fomenting unrest in the crisis.
Mr Lavrov’s extraordinary claim that Crimea had become “independent” by means of the UN right of self-determination was met with loud, if nervous, laughter in Munich audience.
But in echoes of old Soviet rhetoric, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov drew bitter laughter from his fellow panel members when he insisted it was the West not Russia which had torn up the accords which settled Europe`s borders after the end of the Cold War.
Lavrov faced a number of skeptical questions from the audience, from why Russia was sending its planes into European airspace with the transponders turned off to why it is causing misery to civilians in eastern Ukraine. Several times, his denials of Moscow’s interventions prompted laughter from the audience. At one point, he looked wearily at his watch.
The differences were underlined in terse speeches and a burst of derisively undiplomatic laughter that greeted Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s claim that Russia’s annexation of Crimea last year followed a legitimate vote – held under the guns of thousands of Russian troops and unrecognized internationally – for self-determination.
The Russian minister also provoked laughter when he claimed that Crimea had voluntarily joined Russia in accordance with the UN Charter.