Lepote multikulturnosti 4


21. sep 2023
Kako nestrpno od kontrolorja, da od ubogega migran... *khm*...begunca zahteva vozovnico! Kaj ne ve, da v njihovi kulturi oz. družbi te stvari potekajo drugače? Mar bi bil tiho in/ali nastavil še drugo lice ter upravičeno pokasiral še kakšno batino.

Ustrezen primeren ukrep? Dober humorni vložek, ni kaj.
Kaj pa je ustrezen ukrep, če en stavek prej piše, da so ga spustili? Je dobil pisni opomin?
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6. sep 2007
Kaj pa je ustrezen ukrep, če en stavek prej piše, da so ga spustili? Je dobil pisni opomin?
Ja sej zato pa pravim, da gre za humorni vložek saj se definitivno ni sprovedlo (dejansko) ustrezenega ukrepa kar bi v praksi pomenilo povečanje osebne varnosti državljanov. Verjetno je pa bilo vse speljano zakonodaji primerno tako da se ta ustreznost ukrepa pomoje nanaša na skladnost z zakonodajo in ne na izboljšanje varnosti oz. preprečitev podobnih dejanj tega primitivca v prihodnosti,


6. sep 2007
Medkulturno bogatenje se nadaljuje, tokrat v Rotterdamu na Nizozemskem:

Rotterdam Stabbing: Attacker Shouting 'Allahu Akbar' Randomly Stabs Victims Near Erasmus Bridge​

AMSTERDAM, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Dutch prosecutors on Friday said a knife-wielding assailant who allegedly stabbed and killed a man and wounded another in Rotterdam on Thursday night may have had a terrorist motive. The 22-year-old man stabbed his first victim in a parking garage beneath Rotterdam's Erasmus Bridge before moving to street level, where he fatally attacked another person, local media reported. He was subsequently overpowered by bystanders and police and taken into custody.
Prosecutors said he had been charged with murder and attempted murder with a terrorist motive. "Initial investigation shows the suspect was possibly driven by ideology," the prosecutors said in a statement, as they said the man had shouted "Allahu Akbar", which means "God is Greater" in Arabic, several times during the attack. The victim who was killed was a 32-year-old man from Rotterdam, while the one who was wounded was a 33-year-old man from Switzerland, the prosecutors said.



6. sep 2007
Rotterdamskega islamskega terorista je tokrat onesposobil kar osebni trener, vsa čast tipu:

"I saw that a man was stabbing a young guest with two long knives," says the sports instructor. "I eventually managed to take them away." "I first went to see if my customer was safe, then I ran with a stick which I use for exercising towards him. I broke that so I had two. I started running and started screaming. Everyone saw him and went inside. People on terraces held him off with chairs," he says. "Then he came down and then I had him. I can laugh now, but it was scary"

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