The combined defense expenditures of all NATO nations in 2013 amounted to $1.02 trillion. This figure includes research and development expenditures related to purchase of major equipment and pensions.
By comparison, the total of military budgets for all countries in the world was $1.745 trillion in 2012, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in Sweden.
In 2012, China’s expenditures amounted to $166 billion and Russia’s were $90 billion. Iran trailed with just under $7 billion, according to SIPRI.
By troop numbers, NATO also held a lopsided advantage over any other nation, with a total of 3,370,000 servicemembers in 2013, according to NATO’s statistics. This contrasts with Russia’s 766,000 troops and China’s estimated 2.3 million active-duty personnel, according to Sam Perlo-Freeman, director of SIPRI’s program on military expenditures.
Uporabnik boomslang pravi:
Ja, ja... Evropski mamini sinčki, pedrčki in metroseksualci, z veliko podporo evropskih Turkov, Arabcev, Afričanov in ostalih gastarbajterjev, bojda že nestrpno čakajo poziv na vzhodno fronto....
Uporabnik boomslang pravi:
Namen linka o zelo ostrem nastopu Merklove, je bil predvsem v tem, da se vidi, čigav pudelj, je dotiæna gospa in kdo v tej igri, čedalje bolj izgublja živce... Take militantne in sovražne izjave so nevredne resnega državnika, kakršna naj bi Angelca bila, razen seveda če ???
Firerja je zjebal najboljši ruski general- Zima.Koliko je bila vredna takrat Ruska vojska po Stalinovih čistkah je bilo vidno ob napadu Rusije na 5 milijonsko Finsko, kjer so jim Finci pokazali, kaj je vojska in kaj je kanonfuter.Citat:
Uporabnik boomslang pravi:
Hahaha... Bog pomagaj.. Tipkovnica pa res vse prenese.... Skratka... Firer je poslal nad Rusijo 75 % vse svoje vojske in to elitnega prvega sklica.... Matr, tile Rusi pa imajo res srečo...
Figures 1A and 1E show 2D histograms of the number of ballots in favour of UR/Putin as a function of turnout and respective vote share at each polling station. Apart from the main clusters at ~52% turnout and ~30% votes for UR and ~60%/55% for Putin, there are two prominent features at both plots that clearly distinguish them from other participants' histograms (Figs. 1D,H):
(i) an unusual cluster of votes in the vicinity of 95% turnout, and
(ii) a long tail of votes beginning at the central peak which shows a high correlation of the results with the turnout (marked by black curves, known in 2D spectroscopy as the centre line slope). The clusters at 90-100% turnout yield ~3.5 million ballots for the winners in both elections and can be traced back to six republics of North Caucasian Federal District, and Republics of Mordovia, Bashkortostan, and Tatarstan. In each of these nine regions, there are a number of constituencies that exhibit voting results with extremely low dispersion across polling stations, significantly lower than dispersion value imposed by binomial model (e.g., 25 constituencies with p < 0.0001 for parliamentary and 9 constituencies for presidential elections, see Table S1 and Methods). This suggests that the results in these constituencies were artificially fixed to certain percentage values.
It is instructive to consider a projection of the 2D histograms onto the vertical axis, which gives a distribution of the number of ballots cast for UR and Putin depending on their results at every polling station (Figs. 1B,F). The unique feature of these histograms is sharp peaks located at "round" numbers of 65%, 70%, 75% etc. The periodic character of these peaks is evident from the Fourier spectra that show prominent harmonics at 1/5 %^-1 (insets).
By far the highest peak in both cases is located at 99.5% and originates solely from a single region of Chechen Republic. Other peaks can also be traced back to particular constituencies, but are usually not confined to a single region. These peaks, which are highly statistically significant (see Table 1 and Methods), comprise ~1.4 million ballots for UR and ~1.3 million ballots for Putin. The supernatural character of the peaks strongly suggests that the votes for the winners were manipulated a posteriori to fix the vote shares at appealing round values.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Poklicni vojak naredi, kar mu je naročeno.
Če dobi ukaz, da se ponoči vrže iz letala nad Počkom, se ponoči vrže iz letala nad Počkom. Če je ukaz, da se gre na v. fronto, se gre pač na v. fronto. Izipizi.
Poleg tega lahko štrajka 3/4 NATO sil pa imamo še vedno premoč v moštvu.
On September 24, Tony Blair released a document describing Britain's case for war in Iraq. Three days later, an anti-war rally in London drew a crowd of at least 150,000[12] and probably around 400,000.[13]
On October 26, protests took place in various cities across the world. Over 100,000 people took part in a protest in Washington. 50,000 people took part in a demonstration in San Francisco. Both protests were called by the ANSWER Coalition.[19]
January 18 - In San Francisco, between 150,000 and 200,000 people attended the demonstration. The San Francisco police had originally estimated the crowd size at 55,000, but admitted later that they had badly underestimated the number and changed their estimate to 150,000. The day started with a waterfront rally at 11 am, followed by a march down Market Street to the Civic Center.
In Washington, "at least tens of thousands",[29] or "several hundred thousand"[30] people demonstrated through the city, ending with a rally at The Mall. Among the speakers was Rev. Jesse Jackson who told the crowd that "We are here because we choose coexistence over coannihilation."[29]
On February 15, millions of people protested, in approximately 800 cities around the world. Listed by the 2004 Guinness Book of Records as the largest protest in human history, protests occurred among others in the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Republic of Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Syria, India, Russia, South Korea, Japan, and even McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Perhaps the largest demonstration this day occurred in London, with up to one million protestors gathering in Hyde Park; speakers included the Reverend Jesse Jackson, London mayor Ken Livingstone, and Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy.[31][32] A large demonstration, also attended by perhaps around a million, took place in Barcelona.[31]
The British Stop the War Coalition (StWC) held a protest in London which it claimed was the largest political demonstration in the city's history. Police estimated attendance as well in excess of 750,000 people[32] and the BBC estimated that around a million attended.[33] At the finish rally in Hyde Park, the organiser's announced 3 million attended. It remains probably the largest protest march in UK history.[34] The protest was organised under the slogan "No war on Iraq - freedom for Palestine".
As people tried to reach the rally area they ended up constituting an unplanned march, stretching twenty blocks down First Avenue and overflowing onto Second and Third Avenue.[25] In total estimates range from been 300,000 to 400,000 protesters (WSWS estimate).[23] to over a million protesters (Berlin Heise estimate)[54]
Other activists in California originally planned to hold a protest in San Francisco on the Saturday but they changed to the Sunday in order not to conflict with the city's Chinese New Year's parade. The protest was held on Sunday February 16. The BBC estimated the crowd size to be 150,000 people,[56] while protest organisers and police agreed that the crowd count was 200,000 people. However, a San Francisco Chronicle photographic investigation estimated that the number in attendance at the peak period was closer to 65,000 people, although it did not state how many people were in attendance for the duration of the demonstration.[