Motorno olje Renault


3. sep 2012
Če nimaš DPFja ne tikaj olja za DPF, ker ima manj dodatkov zaradi občutljivosti DPFja in ni primerno za motor brez njega. Samo nalij olje po specifikaciji proizvajalca.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Zato ker majo bencinarji štoflce na ventilih (google flat tappet(s) ) Odmična konstantno drgne po štoflcu in rabi zato olje z EP aditivi ......DPF dizli majo koleščka ( google roller tappet(s) ) zarad drugačnega katalizatorja ne smejo met teh EP aditivov....

Zato pri avtih s štoflcih lah pride do zbrušenja štoflca.......nenatančnih ventilov....rihtanja glave (ventilov)

Načeloma ni 0 narobe.......nekateri avti majo pa s tem probleme ( podobno kot pri ventilih ko so ukinl super 98 )

Če druzga ne maš vsaj glasne ventile kljub temu da je olje na MAX
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11. mar 2010
....ampak tega(da olje ni priporoæljivo za...) noben proizajalec olj ne omenja v teh.spec.

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YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
The question of phosphorus and zinc.

Phosphorus (a component of ZDDP - Zinc Dialkyl-Dithio-Phosphate) is the key component for valve train protection in an engine and 1600ppm (parts per million) used to be the standard for phosphorus in engine oil. In 1996 the EPA forced that to be dropped to 800ppm and then more recently (2004?) to 400ppm - a quarter of the original spec. Valvetrains and their components are not especially cheap to replace and this drop in phosphorus content has been a problem for many engines (especially those with flat-tappet type cams). So why was the level dropped? Money. Next to lead, it's the second most destructive substance to shove through a catalytic converter. The US government mandated a 150,000 mile liftime on catalytic converters and the quickest way to do that was to drop phosphorous levels and bugger the valvetrain problem. Literally.......

......In the US, Mobil 1 originally came out with the 0W40 as a 'European Formula' as it was always above 1000 ppm. This initially got them out of the 1996 800ppm jam and knowledgeable consumers sought it out for obvious reasons. Their 15W50 has also maintained a very high level of phosphorus and all of the extended life Mobil synthetics now have at least 1000ppm. How do they get away with this? They're not classified as energy/fuel conserving oils and thus do not interfere with the precious government CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) ratings. (See my section on the EPA and fuel economy in the Fuel and Engine Bible for more info on this). This also means that they don't get the coveted ratings of other oils but they do protect your valvetrain. The same rule of thumb is true for racing oils like Royal Purple - because they're not classified as energy / fuel conserving, it would seem they still contain good quantities of ZDDP.
In fact, as a general rule-of-thumb, staying away from XX-30 oils and going to 10W-40 or higher might be the way to go if you have an older engine. 10W-40 and above is generally also not considered to be 'gas saving' and like the Mobil example above, doesn't mess with the CAFE rating.

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Sej ATF za avtomatske menjalnike so tud vse za največx to ni res

Flat VS Roller

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11. mar 2010
...te zadeve sem že bral in bolj ko sem bral iz različnih virov manj mi je blo jasno, navskrižnih informacij kolkor hočeš.

npr.zgornja tema je stara 6+ let , verjento se je v 6 leteih tudi pri oljih še kaj dodatno spremnilo, poleg tega kolikor vem imajo v ameriki drugačna olja in čisto drugačne intervale menjave olj,.....v tabeli ki, ki je zgoraj prilepljena je primerjav aolj po API-ju z nekimi speialnimi RAcing olji , kar ne vem koliko je smielno saj olja očitno niso namenjena za iste namene.

...ali pa je potem sploh za verjeti proizvajalcem olj katero olje priporočijajo(www aplikacije) za posamezen avto,....npr. 1 taka aplkacija mi za moj relativno star avto priporoča kot najboljšo izbiro olje ,ki ima DPF spec. , avto pa je bencinar, l. 2002;


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Prepovedana sicer niso......tud na Toyoti je bil isti sod za navadne motorje in za tiste z DPF kar se mi zdi mim

ACEA združenje samo opozarja... :‎

Stran 5

C : Catalyst compatibility oils

Warning: these oils have the lowest SAPS limits and are unsuitable for use in some engines. Consult owner manual or
handbook if in doubt.
SAPS : Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus, Sulphur

Meni je to zadost


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Uporabnik corsol pravi:
,.....v tabeli ki, ki je zgoraj prilepljena je primerjav aolj po API-ju z nekimi speialnimi RAcing olji , kar ne vem koliko je smielno saj olja očitno niso namenjena za iste namene.

Primerjava je zgolj zaradi tega da vidiš vsebnosti Zn in P v kot referenca amerosom kaj se uporablja lahko za supstitut (dirkalna društva)....kot vidiš tekmovalna olja nimajo ACEA oznak ( SJ, SL, SN....ta certifikat tudi stane zato ga razne no name znamke nimajo)...logično ker niso certificirana za vsakdanjo uporabo.

SIcer pa preveč teh aditivov za vsakdanjo uporabo ni dobro....ker se ti pri zgorevanju ( malo olja vedno zgori) začnejo preveč nalagat kot saje v zgorevalni komori...ventilih...zato tekmovalna olja niso ok za vsak dan


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008

The cost for running a test program for a single passenger car motor oil formulation is from $125,000 to $300,000, depending on if the formula passes the tests the first time through or requires multiple test runs or formula modifications to achieve a passing average. (That amount goes to $275,000 to $500,000 for a Heavy Duty Diesel licensing program on a specific formula.) Once that testing is complete and the formula has passed all of the minimum requirements, it can be licensed for $825 per year for non-members and $625 per year for members. There is also a small royalty fee per gallon sold for all gallons over one million. The length of time between new specifications is now approximately 2 to 3 years, which does not allow a great deal of time to recover testing costs.

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Za tole na kantici:

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YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Za eurolube sm poleg castrola mogoce se slisal...ostala so pa...? Garazna pakiranja?

Zanimivo castrol ni top of the top...
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