Lepote multikulturnosti 4


6. sep 2007
Kulturno bogatenje Nemčije - tudi tokrat s strani sirskega migranta - se nadaljuje:

Berlin police arrest man after knife attack injures 2​

Two people were wounded in a knife attack in western Berlin, police in Germany's capital said Tuesday. The New Year's Eve stabbing took place in the western district of Charlottenburg, a police spokeswoman said.
Several people intervened after the suspect began stabbing people in the German capital's Charlottenburg neighborhood, a Berlin newspaper said. A Syrian national who lives in Sweden was arrested.
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6. sep 2007

In Switzerland, New Year brings ‘burqa ban’

Switzerland's controversial "burqa ban" along with new laws to combat child marriages is coming into force on January 1, 2025.

Swiss ‘burqa ban’ kicks in

A Swiss ban on facial coverings in public places, widely known as the “burqa’ ban”, will take effect on January 1. Violations can be punished with a fine of up to CHF1,000 (about $1,143). The “anti-burqa” initiative was approved by 51.2% of Swiss voters in March 2021. Exceptions to the law will include face coverings for reasons of security, weather or health. They would also be allowed on artistic and entertainment grounds and for advertising.

Measures to combat child marriages

From January 1, Swiss laws will be more effective in combating child marriages. Marriages abroad involving minors will no longer be recognised if at least one of the spouses was a Swiss resident at the time of the marriage. Child marriages can now be annulled at the request of authorities or the affected party up until the person’s 25th birthday. Previously, this was only possible until they turned 18. The change in the law aims to prevent so-called “vacation marriages”, child marriages that take place when families travel to another country where the legal age for marriage may be lower or laws regarding marriage are less strict. Additionally, marriages will not be recognised in Switzerland unless both spouses have reached their 16th birthday. According to Anu Sivaganesan, a lawyer and human rights activist, the number of minors in Switzerland being forced into marriage has increased over the past eight years.



6. sep 2007

Število žrtev v New Orleansu naraslo na 15 ljudi. Storilec naj ne bi deloval sam.​

Napad se je v zgodnjih jutranjih urah zgodil na eni od osrednjih ulic, kjer so številni praznovali vstop v novo leto. Moški je s poltovornjakom z veliko hitrostjo zapeljal v množico ljudi, pri čemer jih je 15 ubil, še 35 pa ranil. V obstreljevanju s policijo je bil nato ubit.
Policija je napadalca identificirala kot 42-letnega Shamsuda-Din Jabbarja, vojnega veterana, ki je v vojski od leta 2007 do 2015 delal kot strokovnjak za informacijsko tehnologijo. Med letoma 2009 in 2010 je eno leto služboval v Afganistanu. Nazadnje je pred leti v Houstonu delal kot nepremičninski agent.
V njegovem vozilu so našli zastavo skrajne skupine Islamska država (IS) ter dve doma narejeni bombi. Policija napad preiskuje kot dejanje terorizma. Obenem išče morebitne sostorilce, saj menijo, da Jabbar za dejanje "ni bil odgovoren zgolj sam". FBI izvaja preiskave tako v Louisiani kot drugih zveznih državah.


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
blizu močvirne prestolnice
Ferdo pravi da se to ne dogaja več. Da so bili zadosti kaznovani, da je vseeno če se posiljuje otroke. Če koga sovražim pa sovražim vse pedofile. In ja nikoli nisem zagovarjal pedofilstva ki se je dogajalo oziroma se dogaja celo v RKC. Za mene so vsi pedofili gnide ki bi morali viseti na gaugah ne pa iskati izgovore kot jih ferdo