Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


10. maj 2014
Ni treba it v čas 2. sv vojne.

Self-defense units and paramilitary forces in Crimea are abducting, attacking, and harassing activists and journalists.

These forces operate outside of the law, without insignia, without a clear command structure, and with complete impunity. Local authorities in Crimea have a responsibility to ensure these forces cease their actions, disband, and disarm, Human Rights Watch said.
Human Rights Watch documented the involvement of self-defense units in the abductions of at least six activists from the Euromaidan movement, which organized the months of protests in Kiev that led to President Viktor Yanukovich’s ouster. These units have also attacked and harassed numerous local and foreign journalists.

Local and international media freedom groups have also documented dozens of attacks against reporters by self-defense groups across Crimea. Ukrainian human rights groups have reported that the units have also been involved in violently dispersing demonstrations, unlawfully searching people and vehicles, especially at the Crimea’s administrative borders, and harassing ordinary citizens.

Crimean authorities should urgently conduct a thorough investigation into the enforced disappearance and subsequent killing of Reshat Ametov, a Crimean Tatar from the Simferopol region, and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Ametov’s relatives told Human Rights Watch that he was last seen during a protest on March 3, 2014, on Lenin Square in Simferopol, Ukraine, where three unidentified men in military-style jackets had led him away. Relatives’ efforts to locate him, including through a complaint to the police, were unsuccessful. On March 16, local police informed them that a body bearing marks of violent death had been found outside the town of Belogorsk. On March 17, the family identified the body as Ametov’s.
Local media reports suggested that the body bore marks of torture and that there was transparent tape wrapped around Ametov’s head and hands. Human Rights Watch was not able to verify these reports, but Ametov’s relative said the local police told him that the death was registered as “violent.” Ametov’s relatives have not yet been able to retrieve either his body or the death certificate from the mortuary.

As much as this depresses me (I’m a Russian living in Moscow), I’m neither shocked nor surprised. Following the Crimea referendum, Putin’s approval ratings have approached an all-time high.

The state-driven propaganda surrounding Crimea was shocking and dangerous. Russian channels poured out hours of terrifying images of Kiev overtaken by “Nazis,” and terrifying messages about “atrocities” and threats to ethnic Russians in Ukraine, who were therefore in need of protection.

During today’s call-in show, Putin dismissed allegations of Russian intervention in eastern Ukraine, calling it “nonsense” and saying that the armed uprising is a purely local phenomenon. Talk about déjà vu. In Crimea, mysterious armed soldiers without insignia referred to by locals and journalists as the “polite green men” – a reference to movie aliens who appear out of nowhere – took effective control over the Crimean peninsula in the lead up to the “referendum” on the status of Crimea in March. Russian authorities continuously denied their involvement.

But during the show Putin finally admitted, very nonchalantly, that Russian troops had in fact played a role in Crimea. I can’t help wondering if Russia’s role in Donbass will be revealed in a future news conference, once the Kremlin is confident of public support.

Ukraine: Misinformation, propaganda and incitement to hatred need to be urgently countered – UN human rights report

isinformation, propaganda and incitement to hatred need to be urgently countered in Ukraine to avoid the further escalation of tension in the country, according to a UN human rights report* issued on Tuesday.

The report by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights looks at the root causes of the protests that have taken place since November 2013, including corruption and widespread economic inequality, as well as the lack of accountability for human rights violations by the security forces and weak rule of law institutions. It also assesses the human rights situation in Crimea, including in the context of the 16 March referendum, and makes recommendations for the way forward.
The political aspects of recent developments in Crimea, which Mr Šimonoviæ visited on 21 and 22 March, are beyond the report’s scope. However, the report notes that the situation created before and after the referendum of 16 March, which the General Assembly concluded had “no validity”, raised a number of human rights concerns pertaining to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and other civil and political rights.


20. maj 2014
Gruzija, Čečenija...
dej zresn se...

Čudno da Srbi tišijo v EU in ne na bračo Rusijo? Interesi Rusije so pa resnično za folk dobre... Poglej si Putinove igre, da boš odprl oči, kako to Rusi delajo...

Demokratično ni kaj....


25. sep 2012
Uporabnik gloglo pravi:

Drgač, pa Rusija si kej dosti vojne ne more privoščit, ker imajo vojsko v razusulu, še več za vzdrževanje predvsem jedrskega arsenala dobivajo sredstva ravno od ZDA in EU. Kako u ***** je mornarica je že dolgo leta jasno, sej so že štrajkal, pa so bile demonstracije nasilno zatrte...


Rusija ima na meji z Ukrajino:

45 tisoč ljudi, 160 tankov, do 1.360 oklopnih borbenih vozil, 350 topniških sestav, 130 sestav PZO, 192 borbenih avionov, 137 jurišnih helikopterjev, pa prištej še tiste na Krimu... Pa predstavljaj si koliko logistike potrebujejo za preskrbo, hrana, voda, mazila, goriva, vzdrževanje opreme, medicina, pa verjetno so še nekaj pustili v ostalih delih rusije.
sprasujem se.gif


13. sep 2007
Logično je, da napenjajo mišice, da bi se jih svet bal.

Drugače pa...koliko ljudi in opreme je sodelovalo recio v iraku, amriških, pa to številko primerjaj s to rusko


13. sep 2007
PS, ko linkaš video direktno v thread, daj samo http in n https, ker slednje ne dela.


13. sep 2007

In keeping with the values and principles we cherish as Canadians, I am proud of the role we have taken in the international community against this aggression by imposing a broad range of sanctions against those responsible for the crisis in Ukraine, by helping train the Ukrainian military, by isolating Russia at the G-7, and by supporting Ukraine’s economy. “I am pleased today to announce yet another action that Canada is taking to help the people of Ukraine put an end to the insurgency. “Today, a CC-130J Hercules from Canadian Forces Base Trenton will be departing for Ukraine in the first of a series of flights to deliver non-kinetic military equipment that Ukraine will be able to use to secure and protect its eastern border against Russian aggression.

Go canada!


13. sep 2007
Ampak če primerjamo sankcije razvitega sveta vs sankcije rusije. Prvi ciljajo na mafijo, bogataše, politike, elito in banke. Rusija pa cilja na navadnega človeka.

Že v tem se vidi razlika v glavi putina in ostalega sveta.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Kako ciljajo na navadnega človeka? Z embargom na določene prehrambene izdelke, predvsem sadje?

Hehe, ne razumeš. Ti izdelki bodo zdaj začeli prihajati pretežno iz držav članic BRICS-a.. V bistvu so si države članice EU-ja pljunile v lastno skledo. Sebi so zaprli trg, Rusija pa se bo preusmerila na BRICS in se s tem še bolj povezala.


1. nov 2007
Ja, čez noč bodo v BRICSu posadili tri milijarde jablan in hrušk. Sure.

Kdo se je tle zaklal, ko bodo čez noč v nekaj tednih trgovine sredi Moskve prazne, je jasno. Bodo takoj na sonce privreli spomini izpred četrt stoletja nazaj, ko so bile police prazne.
Tako kot v Venezueli, vsega so krivi Ameri, dajmo vse nacionalizirat in uvest centralnoplansko gospodarstvo, tri mesece kasneje, pa zmanjkalo še WC papirja povsod.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Bomo videli. Trenutno vidim jokat predvsem zahodne pridelovalce. Finska in še ena država že zahtevata odškodnine od EU za izgubo dobička.
Danes sem pa na radiu poslušal, da Slovenija direktno ni oškodovana, bo pa oškodovana zaradi prekomerne ponudbe na EU trgu in s tem posledično padcem cen.


13. sep 2007
Finci so prpe, so pozabili, kako so jih že enkrat rusi pohodli?

Drugače pa kanada ne zgublja časa, baje je vojaška pomoč že v ukrajini, govora je celo o 32 tonah municije.

Danes ob 17h bo spet zasedanje UNSC, kijevski čad.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Drugače pa kanada ne zgublja časa, baje je vojaška pomoč že v ukrajini, govora je celo o 32 tonah municije.

Zanimivo. A kar tako odkrito?