Uporabnik gloglo pravi:
doctorjev ban je bil neupravičen, ni žalil nobenega, tudi sam se nisem pritoževal....
Uporabnik gloglo pravi:
Andy sem proti cenzuri.... doctor mene ne more užalt, tud če mi reče socialc, klošar al pa karkoli...
Če bi me motilo, bi se pritoževal..
"December 30, 2014 Attorney General's Office LC was a criminal case against members of the battalion RRT" Batman "with call sign" Maniac "," Omega "," Duck "," Chechen "," Batman, "" Luis "," Phoebus " "Janek", "Crest", "Saturday", "Zema", "tablet", and the other on the facts of illegal deprivation of liberty of two or more persons, torture, the use of weapons, as well as murder, kidnapping civilians, false imprisonment, extortion and robbery ", - explained in the department.
According to the Prosecutor General's Office, in June and October 2014, the Battalion was illegally detained and tortured 13 local residents. As a result of their illegal actions of one of them held died.
And all this was served with a sauce of severe Russophobia, racial hatred, fascism, Nazism, the superiority of the Ukrainian nation over all others.
Basically all members are our countrymen, Luhansk residents of the region. There are of course, also several volunteers from Russia, but these are in no way “mercenaries”, which is spoken in Kiev. These people, the Russians, are those who came to protect the Russian-speaking people of Donbass.
Terrorists Alexandr Borodai and Igor 'Bes' Bezler admitted that 'Novorossia' is a dream that was never brought to life.
"There is no Novorossia. Of course, we all use this term, but it's a false start, to be honest. Novorossia is an idea. A dream... An idea that wasn't brought to life due to a number of reasons," Borodai said, Censor.NET reports.
"What was done over the past year, that's the Russian Crimea, the 'Donetsk People's Republic' and the 'Luhansk People's Republic.' In fact, these republics are the base for creating Novorossia. I personallt cannot say whether this project will be implemented, given the world crisis, given the fact that the whole world, or rather West with its organizational and financial resources, supports the united Ukraine and is against Russia.
"But the dream exists. And I hope we would be able to implement it," Borodai said.
The SBU said it had intercepted a phone call between one of the leaders of the Luhansk militants, Pavel Dremov, and his subordinates, according to Ukrainian television news service TSN.
"Well, we’ve managed to get Grads for us, [and] managed to get artillery, and managed to get an official apology from [Luhansk People’s Republic leader Igor] Plotnitsky. He’s to fly from Moscow and apologize to the First Cossack Regiment on TV," Dremov said, adding later in the call that Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev had promised to supply more tanks to the militants.
Uporabnik Abraham pravi:
Kaj je... a amerikanski plačanci še kar drkate tukaj?![]()
Vidim, da se nobenemu normalnemu (razen Andyju - po službeni dolžnosti) več ne da preklat z vami.
Ampak zmagali niste. Le noben več ne bere vaših drkarij.
The Canada-based Centre for Research on Globalization is also interesting. It was founded and is now headed by Michel Chossudovsky; among the Centre's contributors are Neil Clark, Mahdi D. Nazemroaya and William Engdahl. Chossudovsky, Nazemroaya and Engdahl are members of the scientific committee of the Italian journal Geopolitica, which also includes John Laughland and Natalya Narochnitskaya. Geopolitica is edited by Tiberio Graziani, a fervent advocate of the Eurasian cooperation and a member of the High Council of the International Eurasian Movement led by Russian fascist Aleksandr Dugin. In 2008, Dugin called for the Russian occupation of Georgia, and even made a trip to South Ossetia together with his followers from the Eurasian Youth Union.
Geopolitica itself is an off-shoot from the Italian extreme right journal Eurasia, Rivista di Studi Geopolitici, published and edited by Italian Nazi-Maoist Claudio Mutti. The scientific board of Eurasia includes Aleksandr Dugin and William Engdahl. In the early January, Engdahl published a piece titled "The Belgrade US-Financed Training Group Behind the Carefully-Orchestrated Kiev Protests".
Uporabnik boomslang pravi:
CIA ni nič instalirala, zgolj plačala, nekaj warmongerjev... Ostali človeški zdriz,ki se je udeležil demonstracij pa je na las podoben raznim Ytbndjem, ki še vedno verjamejo v Hollywoodske pravljice... Skratka... No brain, no tumor....