Bolj konkretno okoli 15Citat:
Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
tako čisto tehnično bi mi potrebovali nekaj tujih mistrov, ker sami enostavno nismo sposobni narediti reda.
verjetno je to tudi želja predcednika ukrajine. oni so še večja banana država kot mi
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
V predmestju Moskve je strmoglavil Mig-29.
Kje je "pri vas" ?Citat:
Zadnjic je pri nas narkoman 50 kil pretepel 2 policaja
(ali parmalent)Citat:
V sloveniji ce bi kdo imel pistolo bi lahko pobil celo policijsko postajo.
Russian doping claims: 99% of athletes guilty, German TV alleges
The programme claims that Russian officials systematically accepted payment from athletes to supply banned substances and cover up tests.
The documentary, shown by Das Erste, also implicates the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) in covering up the abuse.
The Russian Athletics Federation (RAF) says the allegations are "lies".
However, the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) has said it will "fully investigate" the claims.
In the documentary, broadcast on Wednesday, former discus thrower Yevgeniya Pecherina claimed that "most, the majority, 99%" of athletes selected to represent Russia use banned substances.
"You can get absolutely everything," added the 25-year-old Russian. "Everything the athlete wants."
Pecherina is currently serving a 10-year doping ban that is due to end in 2023. She had already been handed a two-year suspension in 2011.
Liliya Shobukhova, who won the London Marathon in 2010, is also interviewed in the programme and admits paying the Russian Athletics Federation 450,000 euros (£350,000) to cover up a positive doping test.
She is currently serving a two-year ban after irregularities were detected in her biological passport.
The documentary also included an undercover video purporting to show 800m runner Mariya Savinova, who won gold at the 2012 Olympics in London, admitting to using the banned steroid oxandrolone.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
V predmestju Moskve je strmoglavil Mig-29.
Kar se pa tega tiče....Citat:
MOSCOW, December 4 (Sputnik) – A Russian MiG-29 Fulcrum trainer jet has crashed outside Moscow and both pilots survived, a military source told RIA Novosti on Thursday.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Lepo da treniraš cinizem, ampak twitter feed za вертолет (helikopter) je čez noč izgledal takole: ...
Pri 2:50 so enega zadeli...Citat:
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
OK, this was funny:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Današnje operacije v Groznem.
Niti enega znaka, da iz zgradbe kdo strelja.
Ekstra veliki magazini so zadnja moda. Leti it rain, bitches.![]()
2:34 - mojster se želi zgovarjat z magazinom
2:45 - drug mojster pade med prečenjem
So res vsi kaj vredni čečenski borci v Donbasu?
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
OK, this was funny:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Današnje operacije v Groznem.
Niti enega znaka, da iz zgradbe kdo strelja.
Ekstra veliki magazini so zadnja moda. Leti it rain, bitches.![]()
2:34 - mojster se želi zgovarjat z magazinom
2:45 - drug mojster pade med prečenjem
So res vsi kaj vredni čečenski borci v Donbasu?
Pri 2:50 so enega zadeli...
Kako odlična kritia posnetka pa to ne moreš verjet Podrobni, natančni, strokovni, ni da ni
In Donetsk, some young men and women wore t-shirts with signs “Donetsk is Ukraine” to a meeting of the leader of terrorists Denis Pushilin with residents.
The event took place on December 1, 2014. Pushilin was the key speaker at the meeting.
In the video you can see how a woman who stood behind Pushilin threatens the youth with her fist. And after the meeting, she gathered the young people and demanded to see their documents.
Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
si že kdaj streljal z RPG ?
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Zanima me zakaj tisti kateri podpirajo fašiste v takoimenovani donbas republiki istočasno ne podpirajo pravice Karelcem, čečenom in ostalim kavkaškim narodom, ter sibircem?