Rusija nadaljuje z bojem proti realnosti.
Ukrajina je od vsega začetka trdila, da so rakete v Volnovakhi priletele iz okolice Dokučajevskega.
Približno takole:
OSCE danes:
Severo-severo-vzhod? Drži.
TASSova interpretacija je izvrsten primer ruske propagande/spina. Res, iz učbenika.
Kelin: OSCE data refute the West version of the perpetrators of the tragedy at Volnovaha
Observers found that was made ​​from the north, not from the east, where the militia
Eksploziven naslov.
Published data on the tragedy at the OSCE Volnovaha refute version of Kiev and Washington's guilt militias. This was stated by Tass Russian Permanent Representative to the OSCE Andrey Kelin, commenting on a regular daily report of the observer mission in Ukraine, which held its investigation into the incident.
Prazne obtožbe in avtoriteta, ki jo bodo citirali govorit nesmisle. Vedno se lahko izgovarjajo, da gre samo za intervju. Seveda je treba potunkat Washington, čeprav tukaj nima ničesar zraven.
"The observers found that the fire was made of" Castle ", but from the north. This contradicts earlier hypothesized that sounded in Kiev and picked up in Washington that the militia fired from the east" - he explained.
Doubling down. Severo-severo-vzhod ni isto kot sever.
"The direction of another and this raises many questions as to whether it was the militia. There are serious doubts as to who is responsible for the tragedy of the bus," - said Kaelin. "Now from Vienna can not be clearly announce who conducted the shelling, but there is a lot of questions", - concluded the diplomat.
Čeprav vemo, da niso krivi Rusi, vseeno sejemo dodatne dvome.
Earlier, the OSCE issued a report for January 16, which reported on the investigation conducted by the staff of the mission. "The observers carried out a detailed investigation. It included a survey of two craters from shells, including one that is 10 meters from the bus. According to observers, the crater formed as a result of falling shells fired from the north-northeast direction," - said herein.
Na konci jim celo uspe sporočit resnico. Ampak, če bi citirali samo to poročilo, bi šel članek v povsem drugo smer.
Fakin' remek delo ruske propagande.