

6. dec 2007
OK, za N900 ste ziher že vsi slišali - mogoče bi pa koga zanimalo, da lahko lepotca z nekaj domišljije dobi zastonj. Sliši se kot Top Shop, ampak ni:

V okviru Facebooku pa bodo tudi pogostili s pijačo in prigrizki.


PDA maher
22. jul 2007
MB Okoliš
* mike
* Report

I received my n900 just a few days ago from Nokia USA. For the purposes of this review, I will compare it to my previous phone, the HTC G1. My opinions are solely based on the user experiences in the past days with the n900, and since Ive never owned an iphone, I will not compare it to such.

Physical layout:
*The N900 is a pretty beefy phone, and rightfully so. While having some heft to it, the n900 is solid and well-built. The black metal rim is a nice touch without being too gaudy. The slide is not spring-assisted but gives a nice click upon opening and closing. I have not noticed any creaks or wobbles from the screen. Few have complained about the back being hard to open. Although true, I rather have that with the peace of mind that the battery wont pop out if I dropped it (God forbid)! the n900 is of comparable size to the G1, albeit being slightly thicker, and not a problem for me.
*I dont really understand all the fuss about resistive and capacitive screens. The n900s screen is gorgeous and is incredibly brilliant. There is a little give to the screen, but Ive yet to have problems with it. The screen is quite responsive and supports kinetic scrolling. I did have some difficulty clicking on small links in the browser, but thats because your index finger isnt exactly the most accurate pointing device. This was easily solved by zooming in (more on that later).
*The keyboard is pretty good. It is a different experience coming from the G1 (as you have to type with the chin in the way on your right hand) so naturally, it felt better. The keys have a grippy rubberized texture feel to them, and although the buttons are smooshed next to each other, (like a real keyboard) they have good response. I do miss the 5-row keyboard on the G1, and I dont understand why the n900s screen doesnt open up a bit more. For those with large hands, it might be a little uncomfortable. However, one plus for the n900 is that my thumbs dont have to travel as far to type.
*I love that the placement of the speakers are on the sides of the phone, as opposed to the back on the G1. I do a lot of talking on speakerphone, and so Im not forced to flip it upside down during a call. Sound quality is good and the speakers are decent.

Maemo 5/ Software
*This is the ultimate customization OS. When they meant open source, they really meant it. The 4 desktops make things a lot easier to navigate. For example, one page is devoted to my common phone contacts, another utility apps, the third has bookmarks to frequent sites (the homepages of those links are previewed on the desktop, fyi), and so forth.
*The way Maemo multitasks is ingenious. The overview page where you see all your actively running programs makes navigating between windows and programs very easy and efficient. One thing to note is that you have the ability to close out any of those windows upon your choosing, as opposed to the G1 where the 6 app limit neither allowed to you open more nor shut them down, making it very sluggish, especially during critical times (ie texting someone directions while running gps).
*SMS (called conversations in Maemo) is pretty similar to the G1, but has one added step - conversations either in text or IM by the same person are displayed in the same window. The ability to have the other persons contact image in the text box (that is if you set one up for that person) is a nice touch. I personally dont care about MMS, so no gripes there.
*The email client is pretty decent, I set up my gmail account with a few simple steps, but it isnt nearly as accessible as the gmail app on the G1. For example, I havent found a way to delete an incoming email when it first comes in. I have to leave the letter, go into the inbox, back into the email, then delete it.
*Browsing experience is comparable to the pc, and is nothing short of awesome. Full flash means I can access full youtube pages, and among others. I think the swirling zoom gesture is pretty neat, and helps me to click on the smaller links. I figured out that using your index to swirl zoom produces the best results. Alternatively, you can double click the screen or use the volume rocker. Going to previous pages not only allows you to go to the last page, but scroll through the entire history of that window. Neat.
*Applications-wise, there are not many out there, but Im certain many will be out soon. You can also access the Maemo repositories for more (google it) but be careful as many of them are still in development and are potentially dangerous to your phone. Noteworthy apps include Hermes (connects your social sites, like facebook to your contacts so you get contact phones, birthdates, etc) and Qik (live streaming recording).

*Fast, fast, fast. Need I say more?
*No hang ups yet, since I can close apps at my own will.
*The camera is good, that is for a 5mp phone camera. It will never compare to a dedicated camera, but is more than effective for quick shots to upload on facebook.
*The FM transmitter is a great add-on. Now I can share songs without having to look for an aux cable.
*Battery life seems to last a little over a day with some text and internet. Wifi is on all the time when Im at home. My G1 would be down to around 70% by noon.

Of course, no phone/mobile device is perfect. Here are some things that came to my attention:
*The volume rocker is on the right side (in portrait), meaning it is nearly impossible to use as a zoom when the screen is up. Same goes for the lock switch, which is on the bottom (in landscape). Would have been much better on the sides, as it would be easier to lock after a phone call, for example.
*Copy and paste is kinda sporadic. While you can copy all you want on webpages, I couldnt copy a phone number from one contact to another in the phonebook.
*The stand is nice, but it swings out way too deep and feels a bit too weak. Im afraid Ill break it someday.
*Little portrait support as of now, but I think itll be fixed soon.

So there you have it. My impressions of the n900. There is still a lot of exploration to be done, but I can honestly say this is the best phone/mobile device Ive ever owned. In spite of a few shortcomings, its an amazing piece of technology. A lot of things I didnt mention probably will be fixed within a firmware or two so that isnt a problem. I hope this helps anyone who is on a fence on buying one, good luck!

vir: www.gsmarena.com


iPhone Profi
20. jul 2007
Jaz osebno sem ga lahko v živo sprobal na Mobile Monday-u v Kiberpipi prejšni teden.... in telefon sploh ni "fast, fast, fast"... je prej "slow, slow, slow". Pa na žalost nima kapacitivnega touchscreena... Je pa korak v pravo smer...


3. feb 2009
Uporabnik Mikrohard pravi:
Jaz osebno sem ga lahko v živo sprobal na Mobile Monday-u v Kiberpipi prejšni teden.... in telefon sploh ni "fast, fast, fast"... je prej "slow, slow, slow". Pa na žalost nima kapacitivnega touchscreena... Je pa korak v pravo smer...

sej ti ne bo noben verjel, tko da bz niti se ukvarjat z njimi!
js ti verjamem, da je slow in da ni fast. noben OS ni na začetku super hiter, razen če nima kake podlage od prej, ki je res hitra in so tam samo dodali par stvari, pa mal spremenili kodo:)


24. jul 2007
Moja E61i počasi izdihuje in sem v močni dilemi med N900 in G1. Kako je s povezavo N900 na googlove storitve (v mislih imam predvsem koledar)? Samo naveza z outlookom mi ne koristi veliko, ker sem večino časa na terenu in mi je priročnejša sinhronizacija s spletnim servisom.


21. jul 2007
Jaz sem pred približno pol leta zamenjal outlook za google in sem moral met en kup programov instaliranih na e71, da se je vse sinhroniziralo (kontakti,task,multikoledar,...). Pred kratkim sem nabavil androida (hero) in kar se tice integracije googlovih servisov je vse resno brezmadezno. Vse se takoj sinhronizira. Maile imam sicer se vedno na e71, ampak koledarji, kontakti, taski, analitycs,..vse laufa bp. Pravo olajsanje, ko sem sel iz windows mobile oz. nokie


Dopisnik z Bruslja
18. jan 2008
Uporabnik trigga pravi:
Moja E61i počasi izdihuje in sem v močni dilemi med N900 in G1. Kako je s povezavo N900 na googlove storitve (v mislih imam predvsem koledar)? Samo naveza z outlookom mi ne koristi veliko, ker sem večino časa na terenu in mi je priročnejša sinhronizacija s spletnim servisom.

Vidis, jaz pa ravno gledam za it iz G1 na N900... Pa je edini razlog to, da mi podpora za Exchange ni popolnoma vsec (ker je 3rd party program)...


24. jul 2007
Uporabnik Evrofil pravi:
Uporabnik trigga pravi:
Moja E61i počasi izdihuje in sem v močni dilemi med N900 in G1. Kako je s povezavo N900 na googlove storitve (v mislih imam predvsem koledar)? Samo naveza z outlookom mi ne koristi veliko, ker sem večino časa na terenu in mi je priročnejša sinhronizacija s spletnim servisom.

Vidis, jaz pa ravno gledam za it iz G1 na N900... Pa je edini razlog to, da mi podpora za Exchange ni popolnoma vsec (ker je 3rd party program)...

Exchangea ne potrebujem oz. ne uporabljam, tako da mi to ne predstavlja ovire.

Uporabnik disco pravi:
Jaz sem pred približno pol leta zamenjal outlook za google in sem moral met en kup programov instaliranih na e71, da se je vse sinhroniziralo (kontakti,task,multikoledar,...). Pred kratkim sem nabavil androida (hero) in kar se tice integracije googlovih servisov je vse resno brezmadezno. Vse se takoj sinhronizira. Maile imam sicer se vedno na e71, ampak koledarji, kontakti, taski, analitycs,..vse laufa bp. Pravo olajsanje, ko sem sel iz windows mobile oz. nokie

Svašta, nisem vedel, da lahko gledaš tudi statistike na analytics... Lahko prilepiš kakšen screenshot?

Tehtnica se nagiba proti G1...


Dopisnik z Bruslja
18. jan 2008
No, ce te prime G1, in ce ne rabis novega, potem se javi


24. jul 2007
Koliko star? Cena? Lahko tudi na pm. Sicer bi raje nabavil novega, ampak če je tvoj primerno ohranjen, ne bom kompliciral preveč


24. jul 2007
No, pa so pri m@ končno dobili N900. Po novem letu jo grem iskat... (sem že prav navdušen


3. sep 2007
Svetovni mobitel. Android (OS) je pi*kin dim proti temu. Lahko namestiš gor ARM debiana in laufaš vse kar laufa na linuxu oz. na PCju. Imajo še nekaj problemov, samo ti bodo najbrž z maemom 6 rešeni. Upam, da si šef nebo spremislil in da bomo dobili nokie n900 po novem letu. Ker govori se, da nebo potrebno menjati celega mobitela, če boš hotel nadgraditi OS.


28. jul 2007
KSZ: Brat ga je ravnokar prinesel domov. Tako na hitro pol pol urce igračkanja: deluje hitro, je cigla (velik, debel in težak), nima MMS:), slider je slab, skoraj tak kot pri N95. Vidi se da so šparali pri izdelavi.
Drugače pa fin UI in pa ogromne možnosti kar se OSa tiče zakon!


4. sep 2007
Tudi jaz sem ga testiral.
Zadeva je super,samo to je vse prej kot telefon.. tako da za vsakdanjo uporabo (in telefoniranje) ga nebi imel..


29. apr 2008
Uporabnik HrabiaMol pravi:
KSZ: Brat ga je ravnokar prinesel domov. Tako na hitro pol pol urce igračkanja: deluje hitro, je cigla (velik, debel in težak), nima MMS:), slider je slab, skoraj tak kot pri N95. Vidi se da so šparali pri izdelavi.
Drugače pa fin UI in pa ogromne možnosti kar se OSa tiče zakon!

Kako misliš velik? Manjši od N97 in N97 mini, manjši od HTC HD2, manjši od iPhone GS...

Je pa malo debelejši, ampak ima tipkovnico.

Mehanizem je bistveno boljši od prve N95, osebno ne vidim problemov.


3. feb 2009
Uporabnik milos621 pravi:
Uporabnik HrabiaMol pravi:
KSZ: Brat ga je ravnokar prinesel domov. Tako na hitro pol pol urce igračkanja: deluje hitro, je cigla (velik, debel in težak), nima MMS:), slider je slab, skoraj tak kot pri N95. Vidi se da so šparali pri izdelavi.
Drugače pa fin UI in pa ogromne možnosti kar se OSa tiče zakon!

Kako misliš velik? Manjši od N97 in N97 mini, manjši od HTC HD2, manjši od iPhone GS...

Je pa malo debelejši, ampak ima tipkovnico.

Mehanizem je bistveno boljši od prve N95, osebno ne vidim problemov.

po višini je res manjši, po vsem drugem je pa večji!


29. apr 2008
Uporabnik rocky9 pravi:
Uporabnik milos621 pravi:
Uporabnik HrabiaMol pravi:
KSZ: Brat ga je ravnokar prinesel domov. Tako na hitro pol pol urce igračkanja: deluje hitro, je cigla (velik, debel in težak), nima MMS:), slider je slab, skoraj tak kot pri N95. Vidi se da so šparali pri izdelavi.
Drugače pa fin UI in pa ogromne možnosti kar se OSa tiče zakon!

Kako misliš velik? Manjši od N97 in N97 mini, manjši od HTC HD2, manjši od iPhone GS...

Je pa malo debelejši, ampak ima tipkovnico.

Mehanizem je bistveno boljši od prve N95, osebno ne vidim problemov.

po višini je res manjši, po vsem drugem je pa večji!

Pa ožji tudi. Je pa debelejši in težji. In tudi nudi največ...

Vsekako ni cegu.


3. feb 2009
Uporabnik milos621 pravi:
Uporabnik rocky9 pravi:
Uporabnik milos621 pravi:
Uporabnik HrabiaMol pravi:
KSZ: Brat ga je ravnokar prinesel domov. Tako na hitro pol pol urce igračkanja: deluje hitro, je cigla (velik, debel in težak), nima MMS:), slider je slab, skoraj tak kot pri N95. Vidi se da so šparali pri izdelavi.
Drugače pa fin UI in pa ogromne možnosti kar se OSa tiče zakon!

Kako misliš velik? Manjši od N97 in N97 mini, manjši od HTC HD2, manjši od iPhone GS...

Je pa malo debelejši, ampak ima tipkovnico.

Mehanizem je bistveno boljši od prve N95, osebno ne vidim problemov.

po višini je res manjši, po vsem drugem je pa večji!

Pa ožji tudi. Je pa debelejši in težji. In tudi nudi največ...

Vsekako ni cegu.

samo manjši je po višini, ostalo pa ne...bolj debel je, in ni ožji od ostalih...N97mini: 52.5mm, Omnia HD: 58mm, N900: 59.8mm, N97: 55.3mm...tko da...js pa nism reku, d je cegu:):) je pa vsekakor velik telefon in ni majhen, kot praviš ti, da je:)