Lahko jo opravljajo samo nuklearni fiziki, pa bo še vedno šlo samo za prodajanje vode in sladkornih tablet.
Seveda, vedo kje je večji zaslužekCitat:
Uporabnik bizi pravi:
In nekateri so se. To pa ne spremeni dejstva, da so zdravniki.
Conium maculatum C30, 10g kroglice
CONIUM MACULATUM – homeopatsko zdravilo, se uporablja pri:
-vrtoglavici (povezani s premikanjem glave),
-inkontinenci pri moških, pri povečani prostati.
Yet another illustration: 1 ml of a solution which has gone through a 30C dilution is mathematically equivalent to 1 ml diluted into 1054 m3 - a cube of water measuring 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1018) metres per side, which is about 106 light years. When spherical, then it would be a ball of 131.1 light years in diameter. Thus, homeopathic remedies of standard potencies contain, almost certainly, only water (or alcohol, as well as sugar and other nontherapeutic ingredients).