Mal poglej na flight radar, kar dobro še letijo imajo sodobno floto, sicer pa tokrat ni ista znamka, le iz iste države prihaja.
Ti si en trot.Citat:
Uporabnik Matey pravi:
Z Malasian airlines je bolj kot ne konec, če mene vprašate.... že po drugem incidentu so zabeležili ogrooomen upad prometa, zdaj po tem tretjem pa pomoje sploh nihče več ne bo letel z njimi. Da se sploh ne omenja, da se še vedno ne ve kaj je bilo s prvim njihovim letalom....
Kar pomeni da imajo z Malaysia Airlines toliko skupnega kot s Slo Adria A, česar pa butasti rtvslo novinarji ne vedo.Citat:
An AirAsia Indonesia airliner flying from Indonesia to Singapore with 162 people on board has gone missing.
Ob tem pa - naj počivajo v miru !Citat:
Letalo je letelo pod indonezijsko družbo Air Asia Indonesia, ki je v 49-odstotni lasti malezijskega nizkocenovnega letalskega prevoznika AirAsia s sedežem v Kuala Lumpurju. Ta ima v Aziji več podružnic, med drugim še na Tajskem, Filipinih in v Indiji. Ena največjih nizkocenovnih družb na svetu do zdaj še ni imela večje letalske nesreče .
Uporabnik bero1 pravi:
To letalo je bilo od Air Asia.
Uporabnik VanZ pravi:
Tip in starost letala imata pri današnjih nesrečah bolj malo vpliva. Še vedno je najpogostejši vzrok sama kultura varnosti, šolanja in operativnih postopkov, kjer se družbe med seboj lahko precej razlikujejo.
Sam opravljam spremljanje in analizo trendov odstopanj od normativov v letalski družbi (preko poročil posadk in sprotnega t.i. flight data monitoringa) in vidim, kako se lahko praktično vnaprej prepreči, da bi se posadka zaradi lastnih odločitev znašla v kritični situaciji.
The stunning 23 minutes of footage, watched by News Corp Australia, was found being passed around rebels in Donetsk before a copy was smuggled out of the rebel-held east Ukraine region and passed to investigators.
On the video, the Boeing aircraft is seen still in flames with the person recording the scene on his smart phone filming his colleagues in a state of excitement over the shooting down of what they apparently thought was a Ukraine airforce Antonov transporter plane.
The mood of the militia quickly changes to a more sombre tone when the enormity of the incident is apparent although in several scenes in the shaky footage one rebel can be seen wearing the ID card of a flight crew member, as he moved to rummage from luggage bag to luggage bag.
The footage, from which a transcript has been produced, contradicts claims by the Russian-backed rebels that the scene was treated with dignity and bags were not ransacked. It also raises doubts over their claims they had no idea what had occurred but suspected the whole scene to have been a Ukraine plot to bring Western Allies into the then largely civil conflict.
Either by accident or design only a few faces of those at the scene can be seen in the footage but at least one has been identified as a senior figure of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic militia.
The revelation though came as the Dutch Safety Board, leading the air crash side of the investigation looking specifically into the cause and contributing factors of the crash, yesterday confirmed it had concluded a critical phase of their probe.
Meeting at Gilze-Rijen Airbase in the Brabant region of Holland near the Belgian border where parts of the wreckage were taken by road from Ukraine, the investigators had been attempting a partial reconstruction of the fuselage.
This was to establish the type of impact although an earlier report into the incident concluded MH17 was struck by multiple strikes from “high energy from outside the aircraft”, suspected of being a ground-to-air missile.
“In the past week they conducted several investigations on the wreckage, including the fractures, the failure mechanisms and the impact patterns,” a spokesman confirmed. “This meeting is part of the procedures prescribed by the ICAO provisions on international aircraft accident and incident investigation.”
The spokesman said next of kin could see first-hand the recovered wreckage on a date in early March. He revealed the team, involving members from Ukraine, the Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, the US, UK and the Russian Federation were also planning to create a three-dimensional reconstruction of the aircraft soon.
khm,... leta 2015 smo, concorde je imel samo eno nesreco in se to leta 2000. To je pa petnajst let nazaj (!). Kako hitro bezi cas.Citat:
Uporabnik VanZ pravi:
vendar so nekateri podatki dokaj čudni - npr. Air France je v obdobju manj kot desetih let izgubil tri velika letala, A340, Concorda in A330.
Tudi v Adrii so imeli v začetku osemdesetih čudno obdobje s precej nezgodami in eno katastrofo, zadnjih trideset let pa je njihova varnost praktično popolna.
Statistike so lahko v tem primeru dokaj varljive, ker se da iz konteksta vzeti marsikateri podatek.
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Nazaj na MH17...
The stunning 23 minutes of footage, watched by News Corp Australia, was found being passed around rebels in Donetsk before a copy was smuggled out of the rebel-held east Ukraine region and passed to investigators.
On the video, the Boeing aircraft is seen still in flames with the person recording the scene on his smart phone filming his colleagues in a state of excitement over the shooting down of what they apparently thought was a Ukraine airforce Antonov transporter plane.
The mood of the militia quickly changes to a more sombre tone when the enormity of the incident is apparent although in several scenes in the shaky footage one rebel can be seen wearing the ID card of a flight crew member, as he moved to rummage from luggage bag to luggage bag.
The footage, from which a transcript has been produced, contradicts claims by the Russian-backed rebels that the scene was treated with dignity and bags were not ransacked. It also raises doubts over their claims they had no idea what had occurred but suspected the whole scene to have been a Ukraine plot to bring Western Allies into the then largely civil conflict.
Either by accident or design only a few faces of those at the scene can be seen in the footage but at least one has been identified as a senior figure of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic militia.
The revelation though came as the Dutch Safety Board, leading the air crash side of the investigation looking specifically into the cause and contributing factors of the crash, yesterday confirmed it had concluded a critical phase of their probe.
Meeting at Gilze-Rijen Airbase in the Brabant region of Holland near the Belgian border where parts of the wreckage were taken by road from Ukraine, the investigators had been attempting a partial reconstruction of the fuselage.
This was to establish the type of impact although an earlier report into the incident concluded MH17 was struck by multiple strikes from “high energy from outside the aircraft”, suspected of being a ground-to-air missile.
“In the past week they conducted several investigations on the wreckage, including the fractures, the failure mechanisms and the impact patterns,” a spokesman confirmed. “This meeting is part of the procedures prescribed by the ICAO provisions on international aircraft accident and incident investigation.”
The spokesman said next of kin could see first-hand the recovered wreckage on a date in early March. He revealed the team, involving members from Ukraine, the Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, the US, UK and the Russian Federation were also planning to create a three-dimensional reconstruction of the aircraft soon.
Humble pie, oh, humble pie![]()
Mimogrede, po tem, ko se je izkazalo, kakšno letalo to je, so z razbitinami in ostanki delali tako, kot je to potrebno.