Pri nas bi šlo 400 000 ljudi na ulice...
Centrist government put forward a bill which reduced access to welfare benefits for foreigners, toughened rules for foreign students, introduced migration quotas, made it harder for the children of non-nationals born in France to become French, and ruled that dual nationals sentenced for serious crimes against the police could lose French citizenship. A key part of the bill was that some social security benefits for foreigners should be conditional on having spent five years in France, or 30 months for those with jobs.
kaj bi naša faila na to porekal..poslušal izjavo županje pri poročilih..ženska zna poštimat zadevePri sosedih pa tako....
V Tržiču je završalo: zbralo se je več tisoč muslimanov, ki so povedali svoje (VIDEO)
Protestirali so proti odločitvi županje Anne Cisint o zaprtju dveh islamskih kulturnih središč
No no, Nika in Jenul imata za seboj bazo ampak tako velike pa spet ne.Pri nas bi šlo 400 000 ljudi na ulice...