Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
in zakaj si se kresnu po piskru nakonc?

Tko glupo izpade...ker je cist vseen...lahko bi bil Mr. Madafaka...dekca al pa kjer pac se ruski priimek je nedvomno...


10. maj 2014
Kozak v LNR grozi, da imajo jedrsko orožje. 99.9% bullshit, morda celo ruska propaganda. Ekonomija trpi, rabijo razloge, da jih pustijo na hladnem.

Google translate:
Immediately Nikolai gives sensational confession: "We have at the disposal of the nuclear warhead is. There were four in the Ukraine, the remaining dill somewhere alloys, and we got hold of one. And they know that we have it. "


10. maj 2014
Limonov je zanimiv.

Ostareli punker, ne vem koliko prca v stilu NSK in koliko misli resno.


10. maj 2014
Zimske uniforme so po novem humanitarna pomoč.



10. maj 2014
Se še spomnimo Estona Kohverja, Estonca, ki je bil aretiran/ugrabljen na meji?

Estonija mu je priskrbela 2 ruska advokata težke kategorije.

Kohver je njuno pomoč zavrnil, Rusija mu je po zakonu priskrbela pravobranilca. Ta pa sedaj strelja take:

Yevgeni Aksyonov, the defense lawyer appointed by the Russian state to represent Estonian Security Police (KaPo) official Eston Kohver, who is currently detained in Moscow, claims that the FSB has thorough video recordings on Kohver crossing the border, reports Eesti Paevaleht.

Aksyonov blames KaPo and the Estonian Foreign Ministry of indifference and stinginess and believes that as a first step, goodwill should be shown towards former KBG officers who opposed Estonian border guard officers in September in the Narva River.

So mu pri odločitvi pomagali ali so mu pri odločitvi "pomagali"?


10. maj 2014
V prejšnjih dneh je v Donbas vstopil precej velik vojaški konvoj.



10. maj 2014
Zakaj Rusija potrebuje svoj Majdan.

Putin’s Friend Profits in Purge of Schoolbooks

The purge began in late winter. One by one, hundreds of textbooks that Russian schoolchildren had relied upon for years were deemed unsuitable for use in the country’s 43,000 schools. The reasons varied, but they shared a certain bureaucratic obstinacy.


By the time the school year began this fall, the number of approved textbooks for Russia’s 14 million schoolchildren had been slashed by more than half. The summary winnowing by the Ministry of Education and Science upset lesson plans, threatened the livelihoods of nearly two-dozen small publishers and left principals, teachers and parents puzzled and angry.

There was, however, one standout winner: A publishing house whose newly appointed chairman was a member of President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, Arkady R. Rotenberg, a judo sparring partner from Mr. Putin’s St. Petersburg youth.

The publisher, Enlightenment, survived the education ministry’s culling almost untouched.


The purge was the latest in a string of government maneuvers that have positioned Enlightenment, once the sole provider of school textbooks under Soviet rule, to dominate the textbook marketplace once again. Mr. Putin first directed that the state-owned company be sold into private hands, records show, in a deal that circumvented a requirement intended to ensure the highest prices for state assets. Then, having installed Mr. Rotenberg as chairman, Mr. Putin’s government knocked out much of Enlightenment’s competition.

The remaking of Russia’s textbook industry features a murky trail of transactions that dead-ends in the opaque offshore tax haven of Cyprus, and a cast of characters including a federal lawmaker from the party loyal to Mr. Putin and the software giant Microsoft, which recently signed an agreement with Enlightenment to help it provide Windows-based tablets to Russian schools. That deal came after Mr. Rotenberg, along with other close Putin friends, had been targeted by international sanctions stemming from Russia’s annexation of Crimea.


“The country is now run by a few families, or clans, close to Putin,” said one publisher, who like many others spoke only on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution. “They used to focus on the very biggest businesses: oil, gas, big infrastructure projects, the banks. But now that they have eaten all the food in that cupboard, they are eating the mice, and the mice’s food, going after smaller and smaller markets.”

“It happened very fast,” the publisher who spoke on the condition of anonymity said, “and one thing to know about Russia is that when the bureaucracy moves fast, there’s usually someone moving behind them.”

Hehe, zveni znano.
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014

Sham observer org for Ukrainian separatist strongholds invented day before election

The Agency for Security and Cooperation in Europe, or ASCE, was unveiled Saturday evening at a bewildering press conference here in the centre of this war-battered city. The ASCE’s would-be founder - who was evicted last year from Austria’s far-right Freedom Party - changed the new organization’s name back and forth during the press conference, freely switching between calling it the “Agency” and the “Association.” He also slammed Western governments for not respecting Sunday’s vote, and called for European countries to quit the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (the better-known OSCE) and join his new group since the the OSCE had allegedly shown its political bias by refusing to deploy observers to Donetsk and Lugansk for Sunday’s vote.

But the ACSE’s frontman, Ewald Stadler, also admitted he had only been in Donetsk for “five minutes” and fumbled a question about how many monitors the new group would be able to deploy to observe the vote (though he bragged that one of his monitors was an American citizen who was the “grand-nephew of Martin Luther King.”)


Ewald Johann Stadler (born May 21, 1961), is an Austrian politician. He was a member of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) until 2007, and a member of the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) from 2007[1][2] until 2013. He ran for the European Parliament in 2009 as BZÖ's leading candidate and became a member of the European Parliament in 2011.
On 23.December 2013 (one day before Christmas Eve Stadler announced in a press conference to found a new reform conservative party together with Rudolf Gehring (Christian Party of Austria) called REKOS (German: Die Reformkonservativen) which whom he would run for the European Parliament election on 25 May 2014.


The Reform Conservatives (Die Reformkonservativen, REKOS) is a conservative political party in Austria.
The Reform Conservatives want to abolish the European Parliament and to reverse the 1992 Maastricht Treaty that created the European Union. They plan to cooperate with the right-wing eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Democracy group.

Še en titušek.


REKOS čisto slučajno uporablja barve ruske imperialne zastave.

Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Evaldu gredo na živce homoseksualci, lezbijke, splav, evtanazija, EU, Turčija, GMO in Schengen.

Prijeten človek.


10. maj 2014

Opazovalci današnjih "volitev".



The leader of the DNR terrorists Aleksandr Zakharchenko and Fabrice Beaur (EODE / extreme-right Parti communautaire national-européen), 1 November 2014, Donetsk


Belgian fascist Luc Michel, the head of the EODE, in Crimea. The caption reads: “Organiser of the OSCE observation mission in Crimea”*

*However, while constantly vilifying and trying to discredit the OSCE’s observation missions, Russian state-controlled media intentionally present fake “election monitors” as members of the OSCE. For example, in March 2014, the Russian TV channel Rossiya 24 claimed that notorious fascist Michel was “the organiser of the OSCE observation mission” at the illegal “referendum in Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea that Russia annexed afterwards.

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